Attempting to get back to more serious issues, recently viewed movies of note;
Murphy's War. This movie goes onto my Top 5 movies of all time (the only other movie to qualify for this to date is The Duellists. It's just awesome, and it's a film for engineers as the best shots focus around the biplane.
Zulu Dawn. Everyone knows it and loves it.
Blade Runner. Well worth revisiting this one if you haven't seen it for years.
Music. Well, for the baby (there I've blown it already) I have been playing African duo Amadou and Mariam, which got her excited and Last of the True Believers by Nanci Griffiths which has been well worth a revisit and sent Grace to Sleepyland.
And although I don't really like U2, I do love The Unforgettable Fire album.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Birth
So what happened? Apart from getting word from Peter.
Well, the birth was something...Man, that is something....
Don wisely advised me to be there as did Poppy, Our Man in Colombo. And thanks for the tip about staying at the head end. Yay, it was a Cesarean and when I saw the smoking blade I focused on Oi. She was a dream as always, and the Chinese lady doctors were, predictably, super and very lovely.
...and then you hear the cry as the newborn is whisked out and around the side, wrapped in swaddling clothes and a little face presented to Oi. That is a truly magical sound and feeling.
Then, just as efficiently, I was whisked away to another room.
Grace was presented in an incubator by a window that leads to the Baby Department for all to see. They all want to see a white baby here. There I took some snaps and hung about with Oi's mum.
Eventually, Oi was ready to go to her room in the hospital.
She got out of there a day early and came home. Then you see Oi's mum (I think I will call her Grandma from now on) transform into MegaMum. With skilled, agricultured hands she calmly nursed our baby with the love only a Thai can give.
Oi said she will be so sad when her mum eventually goes home. I said we can all go and live on the farm. I'm quite happy to do that.
Obviously, heroes like Gee and Phit and Pee Dtoi have all been super and everyone is very excited to see Grace. They all say she looks like me.
Grandma has been using highly developed Jedi Mind Trick on me to bond with the baby, which like a bug in a Venus Fly Trap I have happily followed. She says things like Grace will be following me everywhere when she grows up and that I can give her a calmness that others cannot. I know I must follow that path. When the Black Rabbit calls your name, you have to go. Except this is a fluffy, pink rabbit.
It will be bad when Grandma goes home. I told Oi to look and learn, though she is obviously still in much pain.
Mosquitoes have never had it so bad in our house. Death comes within seconds if you stray into view of The Dangerous J. Special soapy hands immobilise them in a perfumed lather before being washed down the plughole, to die in a lemon-scented mass of bubbles.
I remain modest and stern at the school and bow appreciately when congrates are bestowed on me by the Thai teachers.
I awoke on the first night that Grace was home with Oi and Grandma in a panic. We called an ambulance and sped off to a nearby hospital. False alarm and I relayed them back on the bike at 3 in the morning. Pee Dtoi paniked when she found out and that I had gone to school a few hours later, but it was really no trouble. Like buddy, Karl, said I am strangely elated when I have a task to do for the baby.
For once in my life I have something significant to do.
Well, the birth was something...Man, that is something....
Don wisely advised me to be there as did Poppy, Our Man in Colombo. And thanks for the tip about staying at the head end. Yay, it was a Cesarean and when I saw the smoking blade I focused on Oi. She was a dream as always, and the Chinese lady doctors were, predictably, super and very lovely.
...and then you hear the cry as the newborn is whisked out and around the side, wrapped in swaddling clothes and a little face presented to Oi. That is a truly magical sound and feeling.
Then, just as efficiently, I was whisked away to another room.
Grace was presented in an incubator by a window that leads to the Baby Department for all to see. They all want to see a white baby here. There I took some snaps and hung about with Oi's mum.
Eventually, Oi was ready to go to her room in the hospital.
She got out of there a day early and came home. Then you see Oi's mum (I think I will call her Grandma from now on) transform into MegaMum. With skilled, agricultured hands she calmly nursed our baby with the love only a Thai can give.
Oi said she will be so sad when her mum eventually goes home. I said we can all go and live on the farm. I'm quite happy to do that.
Obviously, heroes like Gee and Phit and Pee Dtoi have all been super and everyone is very excited to see Grace. They all say she looks like me.
Grandma has been using highly developed Jedi Mind Trick on me to bond with the baby, which like a bug in a Venus Fly Trap I have happily followed. She says things like Grace will be following me everywhere when she grows up and that I can give her a calmness that others cannot. I know I must follow that path. When the Black Rabbit calls your name, you have to go. Except this is a fluffy, pink rabbit.
It will be bad when Grandma goes home. I told Oi to look and learn, though she is obviously still in much pain.
Mosquitoes have never had it so bad in our house. Death comes within seconds if you stray into view of The Dangerous J. Special soapy hands immobilise them in a perfumed lather before being washed down the plughole, to die in a lemon-scented mass of bubbles.
I remain modest and stern at the school and bow appreciately when congrates are bestowed on me by the Thai teachers.
I awoke on the first night that Grace was home with Oi and Grandma in a panic. We called an ambulance and sped off to a nearby hospital. False alarm and I relayed them back on the bike at 3 in the morning. Pee Dtoi paniked when she found out and that I had gone to school a few hours later, but it was really no trouble. Like buddy, Karl, said I am strangely elated when I have a task to do for the baby.
For once in my life I have something significant to do.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Word From Peter
Finally, something we can enjoy from our man in Colombo;
I'll keep an eye out for battle field heroes.. yet to find that cafe but I know there's one close,; it advertises n that.
First before anyone give me a hard time about group mails, when was the last time you spent 45 minutes tippety tapping away?? he? well..! I was just saying.. Anyhoo to business and that is most profoundly the birth of a baby girl to Jim and Oi and...
where was that mail.. here it went.. strange start under the circumstances...
Awesome pictures. Tasteful.... mine were candid snaps right after the birth,, still covered in goo and Jen was showing breast... love my photo's but they won't make a blog anytime soon.
Grace looks perfect. Congratulations again.
Didn't know I was sounding so troubled all the time. Think the short words come from typing on the predictive texting thing on the phone.; it's the way I do most emails.. So convenient but so very fiddly.... the very opposite of a letter in some ways, except in the sense that you can pick it up , take it out of your pocket, write a little , then put it away for later. Except I don't usually so you get a rush job a lot of the time.
I know you listen to the forum podcast so you probably heard that "one minute idea to make the world better" slot where he recommended that once a year we write to everyone who means something to us.
Jenny and Ben got back on Wednesday afternoon and I was SO glad to see them. It was a shock to see Ben because even in three weeks he'd changed; stockier and toddling, A toddler. When he'd left he'd only just begun to toddle but now he's a fully paid up member of the gang. And now |Jen's back I can sleep again. And Shag of course which is vital!
So we spent a lot of time doing that and also went to the holiday Inn for a swim today. Ben loves it too. Amused him with some half arsed attempts at walking on my hands which I'm still shit at. Exercises are kicking in again though. Up to 28 pressups per minute without busting anything; taking it easy so as not to break something and lose the will; the big trap.
The great end of this workout is the Nina Simone 'Sinner Man' Jump around and clap running on the spot sesh, which Ben being a two footed lad now and quite a god clapper can now take part in laughing n all. We had a great session the other night while Mum lay passed out on the sofa. Slept through the whole thing at full volume. Plum tuckered out for one reason or another. Anyhoo the exercises are fun so hopefully will continue if I avoid the injury trap.
Work is much more of a laugh now that I'm teaching higher levels in addition to my beginner 7-8 year olds. Got great upper int 1 and Pre int 3 classes... and I'm starting to get back into setting inner grammar homework which is a sign that I'm getting back into the groove after a long time just trying to fit into a new place and system. Turns out I know a lot of the stuff that the DELTA qualifieds and studiers know, picked up from all those wise old ladies(in particular ) and Gents at MLS Bournemouth.
Colombo is still a bit of a soulless centreless shithole, to me at least.. but while J n B were away I went out for one good party , stayed up to 5am, ..And I got asked to dinner by two lots of good new friends. Jackie and Neil and Sue and Jeremy. Missed out on drinks with Phil and Frisky the wild cards of the bunch but we'll be seeing them on our Friday night the babysitter's here night off tomorrow, all being well. ; remind me to tell you about 'the three and four of clits' sometime. Funniest fucking Tarot I ever saw done.. Reckon you'd like em all a lot in their different ways. I do.
I've been watching the life on Mars series while Jen's been away. Downloaded the whole thing back in Dorset and finally watching it. Brilliant 70's cop drama with a twist. There really is a memory of the 70's strongly there in my little brain. Different days indeed; have you seen it. Highly recommended.
Luxury of the weekend now.. Thursday afternoon off and no return to work till Sunday at 1'45. Classic timetable in many ways.
I gave up smoking again on Monday night( because Jen was returning on Wed and I knew it'd be easier to start alone and contemplative). Actually Tuesday morning at 2am because I had to get a last cigarette to stop on. Went for a walk up the road and found Texas Bar and Karaoke. They wanted 500 rupees to go in, about 2 quid fifty which was steep for a single cigarette, but the bouncer gave me a fag,,wouldn't take cash.. solidarity among addicts.. so I toddled off home and chuffed on the bastard thing and didn't it hurt my lungs like all the rest and so I'm free again tra la. Just as well as twas a girly joint of that no doubt
Got through the mammoth 7.5 hour session of Tuesday, which is a good way to start back as a non smoker. Get through that and there's no point starting again any other day, Tuesday's the toughie. As usual I was just a bit vague. That's how stopping makes me feel when I'm doing it right, and I just tell people I'm vague and everyone lives with it and it's ok. Sort of detachment I guess. Anyhoo instantly want to exercise more so instant bonus. Sall good.
Really nice to have them back.
Just delighted about Grace Jim. Was it a caesarian? Oi looked laid up, or is that just the way? She looked very well anyway, and Grace looks like you too .
Jen says I have to photo shop our birth photo's so we have some we can show. I was just not thinking posterity in any clear headed way at the time, but then labour lasted 1AM WEDNESDAY TILL 6PM FRIDAY. WITH 40 hours of it pretty hard. so... i wasn't exactly David Bailey.
Tomorrow to the private beach at the Mount Lavinia Hotel probably. Nice , relaxing beautiful and ultimately cheaper and easier than going down the coast. And better for Ben till he's back in a routine sleeping and napping. Babies thrive on routine:-)
Which reminds me I spotted that little umbilical thing, Jeeze don't those things stink! My god, that's why your babies head has a special smell that makes you want to nurture it,, it's like an adddictive drug. When in doubt or nearing a point on your tether Jim, sniff that noggin. Never fails. Avoid sniffing the rotty umbilical thing! GOD I was happy when that thing finally fell off, What a Whiff!
What else , what else.....
That'll do for now..
a cc to peeps, no bitching now, you know I love you all the same!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Two Godfathers
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Jim's Jungle Bar

Here are some snaps of The Monkey Bar or The Jungle Bar.
Last night had a cracking night here with Patrick and Tom. It actually very cosy and with ample beer, Screwdrivers and Irish Whiskey we had ourselves a merry old time. We were all laughing out loud and had a hoot. We we all pretty loaded. The good tunes played, we smoked some and chilled out on the cushions among the cacti and jungle creepers.

It has a long way to go yet. I want to make it REALLY funky and have lots of strange stuff, hanging plants and curios to please the eye.

If you're in the neighbourhood, why not stop by some time.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Grace - Jeff Buckley

I should state that a recent DL is Jeff Buckley's album Grace. I don't "know" the album yet but the songs that I do know are amazing.
Yes, he is the son of the great Tim Buckley (Happy Sad, Greetings from LA) and yes he died tragically young just like his dad.
Get this Album. Grace. It is like cathedral music and will move you to the core.
Grace - Jeff Buckley
I should state that a recent DL is Jeff Buckley's album Grace. I don't "know" the album yet but the songs that I do know are amazing.
Yes, he is the son of the great Tim Buckley (Happy Sad, Greetings from LA) and yes he died tragically young just like his dad.
Get this Album. Grace. It is like cathedral music and will move you to the core.
Yes, he is the son of the great Tim Buckley (Happy Sad, Greetings from LA) and yes he died tragically young just like his dad.
Get this Album. Grace. It is like cathedral music and will move you to the core.
Still Waiting
No the baby has not arrived yet but it will definitely be very soon. The official date is 29th August but I am as confused as anyone. I mean, it was weeks ago I rushed back home, having woken up next to Tom on Patrick's kitchen floor, as Oi was saying it was happening. Still, it goes on.
Just read a really nasty article, and one of the first comments was, "I bet this doesn't get outside Thailand." The remains of a German man was found in the woods having had explosives attached to him and detonated by remote control. I tell you, Thailand is awful sometimes. People are shot all the time here. This morning, Phit told me of a Thai woman killed by being crushed in the hold of a bus. Apparently the teenage driver was racing his bus with another bus and when the passenger pressed the bell to exit the vehicle he got angry. I think she tried to go down to the exit and got squashed as he braked or swerved or something. Horrid, horrid stories. Thailand is falling apart as materialism takes hold of a very simple people. America what have you done making these people worship money, the green God.
Life for me is fairly cool. Oi is as pleasant as always and her poor mum, used to being outside on the farm all day being forced to watch high society soaps all day as she waits for the baby.
All the boys are fine and life goes on. Not many of them have plans for family like I do, but each to his own. They are happy in their own way.
As TV is out for me I have been playing Battlefield Heroes and drinking Guinness and Vodka. Actually, I just realised what a great drink vodka is. I mean, it is so versatile. I got through 1 bottle in a week (with a little help) so had to replenish today. I also went for a swim which I had halted due to a runny nose which seems to have passed.
Music - yes, though not much new. Of note is Kate Ceberano's recent efforts - sort of bluesy jazzy Aus girl. Quite sexy, quite nice. Oh and I DL some Colin Hay of Men at Work which is not bad.
Kids at school are awesome and rocketing ahead. It's scary.
Everything hunky dorey really which is so nice.
Just read a really nasty article, and one of the first comments was, "I bet this doesn't get outside Thailand." The remains of a German man was found in the woods having had explosives attached to him and detonated by remote control. I tell you, Thailand is awful sometimes. People are shot all the time here. This morning, Phit told me of a Thai woman killed by being crushed in the hold of a bus. Apparently the teenage driver was racing his bus with another bus and when the passenger pressed the bell to exit the vehicle he got angry. I think she tried to go down to the exit and got squashed as he braked or swerved or something. Horrid, horrid stories. Thailand is falling apart as materialism takes hold of a very simple people. America what have you done making these people worship money, the green God.
Life for me is fairly cool. Oi is as pleasant as always and her poor mum, used to being outside on the farm all day being forced to watch high society soaps all day as she waits for the baby.
All the boys are fine and life goes on. Not many of them have plans for family like I do, but each to his own. They are happy in their own way.
As TV is out for me I have been playing Battlefield Heroes and drinking Guinness and Vodka. Actually, I just realised what a great drink vodka is. I mean, it is so versatile. I got through 1 bottle in a week (with a little help) so had to replenish today. I also went for a swim which I had halted due to a runny nose which seems to have passed.
Music - yes, though not much new. Of note is Kate Ceberano's recent efforts - sort of bluesy jazzy Aus girl. Quite sexy, quite nice. Oh and I DL some Colin Hay of Men at Work which is not bad.
Kids at school are awesome and rocketing ahead. It's scary.
Everything hunky dorey really which is so nice.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Forum - Ant Society
For one week The Forum at Radio 4 stopped. I was devestated. To my great relief however, it has resumed and this weeks episode is awesome. There is a fantastic conversation about the structure of ant societies and the work ethic in the human world. The American prof saying that the human workplace is really falling apart as personal greed and ambition has become the dominant factor in much of the civilised world.
One profound difference they dicuss is that ants colonies use their old ants to fight their wars for them, while the younger ants do work and nursing etc. The thinking behind it is that the older ants have less long to live and are therefore less vital than the younger generation.Opposite from human society where the young are sent out to fight and die.
Anyway, if this tickles your fancy, find it.
One profound difference they dicuss is that ants colonies use their old ants to fight their wars for them, while the younger ants do work and nursing etc. The thinking behind it is that the older ants have less long to live and are therefore less vital than the younger generation.Opposite from human society where the young are sent out to fight and die.
Anyway, if this tickles your fancy, find it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Oi's mum has arrived as the beirn is about to drop. She is very humble and sweet. Being a farmer she is already feeling bored with city life and missing the fields and orchards. I can't blame her and I find myself missing the farm life too. We have tried to appease her with King Kong. I noticed she was fast asleep as I wandered passed to make a coffee. According to Oi it's the first time she has ever stopped working. Maybe one day we too can live out in the sticks, but right now I think we are staying put.
I have sort of completed work to the rear balcony. I did a full architectual job on it and there is no dead space at all. The county fair is on in a couple of days so I will go and buy some cool plants and stuff to deck it out. I have already started my cactus garden.
There are two reclining cushioned areas for bods to converse together. My hardwood skull and iron crab fiercely guarding the areas of white pebbles and drinks area. I bought some vodka and some Jameson's to open up the bar. I have a great old lamp, a hardwood low table and connection for Ipod dock for cool tunes. We also bought a wall fan to blow cool breezes upon honoured guests. Upon Oi's advice, I have cunningly rellegated all ground dwelling plants to the front of the house and installed cacti and hanging plants thus eliminating any still water for mozzies to breed. They are still about but in far fewer number, now having to fly the distance from the sewer at the bottom of the garden.
Friday and it is school sports day which means I didn't have to teach. I got up and went for a swim. Then bought lots of ice cream to put in the fridge. One private class tonight for the little ones saw me and Oi cutting out hundreds of squares, circles, rectangles and triangles in different colours for the kids to make a picture.
Oi is likely to give birth within the next few days. I am really glad her mum is here to share the terror of the event.
Work is ok. The kids are great but we have had our hours increased and it is now a daily 3.5 hour marathon of kindergarten every day which takes some energy. If you happen to skip breakfast, you are basically fucked. I am amazed at how jumping up and down is so tiring. I think I need to start skipping with a rope to get better at it. These days I can swim 40 lengths with no great hardship, but jumping on the spot really fucks me up.
Still an avid fan of the BBC podcasts and I have found some scientific lectures on other sites which are great. As Don had told me, I didn't realise how fantastic ipod's are until I actually bought one. I have been pushing the idea to Tom, who would be an ideal user, but he has so far successfully resisted purchase. Though, upon my advice, he did go to the Apple store to test the water.
PC wise I am playing the free shooter availble from EA called "Battlefield Heroes." I like it, but boy it can make you swear. Multiplayer and totally free, fast and professional.
Music - still Amadou and Mariam is the best thing I have heard in ages.
I have sort of completed work to the rear balcony. I did a full architectual job on it and there is no dead space at all. The county fair is on in a couple of days so I will go and buy some cool plants and stuff to deck it out. I have already started my cactus garden.
There are two reclining cushioned areas for bods to converse together. My hardwood skull and iron crab fiercely guarding the areas of white pebbles and drinks area. I bought some vodka and some Jameson's to open up the bar. I have a great old lamp, a hardwood low table and connection for Ipod dock for cool tunes. We also bought a wall fan to blow cool breezes upon honoured guests. Upon Oi's advice, I have cunningly rellegated all ground dwelling plants to the front of the house and installed cacti and hanging plants thus eliminating any still water for mozzies to breed. They are still about but in far fewer number, now having to fly the distance from the sewer at the bottom of the garden.
Friday and it is school sports day which means I didn't have to teach. I got up and went for a swim. Then bought lots of ice cream to put in the fridge. One private class tonight for the little ones saw me and Oi cutting out hundreds of squares, circles, rectangles and triangles in different colours for the kids to make a picture.
Oi is likely to give birth within the next few days. I am really glad her mum is here to share the terror of the event.
Work is ok. The kids are great but we have had our hours increased and it is now a daily 3.5 hour marathon of kindergarten every day which takes some energy. If you happen to skip breakfast, you are basically fucked. I am amazed at how jumping up and down is so tiring. I think I need to start skipping with a rope to get better at it. These days I can swim 40 lengths with no great hardship, but jumping on the spot really fucks me up.
Still an avid fan of the BBC podcasts and I have found some scientific lectures on other sites which are great. As Don had told me, I didn't realise how fantastic ipod's are until I actually bought one. I have been pushing the idea to Tom, who would be an ideal user, but he has so far successfully resisted purchase. Though, upon my advice, he did go to the Apple store to test the water.
PC wise I am playing the free shooter availble from EA called "Battlefield Heroes." I like it, but boy it can make you swear. Multiplayer and totally free, fast and professional.
Music - still Amadou and Mariam is the best thing I have heard in ages.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mutant Storm Update
To all challengers,
The challenge still holds for Mutant Storm. Though I should let you know that I got through the 40's Levels and can now enter the game at Level 50. Yes, I beat that deadly Level 41!
Go now, and play...
The challenge still holds for Mutant Storm. Though I should let you know that I got through the 40's Levels and can now enter the game at Level 50. Yes, I beat that deadly Level 41!
Go now, and play...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mid Week Craic kon diao
Thursday night. A busy day. Phit is sick and I was forced to teach alone. Not too bad, but when I got home I had to go to HomePro to look at stuff for my redesign of the upstairs balcony. Getting stoned has never been so useful as to coming up with a good design. It's going to be so cool and I will have a special opening with honoured guest Tom. I want to lay on Vodka, Whiskey and Gin and open on Friday, Sunday and Wednesday night to a maximum audience of three (including me) and lay on blue cheese, Nachos... the whole deal. Should be really fun. Most ofd the hobos around here live in aprtment block rooms with little or no furniture. Some have the backpack they brought with them and no more. Maybe a water heater for coffee in the morning and a TV or fridge, but that's about it.
So I was feeling a mite stressed so relieved myself with some "blacks" and a couple of joints. I was feeling so jolly after getting stoned I think Oi immediately caught on that my mood had been altered. Be it so. She's lucky.
Yes, I have been working quite hard of late. Almost enough to turn on the yellow warning. All easy stuff but I tend to get unreasonably annoyed for some reason. I think, "Don't be so dumb" and then thinking "No, this is reasonable to be annoyed." It's the heat, let's face it. Most of the time I am miles ahead of anything that is going on here. BBC Podcasts keep me very well informed on Dark Matter and origins of the universe. Great interview with Daviv Warner on The FilM Program this week.
I will take some snaps when my masterpice relaxation chamber is complete.
So I was feeling a mite stressed so relieved myself with some "blacks" and a couple of joints. I was feeling so jolly after getting stoned I think Oi immediately caught on that my mood had been altered. Be it so. She's lucky.
Yes, I have been working quite hard of late. Almost enough to turn on the yellow warning. All easy stuff but I tend to get unreasonably annoyed for some reason. I think, "Don't be so dumb" and then thinking "No, this is reasonable to be annoyed." It's the heat, let's face it. Most of the time I am miles ahead of anything that is going on here. BBC Podcasts keep me very well informed on Dark Matter and origins of the universe. Great interview with Daviv Warner on The FilM Program this week.
I will take some snaps when my masterpice relaxation chamber is complete.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Don's Birthday

I was feeling tense. Not quite sure whether to go up for a smoke or stress myself out still further playing Battlefield Heroes. Don't ask. Another anal game for an anal generation.
"It's Don's birthday today." Oi pipes up.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"He told me the other day." It transpires that it is also Oi's brother's birthday too. Thus the impressive memory recollection.
I pass her the phone. "It's ringing. Wish him Happy Birthday." She reluctantly complies with her husband's wishes.
In a sudden burst of generousity and affection for an old man I invite him over. It's Sunday afternoon and I have a movie I was saving for him. "The Razor's Edge". Don's a big fan of Bill Murray, Philip K. Dick, Hunter S. Thompson, stuff like that.
Anyway, he comes over and we watch the movie. It is awesome, and has Bill Murray going to India and climbing to the top of the world. 1984 and I'll never know how I missed it for so long.
I was glad I could contribute to the birthday of Don.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Build-Up
I must say the build-up to the birth is fairly horrible. I feel very uptight, yet I am not quite sure why. It must be a combination of different factors. I will be glad when it's all over and there is just 3 of us instead of 2 of us. Maybe this is what Peter was talking about in his jumbled up way of putting things. There is a ton of changes coming and things are going to get busier. Bah! I am hoping Oi is going to transform into Supermum very soon. I have stated to all and sundry that I am ok as long as I have some space. I think this message has been passed on to most of the residents of Hat Yai. Oi told me that Gee's husband Lek wishes she was scared of him the way she is scared of me! I am aware that there is a great backdrop of undercover work that goes on dedicated to keeping Jim happy. People fear an outburst like a mighty and dormant volcano. Strange, as I never really think I have lost it over here with anyone. Shown a bit of backbone occassionally, but nothing really savage. I guess that is just good tactics - indicating that things could be terrible without ever actually demonstrating it. Oh wait, I think I just recited Ol' W's tactics.
So, I am trying to distract myself with Ipod, painting the rear balcony, games and music as the great countdown ticks away in the ever present background like an atomic clock.
Yesterday I was feeling really tired and ticked off before my last private class of the week. I was quite stressed and the kids are sweet, but pretty wild and loud. I really wasn't looking forward to it. I warned Oi and Gee. Anyway, the lesson starts and we are all there in the classroom and the headache goes and I start feeling good. From the very thing I was dreading. Bizarrah!
So it's Saturday now and I have a chance to wind down and take some time out, which I am enjoying.
...I am thinking of using some Aztec art for the rear balcony. I remember old buddy Marcus Rutland's brother had made a clay Aztec bird years ago. I thought I'd like to do the same. Clay might be fun. I like aztec colours too.
So, I am trying to distract myself with Ipod, painting the rear balcony, games and music as the great countdown ticks away in the ever present background like an atomic clock.
Yesterday I was feeling really tired and ticked off before my last private class of the week. I was quite stressed and the kids are sweet, but pretty wild and loud. I really wasn't looking forward to it. I warned Oi and Gee. Anyway, the lesson starts and we are all there in the classroom and the headache goes and I start feeling good. From the very thing I was dreading. Bizarrah!
So it's Saturday now and I have a chance to wind down and take some time out, which I am enjoying.
...I am thinking of using some Aztec art for the rear balcony. I remember old buddy Marcus Rutland's brother had made a clay Aztec bird years ago. I thought I'd like to do the same. Clay might be fun. I like aztec colours too.
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