I was feeling tense. Not quite sure whether to go up for a smoke or stress myself out still further playing Battlefield Heroes. Don't ask. Another anal game for an anal generation.
"It's Don's birthday today." Oi pipes up.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"He told me the other day." It transpires that it is also Oi's brother's birthday too. Thus the impressive memory recollection.
I pass her the phone. "It's ringing. Wish him Happy Birthday." She reluctantly complies with her husband's wishes.
In a sudden burst of generousity and affection for an old man I invite him over. It's Sunday afternoon and I have a movie I was saving for him. "The Razor's Edge". Don's a big fan of Bill Murray, Philip K. Dick, Hunter S. Thompson, stuff like that.
Anyway, he comes over and we watch the movie. It is awesome, and has Bill Murray going to India and climbing to the top of the world. 1984 and I'll never know how I missed it for so long.
I was glad I could contribute to the birthday of Don.
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