Unfortunately, Gee has me signed up to teach three more days of private classes that I don't want to do, but there you go. When I stop working, I like to stop and have a chance to recuperate and not think about teaching, so to half stop is just a pain in the arse for me. Luckily, the spotty teenage class I teach who are hard to satisfy, I remembered I had promised to do portrait painting with them with our newly acquired watercolour paint sets. So that should be a laugh anyway. It worries me that these kids have NO hobbies or activities outside of studying, apart from computer games, of course, so a big part of my teaching is to let them do something different and creative. Try to prevent them turning into drones.
So, whilst in the kitchen with Oi, we heard a tune outside which meant the garden tool van was doing its rounds. We ran outside and secure a hoe, a hammer and a knife sharpening stone. The man tried to flog us a hoe with a metal handle, but I insisted we wanted the hoe with the wooden handle. This meant he had to fix the actual hoe to the handle in the street which required some manual work from himself. Of course, he was cool about it and I got to watch him tapering the end and fixing the tool. We gave him an extra twenty for his efforts. Now, we are good to go and don't need to borrow tools from the neighbours any more.
Oi bought a bunch of new plants yesterday which I put in the ground this morning. Our dust-bowl garden is starting to come together and the layout of the plants is forming itself. Maybe during this break I can get some work done out there, like paint the rear wall, varnish the doors etc.
Sat down to watch "Palmetto" with Woody Harrelson. A steamy detective story set in Florida. It promises to be good.
Dragon Age is taking a break as I don't feel the urge to converse with dwarves right now.
I have begun downloading a copy of Mass Effort, which I am led to believe, it a bit like Dragon Age, but set in space. Oh God, another quest awaits, and I still have Thief Deadly Shadows to complete.

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