Lazy days and learning, evr learning to relax.
We go to do a doubl;e check on a house on Monday. It has a great garden and could be fantastic, but it requires quite a lot of work. It's only 6,000B a month too and it's out of town. We shall see.
Two movies yesterday both of incredible brilliance; "The Hurt Locker" about a bomb squad in Iraq and "Topsy Turvy" about Gilbert and Sullivan (Mike Leigh). Joel, I don't know why, but you reminded me of Jim Broadbent in this role. It think you would love this - particularly the arguements between him and Sullivan. He's a writer - I just think if you haven't seen it you would.

Grace is developing rapidly. She loves music and dancing around the room. It's nice to finally meet someone who enjoys these things too. She can also now attempt to talk. Normally, as she wakes up one can say, "Hello!" repeatedly in varying intonations and she will reply in a kind of talk; a softer tone than the usual crying and with intonations. She has been very good and my problem solving brain can quickly identify what to do if she starts blubbing. The main thing she requirings, of course, is stimulation, and I am quick to provide it to fast track her brain growth.
Oi is suitably pleased to with my interest in Grace stating that most men don't want to be involved with their babies. Oh dear. I'm just glad I have a good break from school to spend with her and Oi. It has been sweet, if inside. Still, we might be moving to the country next week.
Call of Juarez put to bed I have moved on to Batman. Other than this I am DL Taxi and Porridge. I am also back to trying to get through Anna Karenin which is awesome, but Oh so long. And I heard a prof on one of these lectures I listen to refer to it, which drew me back.
Just this morning I have been watching some episodes of People and Power on Aljazeera. Amazing show but shows the horribleness of many people - Human trafficing in Singapore and Malaysia. Folks in Bangladesh borrowing money from loan sharks, paying an agent for supposed work in Singapore and Malay, they go, no job, money gone, no way back home. I am always surprised at how the journalists have gone so far with thier stories then accept a simple "No cameras!" when they find the cunt taking all the money, and of course many government workers are involved too. Another one is on the country Kyrgyzstan and how it got hijacked and how the US don't do nothing cos they need it for their planes to fight in Afganistan. The US pay an annual fortune to some cunt and his family and hoods, so they can park their planes for their own little wargames. Those not wishing to know about such things, it is best not to watch.
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