It's been bucketing down. Yesterday, the road was flooded and lessons cancelled (yay!). It's cosy to watch but having to go out in it can be a bore.
Oi's mum goes back home today. I think she has had a good time. Grace has grown considerably since last she was here. In fact, Grace now is changing daily. She can twist herself over and she loves to stand, assisted by a hand under each armpit. She smiles a lot now. I am glad we have a secure and pleasant environment for her to grow up in.
Oi's mum did an amazing job in the garden despite the rains efforts to thawrt her works. Grass, apparently is a no-go - cat shit and rain are not conducsive to grass. It suddenly occured to me that this is an ideal opportunity for a rock garden, if we can get the rocks.
Don, Tom, Patrick and Danny came over last night and we had a real good time. Again, I am pleased I can offer them a decent environment to relax in. Hopefully, when arses are in gears, we can do a BBQ too. That should be fun. Carl, it appears, has to look after his kid, but I still think he should party with the boys, as it is important to have a release such as this.
Sunday now and a day of rest. I watched Moon and most of Inglorious Basterds yesterday which were both okay but not great. My rapidshare account has temporarily run out and I am keen to renew it. I have to wait a few days for it to verify cash withdrawn. Then the great movie download will continue.
I am relishing Thief Dark Shadows. Nail-bitingly tense as one creeps about the Church or hidden sewers. I hate myself though for trying to rush it. The secret is to play it slowly and skillfully as opposed to bumping off every guard with a Broad Arrow. A new Diablo-style RPG named Torchlight has also been acquired and awaits play. I hope and believe though that Thief will keep me going for a couple of weeks though. I spied that a new one is coming too. Thief 4! OMG!
My playroom is even more super cool and cosy. It's an ideal place for work and play. Movie watching is now a very comfortable experience.
More later...

1 comment:
That must be 'the road to Mandalay'
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