How embarrassing. I have been completely captured by this new game. Actually, it's more like a mighty quest and more exciting than The Lord of the Rings. I can't stop playing it. Every available moment is taken to furthering my party, desperately trying to get my Mage to the next level (8) and more spells and power! Huge game and great story. For the moment it has cast a shadow over thief, but never fear, you will have your day, Garrett! Once the quest is over. Oh God! When will it be over.
My PC died on me the other day. Luckily, I have great relations with the owner of a PC shop and she came and picked it up on Sunday night, took it away, repaired it and put a 1 Terrabyte hard drive in there to boot. Brought it back the next day. Awesome.
Still, loving the new house and Grace is growing in leaps and bounds. I can't keep up with her anymore. First, it was one new thing she could do, then another, then another...and now she is firing on all fours; looking, learning, absorbing...she's like some kind of quick-learning robot who will out-do us by day's end. And very cute too.
I have seen some good movies; The Countess (I think they must have been playing Thief as the sets are identical to the game; hence I loved it. More when I remember.
I now have 90 days of rapidshare and the mass DL will continue.
Garden is looking cool, but needs work and ideas.
I am working 6 days a week now which is proving problematic for my down time energy recharge, though I got myself swimming again which gives me a boost, though I have reduced laps to 12, as opposed to original 20. I go on the philosophy that some is better than none, and yes, it makes a huge differences and I am feeling great once again.
Obviously, I am quite busy now and have daily errands as I go into town every day. It's fun. I like going around the shops and engaging the locals. I hate Tesco though. At the store here they have about 50 check-outs and about 3 open at any one time. Thais queue patiently, long aisles leading into the food court. I can't understand why they are not shoving their trolleys into the counters and storming out. I would love to have a word with the manager - just to see what a cunt he is.
Time is pressing...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Benefits of Leaf Sweeping
4:15 Tuesday morning. I predictable result of going to bed at 8.
I was listening The Forum, having dropped out of the loop for a space. Interesting show, if only to learn of the different paths many of us take in life.
My recent thinking is news avoidance and dangers of internet addiction. One great element of having a garden again is the option to keep off the internet. When I scan the news headlines, I really don't see the stories that I want, or expect, to see. I find the news websites incredibly weak, and yet, I find BBC Radio 4 programs very fulfilling. I don't understand why this conundrum exists.
My new pastime, indeed exercise, is sweeping the garden of leaves, rose apples and general debris. I made sure I watched Oi's mum busying away in the garden, so I can at least get an inkling of what to do. I like this idea of no grass, and keeping the top soil clean and tidy. This allows the opportunity for some great planting potential. I bought one strange looking spiny plant and wish to continue this theme. It could make an interesting garden. The garden shall be therapeutic offering physical exercise and mental harmony through leaf sweeping.
I was listening The Forum, having dropped out of the loop for a space. Interesting show, if only to learn of the different paths many of us take in life.
My recent thinking is news avoidance and dangers of internet addiction. One great element of having a garden again is the option to keep off the internet. When I scan the news headlines, I really don't see the stories that I want, or expect, to see. I find the news websites incredibly weak, and yet, I find BBC Radio 4 programs very fulfilling. I don't understand why this conundrum exists.
My new pastime, indeed exercise, is sweeping the garden of leaves, rose apples and general debris. I made sure I watched Oi's mum busying away in the garden, so I can at least get an inkling of what to do. I like this idea of no grass, and keeping the top soil clean and tidy. This allows the opportunity for some great planting potential. I bought one strange looking spiny plant and wish to continue this theme. It could make an interesting garden. The garden shall be therapeutic offering physical exercise and mental harmony through leaf sweeping.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Billy Bud

Yay! No school!
The constant, torrential rain has closed the school! Everything is damp and 'orrible and I really didn't want to go to the school house today. My dream came true when Pit messaged me. So, it was back to the bed with Oi and Baby Grace for more fun and games.
Grace now is at an incredibly cute stage and she wants to do everything. She loves to be held standing and loves to talk.
Yesterday (Sunday), I relaxed and watched an afternoon movie. I scanned through Inglorious Basterds and came to the same conclusion as the boys. Drivel. Long, boring and horrible. Replacing this movie, I settled for "Billy Bud" (1963) written and directed by Peter Ustinov and starring himself and a young Terrence Stamp. Fantastic movie on the high seas. Strong plot and characters. Highly recommended, especially on a wet, stormy Sunday afternoon.

With a further days grace I may select another to view.
The Thief quest also continues. I murdered nearly everyone in the dead wealthy sea captain's clifftop mansion. Strangely though, I spared his half mad, beguiling widow who sat alone in her tower requesting a glass of wine. In my dumb haste for progress I neglected to complete this side-quest, which I now bitterly regret. Their was the indication of some favour...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's been bucketing down. Yesterday, the road was flooded and lessons cancelled (yay!). It's cosy to watch but having to go out in it can be a bore.
Oi's mum goes back home today. I think she has had a good time. Grace has grown considerably since last she was here. In fact, Grace now is changing daily. She can twist herself over and she loves to stand, assisted by a hand under each armpit. She smiles a lot now. I am glad we have a secure and pleasant environment for her to grow up in.
Oi's mum did an amazing job in the garden despite the rains efforts to thawrt her works. Grass, apparently is a no-go - cat shit and rain are not conducsive to grass. It suddenly occured to me that this is an ideal opportunity for a rock garden, if we can get the rocks.
Don, Tom, Patrick and Danny came over last night and we had a real good time. Again, I am pleased I can offer them a decent environment to relax in. Hopefully, when arses are in gears, we can do a BBQ too. That should be fun. Carl, it appears, has to look after his kid, but I still think he should party with the boys, as it is important to have a release such as this.
Sunday now and a day of rest. I watched Moon and most of Inglorious Basterds yesterday which were both okay but not great. My rapidshare account has temporarily run out and I am keen to renew it. I have to wait a few days for it to verify cash withdrawn. Then the great movie download will continue.
I am relishing Thief Dark Shadows. Nail-bitingly tense as one creeps about the Church or hidden sewers. I hate myself though for trying to rush it. The secret is to play it slowly and skillfully as opposed to bumping off every guard with a Broad Arrow. A new Diablo-style RPG named Torchlight has also been acquired and awaits play. I hope and believe though that Thief will keep me going for a couple of weeks though. I spied that a new one is coming too. Thief 4! OMG!
My playroom is even more super cool and cosy. It's an ideal place for work and play. Movie watching is now a very comfortable experience.
More later...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thief 3

Wolfenstein is finished. I didn't quite complete it, but I got to the last part where one only had to blast some nightmare guy wielding twin Gatlings, so I think I can be excused the crucifying finale.
To replace this hole (I am in a similar situation on Res Evil 5), I sought and found Thief Deadly Shadows from a couple of years ago. I had played it but my PC at the time wasn'y up to the mark and I came across a bug I could not get passed. I think it was jumping into a magic ray of light or something. It escapes me. Anyhow, with my wonderful new rapidshare account I located the game and have since downloaded and installed it and have completed the first mission. Looks like frighteningly addictive fun, creeping about in the shadows with a cosh and a quiver ful of water arrows.
I can't wait, and I recall how much I loved Thief 2 The Metal Age. I hope age has not wearied my lust for dark adventures...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Patrick's Day. In November?!!!!
Tuesday, and I suspect I have been missing my blog too, such is my urge to write.
Tonight, I finished my private class at Gee's house and dropped by to see Mr. Larkin - AKA Patrick, The Pat, Paddy (Daniel's callout for Pat which is held with some distain)
We shared some beer and had a good, old chat. I feel grateful I am who I am after hearing his stories of other falang who live here. Rich, fat, obnoxious oil workers who are impenetrable fortresses of resentment, condescending and generally cuntishness that young Pat found himself at odds with these people. And we are talking majority here. T'would appear that the falang scum that inhabit this small city has not yet graduated beyond pond life. It would indeed seem that me and the likes of Tom, Don and Carl enjoy the dearest friendships, fun nights, music, converstaion and general "stonedness" that everyone can have in this city ruled by a cloud of white, bigoted shitheads that sit in the Swan and bitch about every living thing on the planet. It's a disease of the bloated cow that so many suckle the udder of. Poor, old Pat. I'm just glad I can be there to reassure him that good people still exist.
Back home now. 9:10 and everyone's in bed. I systematically told Oi I was not going to bed yet, came into the workroom, took a hit and preceded to write. Paul Kelly "Talk" album plays in the background.
Feel so lucky I'm not a cunt like the majority of the world, if what I have been told, is an accurate portrayal of society today. It's the system, I tell you. It destroys you, corrupting your soul and turning the populas into cunts of the highest order. Money and success is such a fucker for the soul. So many people suffer from the "I'm important" failing. Edward O. Wilson has some great line about Man. I can't remember, but it's like; Society - primitive, Emotionally - pathetic, Technologically - Frighteningly Dangerously Advanced.
I love it.
Dr. Macabre strangely, as if anything from him were normal, pointed out that we few were in an enormous minority. This had never occured to me before. I am conscious and where I am is what is going on. Never did I realise I was part of some tiny faction of disbelievers. Could this be true? Am I that special? Oh, the irony.
"I am nothing."
A flashing smile to whom can tell me who said this. (as long at it is the person I am thinking about)
Tonight, I finished my private class at Gee's house and dropped by to see Mr. Larkin - AKA Patrick, The Pat, Paddy (Daniel's callout for Pat which is held with some distain)
We shared some beer and had a good, old chat. I feel grateful I am who I am after hearing his stories of other falang who live here. Rich, fat, obnoxious oil workers who are impenetrable fortresses of resentment, condescending and generally cuntishness that young Pat found himself at odds with these people. And we are talking majority here. T'would appear that the falang scum that inhabit this small city has not yet graduated beyond pond life. It would indeed seem that me and the likes of Tom, Don and Carl enjoy the dearest friendships, fun nights, music, converstaion and general "stonedness" that everyone can have in this city ruled by a cloud of white, bigoted shitheads that sit in the Swan and bitch about every living thing on the planet. It's a disease of the bloated cow that so many suckle the udder of. Poor, old Pat. I'm just glad I can be there to reassure him that good people still exist.
Back home now. 9:10 and everyone's in bed. I systematically told Oi I was not going to bed yet, came into the workroom, took a hit and preceded to write. Paul Kelly "Talk" album plays in the background.
Feel so lucky I'm not a cunt like the majority of the world, if what I have been told, is an accurate portrayal of society today. It's the system, I tell you. It destroys you, corrupting your soul and turning the populas into cunts of the highest order. Money and success is such a fucker for the soul. So many people suffer from the "I'm important" failing. Edward O. Wilson has some great line about Man. I can't remember, but it's like; Society - primitive, Emotionally - pathetic, Technologically - Frighteningly Dangerously Advanced.
I love it.
Dr. Macabre strangely, as if anything from him were normal, pointed out that we few were in an enormous minority. This had never occured to me before. I am conscious and where I am is what is going on. Never did I realise I was part of some tiny faction of disbelievers. Could this be true? Am I that special? Oh, the irony.
"I am nothing."
A flashing smile to whom can tell me who said this. (as long at it is the person I am thinking about)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Queen of Spades

Just watched this ancient and creepy movie. It is absolutely terrific - spellbinding and very dark. About an ancient countess who sold her soul to the devil for the secret of the cards, and how a young man seeking riches tries to extract the secret from the death-fearing countess.

Watch it as soon as your grubby little fingers can locate it.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The house is coming together very nicely. Oi has done a fantastic job of getting it into shape. Actually, it looks kinda swish. There is still tons to do, of course, and the garden is quickly returning to jungle as I haven't got around to it yet. Oi's mum arrives tonight though, so I thought I might be cheeky and leave it to her for the interim.
I am back on the download path, which is a mixed blessing, though I got "L'appartment" with Monica B. (the sexy French one) which is a brilliant movie. These Rapidfind forums are incredibly awesome and house hundreds of great films.
The boys came over last night. Everyone has had a bad week and Don got fired from his school. He refused to teach some bad kids and wanted to talk to their parents. Thai arse mentally is appallingly bad sometimes. They will remain in the Stone Age for the considerably future I am sure.
Looks like Thaksin is trying to start a fight between Thailand and Cambodia. That guy is a super villian AKA James Bond Blowfelt style. A real cunt and a half. The king should kick his whole family out of the kingdom and send a hitman to take out the grinning prick once and for all.
My playroom in the house is super cool. Big TV, comp, internet, guitars and plenty of room for class preparation.
I'm doing quite a few hours now of private class which is kind of bearable but I might make it a temporary thing as I want to enjoy a full weekend.
I am back on the download path, which is a mixed blessing, though I got "L'appartment" with Monica B. (the sexy French one) which is a brilliant movie. These Rapidfind forums are incredibly awesome and house hundreds of great films.
The boys came over last night. Everyone has had a bad week and Don got fired from his school. He refused to teach some bad kids and wanted to talk to their parents. Thai arse mentally is appallingly bad sometimes. They will remain in the Stone Age for the considerably future I am sure.
Looks like Thaksin is trying to start a fight between Thailand and Cambodia. That guy is a super villian AKA James Bond Blowfelt style. A real cunt and a half. The king should kick his whole family out of the kingdom and send a hitman to take out the grinning prick once and for all.
My playroom in the house is super cool. Big TV, comp, internet, guitars and plenty of room for class preparation.
I'm doing quite a few hours now of private class which is kind of bearable but I might make it a temporary thing as I want to enjoy a full weekend.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Private class finished. Back home. Steak, carrots and mashed potatoes cooked and devoured. Guinness chilled and poured, Oi with baby....time to reflect and contemplate.
The whole move thing went surprisingly swimmingly. Everything has been quite grand, including relaxing in the night air on the rear porch. It is pretty darn close to perfect and I can see two jungle encased mountains, small ones, from the garden on either side of the house.
The ride to work reminds me of the ride from Rake to Petersfield on the old A3, green and with good air. The road is one of the nicer ones in this city.
Life without the internet was indeed bliss and I have had people spawning to me about the latest news for a change; climate change, Thaksin in Cambodia etc.
Baby Grace is fine and progressing very satisfactory, though as warned she has become addicted to being held, and if not is quick to start blubbing. Oi took her on a solo trip to Carrefour today and had dozens of comments about Grace (good ones); supermodel, falang etc. The usual stuff Thais will talk about.
I have nearly finished Wolfenstein. It was my one bit of technology over the past two weeks and great fun it was too. I have sneaked in a couple of episodes of Porridge (now on "Going Straight") and River Cottage Forever. And the incredible "Barchester Chronicles". Actually, Don had given me "The Warden" by Antony Trollop a while back, saying he couldn't stick its "Englishness". I read a few chapters and enjoyed it, though my reading constitution is severly diminished, mores the pity.
I have been reading "On Human Nature" by Edward O. Wilson which is great yet very demanding on concentration levels if one is to understand it. I love it and will continue.
More later...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Back Online
Back with the cyberdead after a very refreshing break from news and internet, it must be said.
More later...
More later...
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