Two film recommendations. Both excellent.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
PC Game Update - Summer Break
Swamped by an avalanche of awesome video games, I will summarize progress this Summer break.
Thief Deadly Shadows is probably 70% complete. After first playing and advancing to the Docks, and meeting the beckoning lady in the clifftop mansion, the wife of some sea captain, if memory serves. I remember bitterly regreting not fetching the bottle of wine from the kitchen she so becomingly requested. Anyway, shortly after that I stopped playing as I was thrown into the amazing Dragon Age Origins, which was just brilliant. Then came a brief spell on Mass Effect 2, which was too short lived. I had a re-run of Crysis and Warhead, which are incredible. I had a space of Settlers, then found the best game I have ever played; Bad Company 2. I showed it to Patrick this morning. The excellent jungle camp assault level, where you can camp out on the clifftop and pick off the security guards with your trusty sniper rifle. He liked it.
Bioshock 2 was also highly worthy. Then came Modern Warfare 2. Not too bad, but slightly linear. I do hate that thing they do where one feels channelled down a particular route. I really dig the open world scenarios.
A few days ago I got GTA Liberty City Tales. Awesome. Glad to see they have addressed the crap PC conversion. So far, I am in a biker gang. I had a great ride. I chased this rival group of bikers through the city, blowing them away with the shotgun. I chased after one guy, blasted him and turned back to get the remaining biker. Riding towards me, I blasted him as he sped blast and watched his body cartwheel through the tunnel we were in and his bike fly across the carriageway and crash into the barrier. It's a great game just riding around and blasting civilians.
Latest acquisition is Assassin's Creed 2 and it looks mighty promising. Florence or Venice like some Shakespearean Thief game. Looks like they got a decent story in the release. This game certainly has a swish or flare to it. Beautiful to look at.
The worst part is that a lot of these games are great and deserve a lot more playing time. One could really spend a year or six months just on one.
Thief Deadly Shadows is probably 70% complete. After first playing and advancing to the Docks, and meeting the beckoning lady in the clifftop mansion, the wife of some sea captain, if memory serves. I remember bitterly regreting not fetching the bottle of wine from the kitchen she so becomingly requested. Anyway, shortly after that I stopped playing as I was thrown into the amazing Dragon Age Origins, which was just brilliant. Then came a brief spell on Mass Effect 2, which was too short lived. I had a re-run of Crysis and Warhead, which are incredible. I had a space of Settlers, then found the best game I have ever played; Bad Company 2. I showed it to Patrick this morning. The excellent jungle camp assault level, where you can camp out on the clifftop and pick off the security guards with your trusty sniper rifle. He liked it.
Bioshock 2 was also highly worthy. Then came Modern Warfare 2. Not too bad, but slightly linear. I do hate that thing they do where one feels channelled down a particular route. I really dig the open world scenarios.
A few days ago I got GTA Liberty City Tales. Awesome. Glad to see they have addressed the crap PC conversion. So far, I am in a biker gang. I had a great ride. I chased this rival group of bikers through the city, blowing them away with the shotgun. I chased after one guy, blasted him and turned back to get the remaining biker. Riding towards me, I blasted him as he sped blast and watched his body cartwheel through the tunnel we were in and his bike fly across the carriageway and crash into the barrier. It's a great game just riding around and blasting civilians.
Latest acquisition is Assassin's Creed 2 and it looks mighty promising. Florence or Venice like some Shakespearean Thief game. Looks like they got a decent story in the release. This game certainly has a swish or flare to it. Beautiful to look at.
The worst part is that a lot of these games are great and deserve a lot more playing time. One could really spend a year or six months just on one.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Snacks Around the World - Wasabi Green Peas
Continuing our season of Snacks Around the World we discovered the wonderful Wasabi Green Peas from the the ever popular Nut Candy. A mindblast for the nasal regions. Crunchy and most palatable.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Steel Girder Of Death
Nearing the start of the new term and hopefully I will resume morning classes and out by noon. I am hoping to fit in my morning walk before work at 6 o'clock which will be a good tonic and means I don't have to do it when I am fully conscious.
I don't have a very healthy attitude towards working right now. Everything comes down to money...blah, blah, blah and I just don't buy into that psychology.
I have kicked beer on the head quite well this week. I went for three days with no beer, then had a couple with Don the other night. We watched Bill Bailey's Cosmic Jam which was great fun. Since then I have refrained again and have been doing some fairly serious weightlifting in the garden. Great thing with sports is that even if one is fat one can instantly feel the force pumping through ones body even after the first session. So, although I may still be a fat arse, I feel great. Eating is not so good. I still enjoy sandwiches, cookies, coffee and stuff like that which does not help. Also, strangely, roids have come back after an absence of a few years. Hopefully, it will deflate and fade away, like a dying friendship.
I am back on the BBC radio podcasts and following Science in Action, One Planet and the rest of those shows. Great listening and sure does help one to relax.
The News seems to be working its way up to another climatic situation. 2010? Will it all kick off this year? Watching all the news about the stranded tourists set me to thinking about how much people do travel. I have never liked it, planes that is, yet sometimes one is forced to board the silver bird. But to many people they are constantly hopping on planes and zipping across a continent or two, and very comfortable with it at that.
One thing I observed when I was in England last is that the folks I met, who let's face it, enjoy the finer experience life has to offer in this world, seemed far less concerned about global matters that were bothering me. I found this strange, especially living in a country which is still coming out of the dirt, like Thailand. I concluded that the population are so surrounded by gadgets, gizmo's, designer outdoor gear and great quality goods to buy in the shops, that why would you want to question it. Enjoy it! Fly to China for the weekend? Sure. New car? Sure. The choices available have gone exponential.
I can still clearly remember my dad giving me for an early birthday present a Casio LED calculator. It was the main attraction in the house for years. These days amazing stuff is being released so frequently that one is lucky even to know of its existence.
I heard some lovely reports too of folks enjoying the absence of aircraft during the volcano ash scare. The peace, the quiet, the tranquillity Hey, that's a rare thing now, and it won't take them long to start up the engines again soon.
Heard another great interview about biotechnology and how close we are to incorporating computers to our brains (for instant access to information) and tiny machines that can repair and replace damaged organs and tissues from inside our bodies, thus prolonging life to a huge extent, unless of course you get struck by a steel girder or something.
I don't have a very healthy attitude towards working right now. Everything comes down to money...blah, blah, blah and I just don't buy into that psychology.
I have kicked beer on the head quite well this week. I went for three days with no beer, then had a couple with Don the other night. We watched Bill Bailey's Cosmic Jam which was great fun. Since then I have refrained again and have been doing some fairly serious weightlifting in the garden. Great thing with sports is that even if one is fat one can instantly feel the force pumping through ones body even after the first session. So, although I may still be a fat arse, I feel great. Eating is not so good. I still enjoy sandwiches, cookies, coffee and stuff like that which does not help. Also, strangely, roids have come back after an absence of a few years. Hopefully, it will deflate and fade away, like a dying friendship.
I am back on the BBC radio podcasts and following Science in Action, One Planet and the rest of those shows. Great listening and sure does help one to relax.
The News seems to be working its way up to another climatic situation. 2010? Will it all kick off this year? Watching all the news about the stranded tourists set me to thinking about how much people do travel. I have never liked it, planes that is, yet sometimes one is forced to board the silver bird. But to many people they are constantly hopping on planes and zipping across a continent or two, and very comfortable with it at that.
One thing I observed when I was in England last is that the folks I met, who let's face it, enjoy the finer experience life has to offer in this world, seemed far less concerned about global matters that were bothering me. I found this strange, especially living in a country which is still coming out of the dirt, like Thailand. I concluded that the population are so surrounded by gadgets, gizmo's, designer outdoor gear and great quality goods to buy in the shops, that why would you want to question it. Enjoy it! Fly to China for the weekend? Sure. New car? Sure. The choices available have gone exponential.
I can still clearly remember my dad giving me for an early birthday present a Casio LED calculator. It was the main attraction in the house for years. These days amazing stuff is being released so frequently that one is lucky even to know of its existence.
I heard some lovely reports too of folks enjoying the absence of aircraft during the volcano ash scare. The peace, the quiet, the tranquillity Hey, that's a rare thing now, and it won't take them long to start up the engines again soon.
Heard another great interview about biotechnology and how close we are to incorporating computers to our brains (for instant access to information) and tiny machines that can repair and replace damaged organs and tissues from inside our bodies, thus prolonging life to a huge extent, unless of course you get struck by a steel girder or something.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday Sunday
Sunday evening and I am off to Don's house to watch a movie in an hour or so. I found a couple with Jeff Bridges in that I have not seen; Crazy Heart and Wild Bill. Both look good.
Watching the news about the Icelandic volcano and the airplane havoc that has ensued.
Grace is really becoming a little lady now and her personality is developing fast. It's wonderful to watch and I am so glad I have all this free time to spend with her and Oi.
I have been trying to lay off the beer as the fat just isn't going away. But, it is so hot and, this Archa beer that I have recently discovered, is delicious. I will do my morning walk tomorrow to compensate.
I am still constantly finding all sorts of interesting documentaries on the rapidshare forums, and I have started back on the BBC radio podcasts.
I have spent a lot of this holiday in quiet reflection of my life. It's certainly been a mixed bag, from hard, cold, poor days of working at the Army & Navy store in Guildford to days in Portsmouth and 6th form college. And a lot of my childhood in Rake.
And of what sort of a person I have been. Best not go into that one.
Watching the news about the Icelandic volcano and the airplane havoc that has ensued.
Grace is really becoming a little lady now and her personality is developing fast. It's wonderful to watch and I am so glad I have all this free time to spend with her and Oi.
I have been trying to lay off the beer as the fat just isn't going away. But, it is so hot and, this Archa beer that I have recently discovered, is delicious. I will do my morning walk tomorrow to compensate.
I am still constantly finding all sorts of interesting documentaries on the rapidshare forums, and I have started back on the BBC radio podcasts.
I have spent a lot of this holiday in quiet reflection of my life. It's certainly been a mixed bag, from hard, cold, poor days of working at the Army & Navy store in Guildford to days in Portsmouth and 6th form college. And a lot of my childhood in Rake.
And of what sort of a person I have been. Best not go into that one.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"It is mere fancy?"
Today, I stole my last load of stones from the dried river bed in the rubber plantation. It's always really nerve-racking as I do not what anyone seeing me taking the stones. As I said earlier, they are especially beautiful stones. The path really does look like something out of a fairy tale. Of course, the magic path is for little G when she can toddle down it, pulling it apart. And maybe in the future she will look back on some happy, forgotten memory of these towering plants and flowers. I hope so.
I plan to finish on Sunday evening. Tomorrow, I have to cut the remainder of the path, plant the new plants still in their pots and generally clear the place up a bit. I think on Sunday, I'll fill in the cracks between the stones and make sure they are all firmly bedded down into the thick, orange clay muck that is this garden. Yet, it can grasp a rock like a haemorrhoid around a turd. Excellent foot grip and sturdy control of shoe or barefoot, if you fancy. Then it will be finished.
Then, of course, there is the phase 2 query.
Phase 2?
Yes, and little mentioned at that. I foresee an extension of the path, across the rear of the garden, and forming a cute, little circle of fairy stones around the tree.
But, it is mere fancy?
Couldn't really happen, could it?
Or could it?
Or maybe it could.
Or could it?
I plan to finish on Sunday evening. Tomorrow, I have to cut the remainder of the path, plant the new plants still in their pots and generally clear the place up a bit. I think on Sunday, I'll fill in the cracks between the stones and make sure they are all firmly bedded down into the thick, orange clay muck that is this garden. Yet, it can grasp a rock like a haemorrhoid around a turd. Excellent foot grip and sturdy control of shoe or barefoot, if you fancy. Then it will be finished.
Then, of course, there is the phase 2 query.
Phase 2?
Yes, and little mentioned at that. I foresee an extension of the path, across the rear of the garden, and forming a cute, little circle of fairy stones around the tree.
But, it is mere fancy?
Couldn't really happen, could it?
Or could it?
Or maybe it could.
Or could it?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Jack Johnson and the Magic Pathway to my Mind
Under construction is the magic path that leads to the water garden. Every day I have to ride into the forest, park my bike and steal as many stones from the dried out river bed that I can. It feels almost like a fairy story in itself. In order to build the beautiful pathway, I must venture into the dark, foreboding forest where there is a very real danger of being spotted by some watchful farmer and steal the magic stones from the river bed. Yet, they are so smooth and round, and so deep in blue colour. They are much more beautiful than the other stones I have collected. And this makes the whole process of going to acquire them all the more soaked in trepidation and goblin spittle. It's like a flavour that you crave, and yet you know that every time you take a sip, it weakens you just one little bit more. To steal the stones. To take from the magic river bed, diminishing its own beauty. And returning home and basking in the glory of a shining new path in my own garden. Only that night, secretly tormented by the lustful desire of accumulating yet more stone and wild fancy of commissioning yard upon glorious yard of new cobbles.
Wonderful days have now been spent relaxing at home. Oi is very easy and does her thing, leaving me, on the most part, to meander about the home and garden. Trips up to the shop for more juices and ice. I have enjoyed a constant supply of orange, apple and pineapple juices mixed with water and tons of ice. Yes, those babies are very cool and Grace's Thai eyes light up when I enter the rooms swinging a big glass of orange about. She is desperate for the stuff, and I just gotta say this, it is pretty fucking delicious.
Don came over last night and we had a couple of Archa beers on the back porch. I got some new old Taj Mahall and Santana recently, so we enjoyed listening to that.
Watched this great docu on early black boxer Jack Johnson. It's called Unforgivable Blackness and it is well worth a watch.
Wonderful days have now been spent relaxing at home. Oi is very easy and does her thing, leaving me, on the most part, to meander about the home and garden. Trips up to the shop for more juices and ice. I have enjoyed a constant supply of orange, apple and pineapple juices mixed with water and tons of ice. Yes, those babies are very cool and Grace's Thai eyes light up when I enter the rooms swinging a big glass of orange about. She is desperate for the stuff, and I just gotta say this, it is pretty fucking delicious.
Don came over last night and we had a couple of Archa beers on the back porch. I got some new old Taj Mahall and Santana recently, so we enjoyed listening to that.
Watched this great docu on early black boxer Jack Johnson. It's called Unforgivable Blackness and it is well worth a watch.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Been a nice week. Mainly because Don bestowed great gifts and time has been a slow flowing river this week. I've been collecting stones in the forest and carving a stone path to the fish bowls in the garden. I am taking great care to set the rocks firmly into the ground and to position them in a pleasing manner. Tomorrow, the task must continue and I must ride my motorcycle deep into the rubber plantation on the dusty, orange road. It's such fun. Sneaking into the bushes stealing stones.
Having come to a sudden end when I completed Bad Company 2, I found myself wanting to go back to the games I rushed over this Summer. What was the first one? Thief Deadly Shadows! Of course. That's what started this onslaught of kick ass games of late. I am back in the dark, mysterious medieval realm of Garrett. A fantastic story of sunken citadels and great prophecy. I'm so glad I clicked on it. I think a fourth instalment is on the cards. We'll have to wait.
Grace is changing every day. She's quite moody lately and complains when she's not allowed to scuttle across the floor or stand up against the shelf. It's amazing. And life with Oi is fairly amazing too. We have managed to get out of the town and have a real country life which I love. My life is outdoors now. Walking through the woods at seven in the morning. Lying in the hammock. Picking weeds (great back exercise) and watering the garden.
Just watched The Thin Red Line which was, you guessed it, amazing. Gorgeous movie and Nick Nolte is just so very, very good. First class.
Slow, hazy days and long may they reign. Probably going up to Chum Pon next week as the opportunity arises. A long ride, but a farm at the end of it which would be fun for a few days. I suppose I am in the middle of my holidays now. The vague pang of having to go back to work. Oh, how horrid.
Having come to a sudden end when I completed Bad Company 2, I found myself wanting to go back to the games I rushed over this Summer. What was the first one? Thief Deadly Shadows! Of course. That's what started this onslaught of kick ass games of late. I am back in the dark, mysterious medieval realm of Garrett. A fantastic story of sunken citadels and great prophecy. I'm so glad I clicked on it. I think a fourth instalment is on the cards. We'll have to wait.
Grace is changing every day. She's quite moody lately and complains when she's not allowed to scuttle across the floor or stand up against the shelf. It's amazing. And life with Oi is fairly amazing too. We have managed to get out of the town and have a real country life which I love. My life is outdoors now. Walking through the woods at seven in the morning. Lying in the hammock. Picking weeds (great back exercise) and watering the garden.
Just watched The Thin Red Line which was, you guessed it, amazing. Gorgeous movie and Nick Nolte is just so very, very good. First class.
Slow, hazy days and long may they reign. Probably going up to Chum Pon next week as the opportunity arises. A long ride, but a farm at the end of it which would be fun for a few days. I suppose I am in the middle of my holidays now. The vague pang of having to go back to work. Oh, how horrid.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Early Morning Walk
Morning sun at the village school.
The path through the rubber plantation.
With Papa.
Local farmers stop to say hi.
On the Walk

With Mama.

My Morning Coffee?
Don came back today from Koh Phang Nang and he had a great time. Him, Tom and Lee were there. It was a shame I couldn't go, but home is the place for me right now. We have had a good time. I have kept a regular supply of orange juice, ham and mustard sandwiches, baked potatoes with cheese and beans, crisps, toffees, coffee, toast and marmalade, toasted ham and cheese sandwiches, peanuts and some beer in the hammock in the late afternoon. So, it ain't been so bad.
I have been riding down to the markets and restaurants on the main road next to the university. It's very convenient and just a right turn from the end of our road and a fairly pleasant ride fro about 5 k and you are there. Fried chicken and a variety of thai dishes await from some pretty good take-out restaurants.
I've downloaded some early Santana stuff which sounds great on the Ipod speaker, especially outside.
I've been on the woodland walk nearly every day and it is proving a great tonic. Normally, I will go at 6:30-7:30. I meet a sweet oldish couple in the plantation. It is so peaceful being under the canopy of the rubber trees. It has a lovely feel to it, sort of like being in a fairytale
and it's so quiet. Just the birds.
We are both getting a touch porky, so exercise is on the cards. Don is detoxing too, so I might well join him. Cut out beer and coffee. Yeah, right, let me do that. My morning coffee? Nay! I'll never let them take that away from me.
I have been riding down to the markets and restaurants on the main road next to the university. It's very convenient and just a right turn from the end of our road and a fairly pleasant ride fro about 5 k and you are there. Fried chicken and a variety of thai dishes await from some pretty good take-out restaurants.
I've downloaded some early Santana stuff which sounds great on the Ipod speaker, especially outside.
I've been on the woodland walk nearly every day and it is proving a great tonic. Normally, I will go at 6:30-7:30. I meet a sweet oldish couple in the plantation. It is so peaceful being under the canopy of the rubber trees. It has a lovely feel to it, sort of like being in a fairytale
and it's so quiet. Just the birds.
We are both getting a touch porky, so exercise is on the cards. Don is detoxing too, so I might well join him. Cut out beer and coffee. Yeah, right, let me do that. My morning coffee? Nay! I'll never let them take that away from me.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Video Joy
Okay, I have uploaded a bunch of vids of young Gracie to satisfy the teeming millions. I shall add more later.
Oi and I are both hooked on Travian. Yes, there is a Thai server full of Thai players. Oi said most of the players are rude and call their villages things like, Penis and Cock. My village is called Weed. Anyway, we are both engrossed and keep having to dash to our respective PC's to check who is attacking or if we have any coin to spend.
It is blistering hot and a lot of our time is spent in the playroom. I am still keen on watching all these French movies, though I still suffer from a low tolerance if the film doesn't grab me.
I have started running through the woods which is awesome and can certainly feel an immediate benefit. I was tempted though to have a couple of beers last night. I mean, it's boiling hot and I am sitting around. I am wondering why the Hell aren't I enjoying a nice cold brew. So I succumb and thoroughly enjoyed it. Just have to be careful not to overdo it and to keep up with the exercise.
I bought some soft blocks for Grace today. I just can't believe the price of toys in this country and I noticed the flipping cheese has gone up again! It seems if they see you buying something regularly then they whack the price up. If you don't buy it they get rid of it. Once more, I am weaning myself of any imported or nice food. Believe me, Thailand is not a cheap country. In fact it is turning into a damn expensive country. Yet, I think they are slitting their own throats. The greed is so easy to see and so predictable, and I am determined to outmanoeuvre them. I think in about 5 years, a bunch of folk here are in for a nasty shock. They pay through the nose for a sparkly white 4x4 plastic car. The petrol is cheaper in Malaysia. Down near the border the Thais all go across the border to fill up in rich old Malaysia, and over there they are on Western salaries.
Here are two quotes I recently heard about Thai people and they both ring true to me;
1. Thais are incredibly tolerant of each other and incredibly inconsiderate of each other.
2. A Thai will be your best friend, until he wants to kill you.
A bit of Thai bashing, I'm afraid, and I don't like to do it. Please forgive my rant and enjoy the vids.
Oi and I are both hooked on Travian. Yes, there is a Thai server full of Thai players. Oi said most of the players are rude and call their villages things like, Penis and Cock. My village is called Weed. Anyway, we are both engrossed and keep having to dash to our respective PC's to check who is attacking or if we have any coin to spend.
It is blistering hot and a lot of our time is spent in the playroom. I am still keen on watching all these French movies, though I still suffer from a low tolerance if the film doesn't grab me.
I have started running through the woods which is awesome and can certainly feel an immediate benefit. I was tempted though to have a couple of beers last night. I mean, it's boiling hot and I am sitting around. I am wondering why the Hell aren't I enjoying a nice cold brew. So I succumb and thoroughly enjoyed it. Just have to be careful not to overdo it and to keep up with the exercise.
I bought some soft blocks for Grace today. I just can't believe the price of toys in this country and I noticed the flipping cheese has gone up again! It seems if they see you buying something regularly then they whack the price up. If you don't buy it they get rid of it. Once more, I am weaning myself of any imported or nice food. Believe me, Thailand is not a cheap country. In fact it is turning into a damn expensive country. Yet, I think they are slitting their own throats. The greed is so easy to see and so predictable, and I am determined to outmanoeuvre them. I think in about 5 years, a bunch of folk here are in for a nasty shock. They pay through the nose for a sparkly white 4x4 plastic car. The petrol is cheaper in Malaysia. Down near the border the Thais all go across the border to fill up in rich old Malaysia, and over there they are on Western salaries.
Here are two quotes I recently heard about Thai people and they both ring true to me;
1. Thais are incredibly tolerant of each other and incredibly inconsiderate of each other.
2. A Thai will be your best friend, until he wants to kill you.
A bit of Thai bashing, I'm afraid, and I don't like to do it. Please forgive my rant and enjoy the vids.
Movie Time - Grace's Sweets
I finally got around to this.
Baby movies. Here is the first (I hope)
Baby movies. Here is the first (I hope)
New Email
My old email account is closed. Hurrah!
My new email account is open. Boo! Hiss!
It is;
I expect dozens of gushy mails before the day is out.
My new email account is open. Boo! Hiss!
It is;
I expect dozens of gushy mails before the day is out.
My God. I thought I was dead.
Close your account, they said.
Your cheapie Chinese TV's are killing us, they said.
Following as instructed, I killed it.
Gone! Gone! Everything is gone.
What have I done.
Tired and bruised from battle, I withdrew from the field to wallow in self loathing once more.
...Then by lucky chance, and by a conviction that life must go on, I began the search. ANd by fluke or desperation, for it is difficult to determine which, I have found a way in. A way back through the forbidden door to the secret garden.
The Chinese rotary cookers and electric carving knifes have been returned to the factory outlet beyond the stars and the Beast is free, once more, to roam among the garden. Yes, fellow listeners. I give you life...
Close your account, they said.
Your cheapie Chinese TV's are killing us, they said.
Following as instructed, I killed it.
Gone! Gone! Everything is gone.
What have I done.
Tired and bruised from battle, I withdrew from the field to wallow in self loathing once more.
...Then by lucky chance, and by a conviction that life must go on, I began the search. ANd by fluke or desperation, for it is difficult to determine which, I have found a way in. A way back through the forbidden door to the secret garden.
The Chinese rotary cookers and electric carving knifes have been returned to the factory outlet beyond the stars and the Beast is free, once more, to roam among the garden. Yes, fellow listeners. I give you life...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Link Checker
The download surge just keeps going on. Recent acquisitions include;
Africa - The Rift Valley BBC doc
One Foot in the Grave Season 1
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (original BBC play)
It should be stated that this is brilliant listening. I am sure certainly UK readers may be familiar with it. If not, it should be sought immediately.
For those using rapidshare, I came across this great tool which saves loads of time cutting and pasting. Just select and copy all the files, hold down ctrl and open all of them to download in a very fast and easy fashion.
I give you, WGTools Linkchecker
Africa - The Rift Valley BBC doc
One Foot in the Grave Season 1
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (original BBC play)
It should be stated that this is brilliant listening. I am sure certainly UK readers may be familiar with it. If not, it should be sought immediately.
For those using rapidshare, I came across this great tool which saves loads of time cutting and pasting. Just select and copy all the files, hold down ctrl and open all of them to download in a very fast and easy fashion.
I give you, WGTools Linkchecker
Bad Email.
Apologies, my lovelies. I know my naughty hotmail address has been causing countless headaches for all my little cherubim and some young swabs have even dared to write in offering complaint and annoyance.
Well, the day has come when I shall finally attempt to do something about it. Here is my new email address, now that I can bloody well remember it;
Please refer all new complaints, compliances and occasional pleasantries, to the above address.
How to close down my old one? Haven't the foggiest, and now that all the icons have mysteriously disappeared and reappeared as a small square housing four numbers, I can't read anything. Heavens be jeepers, it would appear that all my little darlings will be driven away under a constant barrage of low-price Chinese domestic electrical appliances.
I promise, and I always keep a promise, to spend two fractions of one of your Earth days, into discovering how I can close the blighter down. Though I offer no guarantee.
Duty calls...
Well, the day has come when I shall finally attempt to do something about it. Here is my new email address, now that I can bloody well remember it;
Please refer all new complaints, compliances and occasional pleasantries, to the above address.
How to close down my old one? Haven't the foggiest, and now that all the icons have mysteriously disappeared and reappeared as a small square housing four numbers, I can't read anything. Heavens be jeepers, it would appear that all my little darlings will be driven away under a constant barrage of low-price Chinese domestic electrical appliances.
I promise, and I always keep a promise, to spend two fractions of one of your Earth days, into discovering how I can close the blighter down. Though I offer no guarantee.
Duty calls...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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