The crash looks set to go ahead - very interesting and how far and for how long will it continue. I hope all my buddies are ok in their jobs even though I am pleased it is happening. What will happen to Joe Average in the USA? One can only speculate. Mass unemployment, riots and of course, property damage. I see the Pres of Iran gave a scathing speech at the UN the other day. Of course, us white monkeys here in Thailand are a luxury item too and may not survive. I might have to become a farmer and pick coffee beans on Oi's family farm - doesn't sound so bad.
The ripple effect will probably come quite fast, I imagine, but its extent is a real unknown. It is a time for real change? Is it a time to start listening to JZ? Will it take everyone down or will counties like China come forging ahead. Whatever, its heads down time and tighten your belts.
Sickness? It's nearly dead. I woke up this morning and no mucus cough up session. It's still in my nose but it is off my chest and overall lessened in its strength. It's been just over a week since it started and I just hope it is gone. I will have to tell the bosses that kindergarten kids are out for me next year if I am going to be constantly sick, but I don't know if they have another place for me - a shame they seem unable to secure more contracts.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
War Rages On.
The fight against the mucus is in full swing. Raw garlic and ginger are stinging the crap out of it and The echina stuff (thanks Rob) is taken in regular quantities as a big extra (and unexpected) shove. I sure hope those babies work. Salt water is injected into my nostrils every time I walk past the sink, buckets of plain water are drunk among other attack methods.
In truth, the sickness is far from dead, but Oi has observed it is not nearly as strong as a couple of months ago, and she suggested that I am forming an immunity to it. It is not that strong but it still has a firm hold and is reluctant to die. I am not without sin either, and my own failings and indulgences have fuelled it somewhat.
In truth, the sickness is far from dead, but Oi has observed it is not nearly as strong as a couple of months ago, and she suggested that I am forming an immunity to it. It is not that strong but it still has a firm hold and is reluctant to die. I am not without sin either, and my own failings and indulgences have fuelled it somewhat.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sick Again and The Greatest Assault on a Virus Ever Attempted
Monday, I had a sniff. By nightfall it was a runny nose.
Almost immediately I sprung into action;
1. Drink tons of water.
2. Salt water gargle and nose wash 3 times a day.
3. Increase Vitamin C intake to 3000 mg a day.
4. Eating raw garlic and ginger.
5. Ginger and lemon tea.
Eating raw vegetables is my latest stunt and may be of effect.
Day 3 and I think I have cut it short. The virus is having trouble taking a hold on me. The nasal flushes are washing away the watery mucus and it is having a hard time taking hold. Normally I am well sick by now, but I am holding it at bay.
Now to increase the attacking agents and send it packing.
Almost immediately I sprung into action;
1. Drink tons of water.
2. Salt water gargle and nose wash 3 times a day.
3. Increase Vitamin C intake to 3000 mg a day.
4. Eating raw garlic and ginger.
5. Ginger and lemon tea.
Eating raw vegetables is my latest stunt and may be of effect.
Day 3 and I think I have cut it short. The virus is having trouble taking a hold on me. The nasal flushes are washing away the watery mucus and it is having a hard time taking hold. Normally I am well sick by now, but I am holding it at bay.
Now to increase the attacking agents and send it packing.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Party's Over

Saturday morning and in a few hours Mum and Nick will be the last ones to depart Hat Yai for other climes.
Last night Mum and Nick came round and we all (Oi too) watched "The Sound of Music" which was a great film to watch together. We gave Mum the big studio photo album my boss gave us for our wedding. It only seemed fair. I scanned all the pictures first.

Tony and Taryn left yesterday after saying goodbye to Oi at her school. It was amazing to see Tony and he was as cheery as ever. Fantastic that he is doing so well in his life is Australia and he is soon to start a Heavy Mechanics course which should see him doing great work and earning real cash.

Rob and Mojo left the day before, heading for the old Thai capital before going back to Spain.

It was quite a time. Exhausting, non-stop action and now it's time to begin my life with Oi.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A few days later and the slow wind down to people leaving and returning to work. I have exams to write which adds to the pressure. Oi to has gone back to school after a single day off.
Me, Rob, Tony and Phit went to a waterfall after taking Joel to the airport. We had had a good breakfast at the Swan pub previously and set Joel up for his gruelling journey home.

Tony and Rob drank beer as usual. I joined them, for round two.

Phit was confused by Tony's constant barrage of innuendos.

And, of course, he never missed a chance to gawp at the local wildlife.

She was something, that one!
Me, Rob, Tony and Phit went to a waterfall after taking Joel to the airport. We had had a good breakfast at the Swan pub previously and set Joel up for his gruelling journey home.

Tony and Rob drank beer as usual. I joined them, for round two.

Phit was confused by Tony's constant barrage of innuendos.

And, of course, he never missed a chance to gawp at the local wildlife.

She was something, that one!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Wedding's over and things are starting to wind down. It has been crazy and I pulled out all the stops to be able to cope with it all. The whole thing was fantastic, and I must say Oi and her family did a massive and great job of holding the wedding. I can hardly remember the exact sequence.
Mum, Nick, Joel, Don and Tom went up in the minibus to Chum Pon last Friday. Very sadly, Matt Beck and Jenny could not make it, but I hope to see them soon.

We got to the hotel which looked like something out of the Eastern Bloc or North Korea. Oi was there with Rob and Maria (Mojo). We found some beer. Oi went home and a couple of hours later Tony appears with Taryn. We had a big bear hug and he was grinning from cheek to cheek as ever. We drank more beer and just basically buzzed at the sheer awesomeness of the occasion. It was quite something. Eventually we got to bed. I shared a room with Joely.

Next morning, very early we got up and after brekker and the usual amount of faffing around made for Oi's farm.
Joel, mum and I went in a big black car with a police escort. The drive took about 15 minutes and I was rushed into a room where Oi was waiting (looking totally beautiful) and knelt down before four monks. They chanting starting and Oi told me when to bow and stuff like that. I was a bit concerned because the others hadn't arrived. It was just Joel and Mum with me. After about half an hour it finished and Oi went off to another room. I went outside and we were taken to a farmhouse across the road and were given coffee. We were told that we had to go again and we went out onto the road where a procession of people were waiting. Rob and the others were here and lots of Thais hold banana leaves and stuff like that.
Then the bangs and fireworks went off and this crazy music started. It felt like Jamaica or something, as we started to slowly approach the house. A little boy held my hand and everyone was laughing and having fun. As we appraoched the house I was carried forward and people held gold chains in front of me. A fat woman rushed forward with a bag of whiskey and started paying the gatekeepers. We went through about 4 of them. Then they tried to get my shoes off my feet, but I managed to hold onto them. I was led up to a door and was finally allowed in. Oi was sitting on a bed in this small room.
I sat down with her and she fed me a tray of different foods. Then I fed her. Then we came back into the main room and knelt down as we exchanged rings and I put some jewelery on her. After this, we knelt and bowed to a whole circle of people. Mum and Nicholas joined in here. We were splashed with water and handed out little leaves and things to Oi's relatives. Finally, we were allowed out and sat at a dias as people poured water on our hands. Then we were married.
We separated again and us lot went back to the hotel for a rest.
At four o'clock we were driven back to the farm for the party. Everyone sat down and started eating. Alas, I had to stand with Oi, Oi's mum and my mum and this arch of flowers and greet the arriving guest. It was quite tiring and we were there for a long time as piles of people arrived. We had our photo taken about a Ga-zillion times.Then we went around every table waiing and thanking the guests. At last, I could sit down and eat. There was a great Mussaman curry which I love.
Later we were dragged up on stage and Phit did a Q&A thing and I answered questions in Thai. Oi said this was great so the people could understand I was not some flake stealing some Thai pussy as some are led to believe. Everyone cheered when I spoke Thai. Nicholas said something funny and Mum cried. Oi's mum (who is also quite a beauty) was also very emotional and spoke little.
I was supposed to stay the night but the music was so loud and I was dead. Oi came with me back to the hotel. It was important that we spend the first night together. It was lovely to be in a quiet air-con room and on our own.
The next day, it was time to leave.
We stopped off at the farm to say goodbye. Oi's mum gave me back the 100,000 Baht I had given her the day before as part of the dowry. I gave it to Oi as Mum had given it to me. Oi gave some to her aunt's and brothers. All of them started crying. It was a very humbling experience. These people had very little and refused every offer. Then when Oi asked them to accept they broke into tears. I think all us Whiteys felt something then.
We hit the road for the long trip back to Hat Yai.
Mum, Nick, Joel, Don and Tom went up in the minibus to Chum Pon last Friday. Very sadly, Matt Beck and Jenny could not make it, but I hope to see them soon.

We got to the hotel which looked like something out of the Eastern Bloc or North Korea. Oi was there with Rob and Maria (Mojo). We found some beer. Oi went home and a couple of hours later Tony appears with Taryn. We had a big bear hug and he was grinning from cheek to cheek as ever. We drank more beer and just basically buzzed at the sheer awesomeness of the occasion. It was quite something. Eventually we got to bed. I shared a room with Joely.

Next morning, very early we got up and after brekker and the usual amount of faffing around made for Oi's farm.
Joel, mum and I went in a big black car with a police escort. The drive took about 15 minutes and I was rushed into a room where Oi was waiting (looking totally beautiful) and knelt down before four monks. They chanting starting and Oi told me when to bow and stuff like that. I was a bit concerned because the others hadn't arrived. It was just Joel and Mum with me. After about half an hour it finished and Oi went off to another room. I went outside and we were taken to a farmhouse across the road and were given coffee. We were told that we had to go again and we went out onto the road where a procession of people were waiting. Rob and the others were here and lots of Thais hold banana leaves and stuff like that.
Then the bangs and fireworks went off and this crazy music started. It felt like Jamaica or something, as we started to slowly approach the house. A little boy held my hand and everyone was laughing and having fun. As we appraoched the house I was carried forward and people held gold chains in front of me. A fat woman rushed forward with a bag of whiskey and started paying the gatekeepers. We went through about 4 of them. Then they tried to get my shoes off my feet, but I managed to hold onto them. I was led up to a door and was finally allowed in. Oi was sitting on a bed in this small room.
I sat down with her and she fed me a tray of different foods. Then I fed her. Then we came back into the main room and knelt down as we exchanged rings and I put some jewelery on her. After this, we knelt and bowed to a whole circle of people. Mum and Nicholas joined in here. We were splashed with water and handed out little leaves and things to Oi's relatives. Finally, we were allowed out and sat at a dias as people poured water on our hands. Then we were married.
We separated again and us lot went back to the hotel for a rest.
At four o'clock we were driven back to the farm for the party. Everyone sat down and started eating. Alas, I had to stand with Oi, Oi's mum and my mum and this arch of flowers and greet the arriving guest. It was quite tiring and we were there for a long time as piles of people arrived. We had our photo taken about a Ga-zillion times.Then we went around every table waiing and thanking the guests. At last, I could sit down and eat. There was a great Mussaman curry which I love.
Later we were dragged up on stage and Phit did a Q&A thing and I answered questions in Thai. Oi said this was great so the people could understand I was not some flake stealing some Thai pussy as some are led to believe. Everyone cheered when I spoke Thai. Nicholas said something funny and Mum cried. Oi's mum (who is also quite a beauty) was also very emotional and spoke little.
I was supposed to stay the night but the music was so loud and I was dead. Oi came with me back to the hotel. It was important that we spend the first night together. It was lovely to be in a quiet air-con room and on our own.
The next day, it was time to leave.
We stopped off at the farm to say goodbye. Oi's mum gave me back the 100,000 Baht I had given her the day before as part of the dowry. I gave it to Oi as Mum had given it to me. Oi gave some to her aunt's and brothers. All of them started crying. It was a very humbling experience. These people had very little and refused every offer. Then when Oi asked them to accept they broke into tears. I think all us Whiteys felt something then.
We hit the road for the long trip back to Hat Yai.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Joel Cometh

Mega Uber-General Joel has arrived in Hat Yai.
Things are moving fast. Mum and Nick are here already and we have had a good time slowly preparing for the big day.
Oi went home a couple of days ago to get things ready at her mum's house.
Phit has been super and has been taking mum (The Queen) on numerous shopping trips in a valiant effort, though futile, to exhaust her.
On Monday night we all went out for din-dins at Karn's restaurant. Karn being a former student of mine as pal of Phit. Don, Tom, Lee, Phit, Gee, Patrick all came out and it was a fun time.
Today, I think Matt Beck and his wife, Jenny are arriving and then tomorrow we must endure the arduous journey to Chum Pon. There we will meet Rob and Tony.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I just purchased a blender after reading about a woman who got herself well on carrots, apples and ginger. Indeed, my recent skirmishes with ginger have resulted in much respect for this root vegetable. One can feel it killing all germs in its path. I accidentally put too much ginger in, along with carrots and apples, and I nearly retched - but in a good way. You can feel it burning through you. Anyway, I made another with just a couple of small slices and heaps of apples and carrots. And you can still feel in burning the insides of your eyes. Whatever, I am hoping to have this surge of energy later on, if I'm not too stoned to feel it.
I also picked up a 2001 bottle of wine last night. I mighty rare vintage in these parts. And Holy Fuck was it nice! smooth! Didn't take the roof off your mouth like the ones that cost less than 450B a bottle do, I can tell you.
Right now I am playing mindless flash games and am enjoying it. Tech has come a long way and now the old style shoot games look pretty smart these days.
Mum will arrive tomorrow loaded with Dime Bars and a wood carving kit for me. Oi wanted the Dime Bars after sampling their orgasmic taste last time mum came here. I'm going to start nurturing a new hobby and carve some wooden animals, like our uncle Buzzer did. I am hoping some of the skill transferred across somehow. I know patience will play a part, and a good eye. I guess I will have to get a vice too to keep the wood still as I carve.
Classical guitar is reaching awesome spheres for me. I can sight read quite well now and am now fairly free to move about the fretboard. I have been trying to study scales and stuff, but it all seems such a mystery. I resolved to forget about trying to understand it and just get on and play the bloody thing. A technique that has borne some fruit.
I have closed down Movie Night. The pressure was just too much. Selecting movies for an international audience can be a taxing occupation. Conjuring the popcorn, remembering to make it before the end of the film, over-indulgence and feeling like poo the next day - and it doesn't take much these days. In fact, anything other than Guinness will have a buzzing wire in the head the next day. Sensitive little fucker, am I.
I have opened Sunday Mattinee Movie. Audience of Don and Tom.
On with the show...
I also picked up a 2001 bottle of wine last night. I mighty rare vintage in these parts. And Holy Fuck was it nice! smooth! Didn't take the roof off your mouth like the ones that cost less than 450B a bottle do, I can tell you.
Right now I am playing mindless flash games and am enjoying it. Tech has come a long way and now the old style shoot games look pretty smart these days.
Mum will arrive tomorrow loaded with Dime Bars and a wood carving kit for me. Oi wanted the Dime Bars after sampling their orgasmic taste last time mum came here. I'm going to start nurturing a new hobby and carve some wooden animals, like our uncle Buzzer did. I am hoping some of the skill transferred across somehow. I know patience will play a part, and a good eye. I guess I will have to get a vice too to keep the wood still as I carve.
Classical guitar is reaching awesome spheres for me. I can sight read quite well now and am now fairly free to move about the fretboard. I have been trying to study scales and stuff, but it all seems such a mystery. I resolved to forget about trying to understand it and just get on and play the bloody thing. A technique that has borne some fruit.
I have closed down Movie Night. The pressure was just too much. Selecting movies for an international audience can be a taxing occupation. Conjuring the popcorn, remembering to make it before the end of the film, over-indulgence and feeling like poo the next day - and it doesn't take much these days. In fact, anything other than Guinness will have a buzzing wire in the head the next day. Sensitive little fucker, am I.
I have opened Sunday Mattinee Movie. Audience of Don and Tom.
On with the show...
Friday, September 5, 2008
7 Days
A week today, I shall be married.
It hasn't been so bad in the build up so far, but there is still plenty of time. Oi is handling most of it. Phit took me to get the ring and some new shoes. I have the two suits already and Oi is going home on Tuesday to get things ready. I will go up in a minibus with Mater and any buddies who want to come. A fuck of a long journey which has me peeved, but has to be done.
It will be so awesome to see my buddies; Matt Beck, Joel and Tony. It has been more than 7 years since I have seen Tony. Our last meeting on Koh Samui on my first trip to Thailand. I fear the years have not been kind. Actually, I jest, I think he is in pretty good shape.
My hook up with John Zerzan has me in a perpetual state of imminent disaster. And why I would want to get married and breed defies logic, but then I guess it is the caveman who clubs his babe and drags her off to his cave. Indeed, everytime I throw a plastic bottle cap or such like into the bin, I think, "How long will this take to decay?"
Movie to watch;
Manufactured Landscapes
Who Killed the Electric Car
HellBoy 2
Iron Man
Right now, the system strikes out at the individual struggling to survive. More and more the liberator becomes the oppressor, and Man's obsession with money blinds him from everything else.
Quote of the Week (old Arabic proverb);
"Those who know, don't say.
Those who don't know, say." don't say!
I find it kinda funny why people are still working their jobs close to the centre of the system, but then I believe in the principle that Man (in general) will not leave the helm, until the final curtain call. Deckchairs on the Titanic... Denial will thrive in these final days. These lumbering governments are useless against the force of the machine.
Animals are all ready so nearly gone. Whole populations have been desimated in a single year, and every day one can read about some massive disaster for our furry friends. Indeed, the animal kingdom is collapsing. Soon we will be alone.
It hasn't been so bad in the build up so far, but there is still plenty of time. Oi is handling most of it. Phit took me to get the ring and some new shoes. I have the two suits already and Oi is going home on Tuesday to get things ready. I will go up in a minibus with Mater and any buddies who want to come. A fuck of a long journey which has me peeved, but has to be done.
It will be so awesome to see my buddies; Matt Beck, Joel and Tony. It has been more than 7 years since I have seen Tony. Our last meeting on Koh Samui on my first trip to Thailand. I fear the years have not been kind. Actually, I jest, I think he is in pretty good shape.
My hook up with John Zerzan has me in a perpetual state of imminent disaster. And why I would want to get married and breed defies logic, but then I guess it is the caveman who clubs his babe and drags her off to his cave. Indeed, everytime I throw a plastic bottle cap or such like into the bin, I think, "How long will this take to decay?"
Movie to watch;
Manufactured Landscapes
Who Killed the Electric Car
HellBoy 2
Iron Man
Right now, the system strikes out at the individual struggling to survive. More and more the liberator becomes the oppressor, and Man's obsession with money blinds him from everything else.
Quote of the Week (old Arabic proverb);
"Those who know, don't say.
Those who don't know, say." don't say!
I find it kinda funny why people are still working their jobs close to the centre of the system, but then I believe in the principle that Man (in general) will not leave the helm, until the final curtain call. Deckchairs on the Titanic... Denial will thrive in these final days. These lumbering governments are useless against the force of the machine.
Animals are all ready so nearly gone. Whole populations have been desimated in a single year, and every day one can read about some massive disaster for our furry friends. Indeed, the animal kingdom is collapsing. Soon we will be alone.
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