I almost forgot. The Black Sheep's famous Christmas review list.
Well, this year, I have to say, was quite disappointing on the media front. Many times I began a movie, only to turn it off in bitter defeat at another mortifying heap of smelliness to churn out of the arse of somewhere. Many America, I concede.
What did we have? God, in whatever form you exist, Can I even recall. Such was the absolutement of my boredom, disgust and general vile flesh-crawling mucus-covered misfortune to watch such shit. Where was I?

Forget Me Not. Sorry. Forgotten and never to set disc on my tray again.
Bad to the Bone. Sorry. Just couldn't see into this B&W skit about a gold-digging slut in town.
Half-Light. Demi Moore in a creepy Scottish tale. Worth checking out, but a little like a BBC Sunday night murder TV fix.
The Tournament. It was fun. Stupid fun, and Kelly Hu is a favourite of mine.
Space. BBC docu with Sam Neil. Awesome.
The Air I Breathe. Flashy, yet ultimately crap.
Dorian Gray (new one). Looks promising.
The Smiths. Had a big load of this band this holiday and really enjoyed it. Fantastic lyrics and Johnny Marr's guitar. Found a couple of good vids too, including a 1987 South Bank Show with Melvin Braggers.
Collapse. US docu. I know its happening. Get over it, dude!
Paris Brothel. Nice docu on Paris mischief in the 1930's.
Total Western. French gun flick. Not bad at all.
Goodnight, Mr. Tom. An old favourite of mine and totally by accident it had subtitles so Oi could watch it too. At the end she said, "That was a really great movie." Neither of us admitted we were in tears all the way through it. John Thaw.
The Great Race. Natalie Wood. It does look good if I am feeling silly enough. Or high enough. 60's buffoonary in vintage racing cars and flying machines. Blake Edwards.
Asterix and Cleopatra. It was ok. Oi liked Obelix. But who doesn'y love Gerald, eh?
Tias Tio. A French escape flick with Depardeu and John Renni. Very funny. Gerald is a master clown.

Heartbreakers. Hollywood puke.
Fred Dibnah. Catched an awesome show of Fred blowing up chimneys and driving steam engines. Brought tears to the eyes.
Black Rain. An escaped Ridley Scott and looks fun with Micheal Douglas being a wound up shit in Japan. Not completely PC but a hoot. A little off kilter for Mr. Scott. Suffers from distinctly 80's neon lighting, the dreaded keyboard synthesisers and Japanese hair dos, cheap beards and moustaches.

1 comment:
Movies for me:-
District 9
Whatever works.
Revisited: Gandhi
Documentary Home
The Teenagers (new French band)
Fleet Foxes
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