Phit told me yesterday that there is is no school until next Thursday so I am enjoying a few days of rest.
To kick off this little breathing space I asked the boys over for a special movie night. Movie night has fallen by the wayside of late. Probably because I just couldn't find anything worth showing on a regular basis, so I resolved just to put something on when there was something good enough to warrant the event. S, what was it? Well, I finally clocked my mind together and DL'd Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron. And after watching the opening credits stopped it and saved it for the boys as it rang all the right bells.
Tom, Danny and Karl came over. I bought some Vodka and I had some smelly blue cheese too. Karl is about 30 and from Chester and a runaway from the merciless machine system. I think he worked in a bank chasing people to repay their debts. He escaped and is now married to a Thai girl and has a little boy who is is crazy about. He teaches at a local college busting with 17 year old superbabes.
Tom and Danny are off to the islands and alas I cannot join them this time with fatherhood beckoning. Next time. I am planning a trip to Sumatra in October to a volcanic lake I have heard about in a bid to start doing exciting stuff again after years of nothing. I informed Oi that our daughter will be doing plenty of exploring and traveling when she is old enough. She didn't object.
Continuing the pursuit of creative thought I am trying to spend a lot of time thinking constructively and exploring and researching multiple projects. This including teaching plans, meditation, new music, general awareness, karma and some other stuff.

What really gets me is that most folk don't have time to explore these avenues because they spend all their time working. The brain remains largely unexplored and its wonders remained untapped. So sad. What a dumb way for this beast Man to restrict himself. And that most folks buy into it without question. Is that path really the reason we are here? I try to follow the creative voice in my head. Keeping active but trying to respond to the thought that enter my mind and building on those thoughts. Teaching of course is wonderfully creative and allows for much diversity. With my older kids this week I did a lesson on Murder. There is some great vocab on this subject which most foreigners are unfamilar with and allows for some grusome fun. A project I am just now formulating is a story I want them to write and present. Something about the story I saw George Lucas talking about; a hero walking down a road who meets a frog who gives him some advice and a possibly a warning of something further down the road. Then I will leave the students to continue the story. I don't want them to confer so we have multiple stories going on. I will be interested to see what they come up with.

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