Christmas night and for Oi the whole day spent at the hospital. They think she is about 3 weeks pregnant and has to go back in Jan when it gets a bit bigger. They thought it was twins but now they are not so sure. Twins, is a bit daunting actually. I mean, I would never be able to play a video game again if it were.
Anyway, all well and got some time off school too. I am now quite engrossed in The Witcher vid game which is, of course, completely awesome. Frantically ploughing through Swords Against Death by Fritz Leiber (book 2). I have been up to the lake at six in the morning which is magical and sets you up nicely for the day, though it has started raining here again which is a bit unusual.
I have been researching Paganism and have decided this is to be my chosen religion as nothing else fits the bill. I put this to John Zerzan who basically agreed, though he mentioned a similar faith known as Animism. Still, it basically suggests the presence of something connected with nature bonding things together. The quest continues....
Well, it seems as though this collapse is collapsing nicely, and shops are closing and umemployment is growing and people are complaining that they can't afford Christmas. Many of you will be pleased to learn I have moved right off the subject now, and am focusing more on my own things, many involving Faf'hrd and the Gray Mouser.
I got the Led Zeppelin discography the other day. Did you know I had none? Well, I got the lot now and was rocking out with Tom and Patrick last Monday night until one in the morning. Poor Oi sleeping upstairs! I was then told the next day that I had to teach! Oi told me her father (now deceased) would get drunk, go to bed and put the radio on which everyone in the house could hear. Coincidentally, I have done the same thing twice now, my naked body unresponsive to prods and nudges from an annoyed spouse.
Looks like I get some ship leave next week and will ride the bikes up to Koh Phang Ngan with Old Man Don for some easy times. Oi has given me full permission. Will be nice to spend some time with the old man.
Ok, that's it. Merry Christmas everybody,
The Dangerous J.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I loved this so much, I had to ask you to read it. I hope you enjoy and whet your appetite.
For the next three years, the Years of Leviathan, the Roc, and the Dragon, they wandered the world of Nehwon south, east, north, and west, seeking forgetfulness of their first great loves and their first great guilts and finding neither. They ventured east past mystic Tisilinilit with its slender, opalescent spires, which always seemed newly crystallized out of its humid, pearly skies, to lands that were legends in Lankhmar and even Horborixen. One amongst many was the skeletally shrunken Empire of Eevamarensee, a country so decadent, so far-grown into the future, that all the rats and men are bald and even the dogs and cats hairless.
Returning by a northerly route through the Great Steppes, they narrowly escaped capture and enslavement by the pitiless Mingols. In the Cold Waste they sought for Fafhrd's Snow Clan, only to discover that it had been last year overwhelmed by a lemming horde of Ice Gnomes and, according to best rumor, massacred to the last person, which would have included Fafhrd's mother Mor, his deserted girl-bride Mara, and his first issue if any.
For a space they served Lithquil, the Mad Duke of Ool Hrusp, devising for him sprightly mock-duels, simulated murders, and other entertainments. Then they coasted south through the Outer Sea aboard a Sarheenmar trader to tropic Klesh, where they adventured a while in the jungle fringes. Then north again, circling past secretest Quarmall, that shadow realm, to the Lakes of Pleea that are the headwaters of the Hlal and to the beggar-city of Tovilyis, where the Gray Mouser believed he had been birthed, but was not sure, and when they left that lowly metropolis he was no surer. Crossing by grain barge the Sea of the East, they prospected for gold a while in the Mountains of the Elder Ones, their last highjacked gems having been long since gambled away or spent. Unsuccessful in this quest, they wended their way west again toward the Inner Sea and Ilthmar.
They lived by thievery, robbery, bodyguarding, brief commissions as couriers and agents -- commissions they always, or almost always, fulfilled punctiliously -- and by showmanship, the Mouser entertaining by legerdemain, juggling, and buffoonery, while Fafhrd with his gift for tongues and training as a singing skald excelled at minstrelsy, translating the legends of his frigid homeland into many languages. They never worked as cooks, clerks, carpenters, tree-fellers, or common servants and they never, never, never enlisted as mercenary soldiers -- their service to Lithquil having been of a more personal nature.
They acquired new scars and skills, comprehensions and compassions, cynicisms and secrecies -- a laughter that lightly mocked and a cool poise that tightly crusted all inner miseries and most of the time hid the barbarian in Fafhrd and the slum boy in the Mouser. They became outwardly merry, uncaring, and cool, but their grief and guilt stayed with them, the ghosts of Ivrian and Vlana haunting their sleeping and their waking dreams, so that they had little commerce with other girls, and that more a discomfort than a joy. Their comradeship became firmer than a rock, stronger than steel, but all other human relations were fleeting. Melancholy was their commonest mood, though mostly hid even from each other.
Came noon of the Day of the Mouse in the Month of the Lion in the Year of the Dragon. They were taking their siestas in the cool of a cave near Ilthmar. Outside, heat shimmered above hard-baked ground and scanty brown grass, but here was most pleasant. Their horses, a gray mare and a chestnut gelding, found shade in the cavern's mouth. Fafhrd had sketchily inspected the place for serpents, but discovered none. He loathed the cold scaly ones of the south, so different from the hot-blooded, fur-bearing snakes of the Cold Waste. He went a little way into a narrow, rocky corridor leading from the back of the cave under the small mountain in which it was set, but returned when light failed and he had found neither reptiles nor end.
They rested comfortably on their uncurled bedrolls. Sleep would not come to them, so idle talk did. By slow stages this talk became serious. Finally the Gray Mouser summed up the last trinity of years.
"We have searched the wide world over and not found forgetfulness."
"I dispute that," Fafhrd countered. "Not the latter part, for I am still as ghost-locked as you, but we have not crossed the Outer Sea and hunted over the great continent legend will have in the west."
"I believe we have," the Mouser disputed. "Not the former part, I'll agree, and what purpose in searching the sea? But when we went out farthest east and stood on the shore of that great ocean, deafened by its vast surf, I believe we stood on the western coast of the Outer Sea with nothing between us and Lankhmar but wild water."
"What great ocean?" Fafhrd demanded. "And what vast surf? It was a lake, a mere puddle with some ripples in it. I could readily see the opposite shore."
"Then you were seeing mirages, friend of mine, and languishing in one of those moods when all Nehwon seems but a small bubble you could burst with flick of fingernail."
"Perhaps," Fafhrd agreed. "Oh, how weary I am of this life."
Merry Chrimbo
The Dangerous J.
For the next three years, the Years of Leviathan, the Roc, and the Dragon, they wandered the world of Nehwon south, east, north, and west, seeking forgetfulness of their first great loves and their first great guilts and finding neither. They ventured east past mystic Tisilinilit with its slender, opalescent spires, which always seemed newly crystallized out of its humid, pearly skies, to lands that were legends in Lankhmar and even Horborixen. One amongst many was the skeletally shrunken Empire of Eevamarensee, a country so decadent, so far-grown into the future, that all the rats and men are bald and even the dogs and cats hairless.
Returning by a northerly route through the Great Steppes, they narrowly escaped capture and enslavement by the pitiless Mingols. In the Cold Waste they sought for Fafhrd's Snow Clan, only to discover that it had been last year overwhelmed by a lemming horde of Ice Gnomes and, according to best rumor, massacred to the last person, which would have included Fafhrd's mother Mor, his deserted girl-bride Mara, and his first issue if any.
For a space they served Lithquil, the Mad Duke of Ool Hrusp, devising for him sprightly mock-duels, simulated murders, and other entertainments. Then they coasted south through the Outer Sea aboard a Sarheenmar trader to tropic Klesh, where they adventured a while in the jungle fringes. Then north again, circling past secretest Quarmall, that shadow realm, to the Lakes of Pleea that are the headwaters of the Hlal and to the beggar-city of Tovilyis, where the Gray Mouser believed he had been birthed, but was not sure, and when they left that lowly metropolis he was no surer. Crossing by grain barge the Sea of the East, they prospected for gold a while in the Mountains of the Elder Ones, their last highjacked gems having been long since gambled away or spent. Unsuccessful in this quest, they wended their way west again toward the Inner Sea and Ilthmar.
They lived by thievery, robbery, bodyguarding, brief commissions as couriers and agents -- commissions they always, or almost always, fulfilled punctiliously -- and by showmanship, the Mouser entertaining by legerdemain, juggling, and buffoonery, while Fafhrd with his gift for tongues and training as a singing skald excelled at minstrelsy, translating the legends of his frigid homeland into many languages. They never worked as cooks, clerks, carpenters, tree-fellers, or common servants and they never, never, never enlisted as mercenary soldiers -- their service to Lithquil having been of a more personal nature.
They acquired new scars and skills, comprehensions and compassions, cynicisms and secrecies -- a laughter that lightly mocked and a cool poise that tightly crusted all inner miseries and most of the time hid the barbarian in Fafhrd and the slum boy in the Mouser. They became outwardly merry, uncaring, and cool, but their grief and guilt stayed with them, the ghosts of Ivrian and Vlana haunting their sleeping and their waking dreams, so that they had little commerce with other girls, and that more a discomfort than a joy. Their comradeship became firmer than a rock, stronger than steel, but all other human relations were fleeting. Melancholy was their commonest mood, though mostly hid even from each other.
Came noon of the Day of the Mouse in the Month of the Lion in the Year of the Dragon. They were taking their siestas in the cool of a cave near Ilthmar. Outside, heat shimmered above hard-baked ground and scanty brown grass, but here was most pleasant. Their horses, a gray mare and a chestnut gelding, found shade in the cavern's mouth. Fafhrd had sketchily inspected the place for serpents, but discovered none. He loathed the cold scaly ones of the south, so different from the hot-blooded, fur-bearing snakes of the Cold Waste. He went a little way into a narrow, rocky corridor leading from the back of the cave under the small mountain in which it was set, but returned when light failed and he had found neither reptiles nor end.
They rested comfortably on their uncurled bedrolls. Sleep would not come to them, so idle talk did. By slow stages this talk became serious. Finally the Gray Mouser summed up the last trinity of years.
"We have searched the wide world over and not found forgetfulness."
"I dispute that," Fafhrd countered. "Not the latter part, for I am still as ghost-locked as you, but we have not crossed the Outer Sea and hunted over the great continent legend will have in the west."
"I believe we have," the Mouser disputed. "Not the former part, I'll agree, and what purpose in searching the sea? But when we went out farthest east and stood on the shore of that great ocean, deafened by its vast surf, I believe we stood on the western coast of the Outer Sea with nothing between us and Lankhmar but wild water."
"What great ocean?" Fafhrd demanded. "And what vast surf? It was a lake, a mere puddle with some ripples in it. I could readily see the opposite shore."
"Then you were seeing mirages, friend of mine, and languishing in one of those moods when all Nehwon seems but a small bubble you could burst with flick of fingernail."
"Perhaps," Fafhrd agreed. "Oh, how weary I am of this life."
Merry Chrimbo
The Dangerous J.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Santa Claus comes the town
Today, I was dancing on stage, throwing sweets to children, running around in a great suit ringing a bell. It was awesome and it was a great show. I knew I just had to go with it, so I danced about in front of a few hundred people completely acting the goat. I ran into huge rooms full of sleeping children ringing my bell shouting, "Ho Ho Ho!" and "Merry Christmas!". I told them all I had come from the North Pole and caused utter chaos as hundreds of kids went ballistic to the trillions of sweets I threw into the air.
In a rare photo I looked more like a Santa terrorist. Will print when available.
Nearly at a long break which will be lovely.
Time to go. Tom has arrived.
Merry Christmas.
The Dangerous J.
In a rare photo I looked more like a Santa terrorist. Will print when available.
Nearly at a long break which will be lovely.
Time to go. Tom has arrived.
Merry Christmas.
The Dangerous J.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Boots for W.
nishville's profile picture nishville
18 Dec 08, 9:41am (about 4 hours ago)
I was thinking yesterday how it must be painfull for W. to suffer all the indignities none of his predecessors had to deal with - everybody thinks he's a moron which probably makes him so nervous that every public appearance he makes cements that opinion, his own countrymen voted him the worst president ever, his wristwatch was stolen in Albania and now they threw shoes at him in Iraq...poor man.
But then I remembered who he is, who his friends are and what they've done and my empathy was instantly replaced by an idea for a multiple dog shit-smeared shoe launcher.
nishville's profile picture nishville
18 Dec 08, 9:41am (about 4 hours ago)
I was thinking yesterday how it must be painfull for W. to suffer all the indignities none of his predecessors had to deal with - everybody thinks he's a moron which probably makes him so nervous that every public appearance he makes cements that opinion, his own countrymen voted him the worst president ever, his wristwatch was stolen in Albania and now they threw shoes at him in Iraq...poor man.
But then I remembered who he is, who his friends are and what they've done and my empathy was instantly replaced by an idea for a multiple dog shit-smeared shoe launcher.
The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and found people naive enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody. ”
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, 1754
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, 1754
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Dangerous J has retired to the world of Nehwon, in the citadel of Lankhmar, where he resides with his friends Faf'hrd and the Gray Mouser.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Of Lankhmar and Knights Templar
It's been an interesting week, whereupon I have found some hidden secrets of the internet, though I am sure redeemingly obvious to some.
Firstly, I have cottoned on to ebooks. More than that, thanks to Thailand's wonderful black market trading I am now able to print off entire books at about 200Baht a throw. In addition to this, the Pirate Bay has provided me with a huge resource of books. And therefore, I have just received today my first two such publications, namely, Swords and Deviltry and Swords Against Death. I now have bound copies, admittedly not very pretty, that I can snuggle up in bed with. I hate reading off the 'puter as I get sore eyes.
I finished Of Human Bondage last night, so am already into the first Fritz Leiber book. I also passed the name onto John Zerzan, who is unfamiliar with these fine works. Only, my great friend, Peter, shares the absolute love of these tomes. Like Maugham, every sentence is a rich, intoxicating delight. John was interested. I would like to know if he picks up a copy. They were written in the 30's I believe for magazines and finally assembled into books. Anyway, up to you if you want to investigate. Probably not.
The next great discovery is in historic documentaries I have located and burned for viewing pleasure; A history on the Knights Templar, Civilization and Neopolean. I am very excited about these and the Templar series, I have watched 3 of 4, is quite excellent. Some also believe them to be about today in more sinister Freemason form - hence Old Queeny Beth is actually a cousin of the Devil Bush himself. Still, I don't know enough on this subject and I expect you would rather I didn't start on that one.
I am also trying my hand at creative writing and have hidden on the internet a tale of two such heroes. Still very much in draft form and treated as a hobby, I will continue and revise a short story. I have replaced Faf'rd and the Gray Mouser with Wart and Meron, who were the characters Peter and I played in Dungeons and Dragons in our distant youth for a couple of years we spent locked in each others bedrooms. This was only eclipsed by the advert of the PC, at which point we exchanged our 20 sided dice for a Spectrum 'puter and Elite and Chuckie Egg. Such was the later half of childhood. Still, we enjoyed it.
School is fine and King's birthday tomorrow, so it's a holiday. Thailand is in ruins after the disgraceful actions of the PAD and thousands of white folk's holidays destroyed by ignorant yellow clad protesters. I said to Oi, none of the Thais talk about or even seem to acknowledge how pissed off money-laden foreigners will be after this merry old outing. They say more than 1,000,000 Thais will lose their jobs in the tourist industry and I guess some folks won't want to come here anymore. Don't bother me none, as I don't like too many whiteys anyhow. One jst has to keep saying to oneself, "This is Thailand".
Time for a nap before afternoon class.
The Dangerous J.
Firstly, I have cottoned on to ebooks. More than that, thanks to Thailand's wonderful black market trading I am now able to print off entire books at about 200Baht a throw. In addition to this, the Pirate Bay has provided me with a huge resource of books. And therefore, I have just received today my first two such publications, namely, Swords and Deviltry and Swords Against Death. I now have bound copies, admittedly not very pretty, that I can snuggle up in bed with. I hate reading off the 'puter as I get sore eyes.
I finished Of Human Bondage last night, so am already into the first Fritz Leiber book. I also passed the name onto John Zerzan, who is unfamiliar with these fine works. Only, my great friend, Peter, shares the absolute love of these tomes. Like Maugham, every sentence is a rich, intoxicating delight. John was interested. I would like to know if he picks up a copy. They were written in the 30's I believe for magazines and finally assembled into books. Anyway, up to you if you want to investigate. Probably not.
The next great discovery is in historic documentaries I have located and burned for viewing pleasure; A history on the Knights Templar, Civilization and Neopolean. I am very excited about these and the Templar series, I have watched 3 of 4, is quite excellent. Some also believe them to be about today in more sinister Freemason form - hence Old Queeny Beth is actually a cousin of the Devil Bush himself. Still, I don't know enough on this subject and I expect you would rather I didn't start on that one.
I am also trying my hand at creative writing and have hidden on the internet a tale of two such heroes. Still very much in draft form and treated as a hobby, I will continue and revise a short story. I have replaced Faf'rd and the Gray Mouser with Wart and Meron, who were the characters Peter and I played in Dungeons and Dragons in our distant youth for a couple of years we spent locked in each others bedrooms. This was only eclipsed by the advert of the PC, at which point we exchanged our 20 sided dice for a Spectrum 'puter and Elite and Chuckie Egg. Such was the later half of childhood. Still, we enjoyed it.
School is fine and King's birthday tomorrow, so it's a holiday. Thailand is in ruins after the disgraceful actions of the PAD and thousands of white folk's holidays destroyed by ignorant yellow clad protesters. I said to Oi, none of the Thais talk about or even seem to acknowledge how pissed off money-laden foreigners will be after this merry old outing. They say more than 1,000,000 Thais will lose their jobs in the tourist industry and I guess some folks won't want to come here anymore. Don't bother me none, as I don't like too many whiteys anyhow. One jst has to keep saying to oneself, "This is Thailand".
Time for a nap before afternoon class.
The Dangerous J.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Early Sunday morning. It has been raining for days without end and it is welcome, though I have acquired a slight chest infection, I don't think it serious. The drumming of the rain on the roof.
This last week Oi and I have been watching The Lord of the Rings. I can't believe what a good job Peter Jackson did. Oi loved it. It is almost indescribable. This morning I read all about JRR Tolkien, keen to know of his life.
Gamewise, I am heavily engrossed in King's Bounty, which my dear friend, Peter would love. I have been batling orcs, goblins and pirates, and searching for hidden treasure.
Bombs and chaos shrouds Thailand, but strangely, I never feel unsafe. Although now I claim to be an anarchist (there seems little choice), this is not the anarchy I wanted for this country. It would appear to me that Thais, as a whole, are quite immature and the smiling faces of the mob seem full of stupidity and ignorance at the expense of their country. Anarchy in UK or USA yes, but for these poor souls, not yet. I have often described Thai business conduct to that of standing behind someone cooking a meal, but they are cooking it wrong and you are unable to intervene. This is why at Smart English, I have taken the position of strictly being only a teacher. They take offense when you offer advise and will do things their own way anyway. Fair enough, but don't expect anything from me other than what you pay for. Oi has witnessed this too at the school she has just left. The hell-bent banker/owner is driving teachers and students away from the place with his sadistic tendencies. Or maybe, as I suggested, he is purposely running the school into the ground in order to sell that land later on.
Thais are amazing to watch. So kind and yet fatally flawed. Too simple for the new world and close to nature, though they would sell it all for a new car. A funny one I noticed years ago was that they will trick you and lie to you almost daily, but if you do it to them, they never see it coming.
I know so well with Oi that I have found someone I truly admire. She is way ahead of me. Maybe like Tony, there is not a bad bone in her body. She is like an elf in the movie, always good, always calm. What makes her different from other Thai girls I have known is her intelligence, keen sense of interest and fair play. I bought her Call of the Wild book on our 2 day honeymoon in Songkhla. Since then, she has been an avid reader and is amassing a veritable library. I am mightily chuffed and we have a brief read every night before falling asleep, or rather she falls asleep and I lay there wondering about crap. I knew of the lesson, that when choosing a wife, you have to look at the qualities that you know to be true, the qualities that will mean you will make it through together. And every time I ponder this I know she is near perfect, and beyond what I should have got. I, for one, could so easily have married a lesser soul, drawn by the promise of the women in the lace. Somehow, I listened to a voice and did something really, really right for a change. Again , this comes from living in the absolute present, being totally pure and aware of what is happening to you and flowing with the river.
...but of course, one must never relax or become complacent, which is why I keep myself at the coalface, on the battlefield of human existance, among the salt and best people in the world, who will always be the poorest and the selfless. It is with these people that I must stay and do what I can to help. One doesn't have to climb far to see the corruption of power.
This last week Oi and I have been watching The Lord of the Rings. I can't believe what a good job Peter Jackson did. Oi loved it. It is almost indescribable. This morning I read all about JRR Tolkien, keen to know of his life.
Gamewise, I am heavily engrossed in King's Bounty, which my dear friend, Peter would love. I have been batling orcs, goblins and pirates, and searching for hidden treasure.
Bombs and chaos shrouds Thailand, but strangely, I never feel unsafe. Although now I claim to be an anarchist (there seems little choice), this is not the anarchy I wanted for this country. It would appear to me that Thais, as a whole, are quite immature and the smiling faces of the mob seem full of stupidity and ignorance at the expense of their country. Anarchy in UK or USA yes, but for these poor souls, not yet. I have often described Thai business conduct to that of standing behind someone cooking a meal, but they are cooking it wrong and you are unable to intervene. This is why at Smart English, I have taken the position of strictly being only a teacher. They take offense when you offer advise and will do things their own way anyway. Fair enough, but don't expect anything from me other than what you pay for. Oi has witnessed this too at the school she has just left. The hell-bent banker/owner is driving teachers and students away from the place with his sadistic tendencies. Or maybe, as I suggested, he is purposely running the school into the ground in order to sell that land later on.
Thais are amazing to watch. So kind and yet fatally flawed. Too simple for the new world and close to nature, though they would sell it all for a new car. A funny one I noticed years ago was that they will trick you and lie to you almost daily, but if you do it to them, they never see it coming.
I know so well with Oi that I have found someone I truly admire. She is way ahead of me. Maybe like Tony, there is not a bad bone in her body. She is like an elf in the movie, always good, always calm. What makes her different from other Thai girls I have known is her intelligence, keen sense of interest and fair play. I bought her Call of the Wild book on our 2 day honeymoon in Songkhla. Since then, she has been an avid reader and is amassing a veritable library. I am mightily chuffed and we have a brief read every night before falling asleep, or rather she falls asleep and I lay there wondering about crap. I knew of the lesson, that when choosing a wife, you have to look at the qualities that you know to be true, the qualities that will mean you will make it through together. And every time I ponder this I know she is near perfect, and beyond what I should have got. I, for one, could so easily have married a lesser soul, drawn by the promise of the women in the lace. Somehow, I listened to a voice and did something really, really right for a change. Again , this comes from living in the absolute present, being totally pure and aware of what is happening to you and flowing with the river.
...but of course, one must never relax or become complacent, which is why I keep myself at the coalface, on the battlefield of human existance, among the salt and best people in the world, who will always be the poorest and the selfless. It is with these people that I must stay and do what I can to help. One doesn't have to climb far to see the corruption of power.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Another 800 billion!
Announced today the US Federal Reserve is to print off another 800 billion of the money press!
Just go to the New York Times website and read some of the 200+ comments from readers dumbfounded by this action of the US government. I remember my old history teacher, Mr. O'Brian, telling us of post WWI Germany and how the money was left on the street and it was the basket holding the money that was stolen.
I'll cut and paste a few for your perusal;
This is completely crazy- the cure for overspending and excessive debt is NOT more spending and debt!
Pumping all of this cash into our financial system is going to cause hyperinflation!
In addition to the brewing dollar crisis, they are guaranteeing a winner-loser scenario in which some of us get bailed out and others do not. I have a lot of losses in my 401K. Will they be replaced? No! My neighbor purchased his house for no money down and, in fact, didn't pay "rent" for a year. They're rewriting his mortgage so that he now owes less money on an "investment" for which he never paid. Best of all, I get to pay for it!
When they bail out GM's pensioners, what will they tell all the people who have lost their life savings? How are people living in small apartments going to feel when they see a documentary about Bill Fuld (lately of Lehmann Bros.) decorating his fourth home.
Doesn't anyone see that the government, in its haste, is about to tear this country apart, person by person, by creating winners and losers? This kind of thing will not go away! Why isn't anyone talking about what the real people are saying? Read the comments on the NY Times website and you will see the escalating anger, frustration and outrage!
And why is it that the only ones who DON'T seem to recognize this spendthrift attempt at resolving the economic issues at hand as absurd are the ones who are trying to "rescue" us?
Just go to the New York Times website and read some of the 200+ comments from readers dumbfounded by this action of the US government. I remember my old history teacher, Mr. O'Brian, telling us of post WWI Germany and how the money was left on the street and it was the basket holding the money that was stolen.
I'll cut and paste a few for your perusal;
This is completely crazy- the cure for overspending and excessive debt is NOT more spending and debt!
Pumping all of this cash into our financial system is going to cause hyperinflation!
— Mary, Md.
Isn't it obvious no one knows what they are doing? Nevertheless, they're printing dollars fast enough to guarantee another crisis - a crisis of confidence in the dollar. STOP and THINK!In addition to the brewing dollar crisis, they are guaranteeing a winner-loser scenario in which some of us get bailed out and others do not. I have a lot of losses in my 401K. Will they be replaced? No! My neighbor purchased his house for no money down and, in fact, didn't pay "rent" for a year. They're rewriting his mortgage so that he now owes less money on an "investment" for which he never paid. Best of all, I get to pay for it!
When they bail out GM's pensioners, what will they tell all the people who have lost their life savings? How are people living in small apartments going to feel when they see a documentary about Bill Fuld (lately of Lehmann Bros.) decorating his fourth home.
Doesn't anyone see that the government, in its haste, is about to tear this country apart, person by person, by creating winners and losers? This kind of thing will not go away! Why isn't anyone talking about what the real people are saying? Read the comments on the NY Times website and you will see the escalating anger, frustration and outrage!
— Shane, NE
Why is it that most people I speak to, most people on this posting board (and every other one I read and post to) and most people on "main street" seem to recognize the fundamental flaw (creating credit from debt) with the plan that Washington is pushing (with our tax money), and the likelihood that it will be completely disastrous?And why is it that the only ones who DON'T seem to recognize this spendthrift attempt at resolving the economic issues at hand as absurd are the ones who are trying to "rescue" us?
— James Edin, Chicago, IL
Jim - go check the site. Actually, the New York Times seems to be one of the best news site.
The Dangerous J.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Whiskey Fuelled Rant
To inform one that one has recovered from one's whiskey-fuelled rant, and although I make no apology for my "mouthing off", I mean of course not to offend those associated with me.
And though appreciative of concern for my mental state, it is not necessary to refer me to cheap self help books.
Now....where did I put that drink?
The Dangerous J.
And though appreciative of concern for my mental state, it is not necessary to refer me to cheap self help books.
Now....where did I put that drink?
The Dangerous J.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yes I am drunk
yes, i am drunk and all the shit i get about my extreme views seems to be proven right and right again and anyone still supporting the monetary system, through ignorance or choice, is up to you, but don't expect me to shut up about it, because i fucking won't - just like the system (who have fucked you more than i ever will) will never shut up until they are lined up against the wall and a bullet put in their brain. I just can'r believe so many pusssies let it happen.
So, it 's up to you, allow yourselves to be slaves (though you can't see it that's what you are) or take a stand. Soon you won't have a choice when you lose your precious job and find yourselves fucked by th empire you never questioned and took to be as gospel. Like they said, it is the indifference of the good man which is more evil than even the evil man. You fuckers you refused to see it coming. You will reap what you sow. So small minded you fit your place in their world. Don't you kno wthat the monetary system is design to keep you a slave, to debt. What do you owe?
It is the end of days and better are you to stand against those who would have you be servient to them than to follow their false ideology to you total demise when they abandon you and you lose you job and your income and the rest of the crap you work for and belive in (so you tell me).
You got just a few years left.
So, it 's up to you, allow yourselves to be slaves (though you can't see it that's what you are) or take a stand. Soon you won't have a choice when you lose your precious job and find yourselves fucked by th empire you never questioned and took to be as gospel. Like they said, it is the indifference of the good man which is more evil than even the evil man. You fuckers you refused to see it coming. You will reap what you sow. So small minded you fit your place in their world. Don't you kno wthat the monetary system is design to keep you a slave, to debt. What do you owe?
It is the end of days and better are you to stand against those who would have you be servient to them than to follow their false ideology to you total demise when they abandon you and you lose you job and your income and the rest of the crap you work for and belive in (so you tell me).
You got just a few years left.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Walk Away (from the Machine)
The shit is really starting to hit the fan and there has never been a better time to get the fuck away from the bomb that is about to go off.
If you ever wanted to go to Mongolia, now is a great time to do just that.
If you ever wanted to go to Mongolia, now is a great time to do just that.
Zeit Giest
Get hold of this movie and allow yourself to think out of the box, then progress to the next level of humanity.
Of Elves
A wee bit hungover from a night of debauchery at home with Tom, Don and sour-faced Aussie Danny. It was good fun and Oi found me passed out on the sofa at three in the morning. Apparantly I was laughing. There was also a strong stench of burning which went unattended until this morning. It wasn't toast as I suspected but it appears I had attempted to boil pasta and subsequently forgot. Thus the said pot, or chalice, boiled dry and thus the dinner was ruined. I told Oi she hasn't been taking care of me. That was a yoke, by the way.
So now, it is Saturday morning and I must take Oi to college in a moment. After this lies a day of gaming. And the new game is ....King's Bounty. Dead Space has taken a plunge as I am stuck on a torturous section requiring me to do awful, multiple tasks with no save. It may have beaten me at chapter 7 (of 12) which is a disaster, but something I can live with.
King's Bounty comes from Russia apparently and has great humour. It is fun, low-key and very pretty. Twerps and gamers take note. It's fun. I found it via a complex method of selection, involving multiple trip s to Santisook black markets.
Private classes are quite brilliant at the moment and I have devised a cunning game of Pairs or Palmanism (to those more educated) with idioms replacing the standard playing cards. They love it. I am preparing myself to make one with monsters, elves and the like.
I was amused to read of Elves, talking of Elves, queuing outside the game shop in Oxford street for up to 2 days to buy the expansion pack to World of Warcraft, Don't worry, my furry friends, I don't and never will play this game, but I do find it highly amusing that simple folk are dressing up as fairies and goblins and queuing to buy a game. Another prime example of where we are, in terms of society collapse.
More on elves as I am currently DLing Lord of the Rings to watch again. It is such a great movie. My favourite being Fellowship.
More later...
So now, it is Saturday morning and I must take Oi to college in a moment. After this lies a day of gaming. And the new game is ....King's Bounty. Dead Space has taken a plunge as I am stuck on a torturous section requiring me to do awful, multiple tasks with no save. It may have beaten me at chapter 7 (of 12) which is a disaster, but something I can live with.
King's Bounty comes from Russia apparently and has great humour. It is fun, low-key and very pretty. Twerps and gamers take note. It's fun. I found it via a complex method of selection, involving multiple trip s to Santisook black markets.
Private classes are quite brilliant at the moment and I have devised a cunning game of Pairs or Palmanism (to those more educated) with idioms replacing the standard playing cards. They love it. I am preparing myself to make one with monsters, elves and the like.
I was amused to read of Elves, talking of Elves, queuing outside the game shop in Oxford street for up to 2 days to buy the expansion pack to World of Warcraft, Don't worry, my furry friends, I don't and never will play this game, but I do find it highly amusing that simple folk are dressing up as fairies and goblins and queuing to buy a game. Another prime example of where we are, in terms of society collapse.
More on elves as I am currently DLing Lord of the Rings to watch again. It is such a great movie. My favourite being Fellowship.
More later...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Down, Down, Down
Like the great ship Titantic, the world economy continues it's long voyage to the bottom. The news has never been so fascinating and one can watch new headlines pouring in with each passing minute. The New York Times seems to me to be the best news site, and one of today's headlines is concerning the mounting cars sitting on the dock tarmac in sunny California. "The ships keep coming in" cries the dock worker, but the dealers aren't buying. And the cardboard that gets sent back to china for box maunfacturing isn't required either, creating a nice double whammy. Ya, the car industry is in major meltdown and we may see GM go under.
And job losses. 50,000 in one hit from Citibank. "Jeepers!", as my Divinity teacher, Bomber Brown corrected an excited boy who shouted out, "Jesus!" in one fine class. As you know, thousands are being laid off across multiple sectors. The farm has never been so appealing.
That said, last night I talked with Gee and Oi about forming a new partnership together. Get this; one nasty parent who I had just rejected teaches her kid on a one-on-one basis (I don't do that boring game), shot back at Gee and told her that I would probably soon ditch her as my business partner and take up business soley with Oi, thus keeping all the loot to ourselves. Oh, foolish wench. She obviously doesn't know what Gee and I have been through together and of our great mutual respect. Gee is and always with be awesome. Some Thai business wmoen have also been trying to steal Gee away from me to go working for another private teaching gig. Again, they don't know that our partnership is based on fun and good times, not on cold, hard cash and being cunts to each other, like so many of the rest. I am pissed that folk have tried this on, but very proud of Gee who has rebuffed all such offers. Anyway, next year may bring great things. Oi and Gee are both super-lovely people who love children before the Yankie dollar any day. And you can see that in the kids faces and their reluctance to go home at the end of class.
What have I learnt from this? How quickly, and I am not infallible by any means, human beans will shit on each other if they can smell the green or power. Pretty disgusting actually. I have always made it my point to be so damn perfect in my work that no-one can touch me. It's easy if you try because no one else does. And very importantly, NOT to think about the money but on the work in front of you. The cash is a nice bonus, but only still a by-product to the core activity. Suck it and see.
I ain't touched a drop os liquer since last Friday and have been exercising at home and at the uni. I am determined never to be fat and fucked-up. Actually, once you kick out the crap things you do, it soon falls away and I have slimmed down a tad after just a few days. Last night I suggested to Oi that I wanted one of the cans of Guinness that had been sitting in the fridge since last Saturday when she offered to go and get me a fruit shake from the market outside. So, I had a banana and pineapple shake instead. I didn't even have dinner and I wasn't hungry either. Good show. I am sure marriage can encourage self destructive menfolk to take better care of their bodies and health.
I spy on Gamespot that more games are being released and it is my intention to pop down to the black market and aquire a few more for the stockpile. The Witcher, Tomb Raider Underground and Left for Dead all look fun. I am on about Chapter 7 of 12 of Dead Space and will indeed finish this most excellent game.
Music - srangely enough I have been pulling out the few World Party tracks off of my hard drive and recounting the wisom in Ship of Fools and Is It Like Today. Good stuff.
John Zerzan has done some good shows and is taking a more international perspective which I appreciate. I sent him the link abou the Korean woman so obsessed with cosmetic surgery, that when her prescribed injection at home supply of blotox or whatever ran out, she started injecting cooking oil into her face. The results and "before" picture would leave you feeling awful and in despair.
Pirates off Somalia - cool (not really)! Shame they got driven to it after their fishing waters got so polluted and empty as they watch endless lines of oil tankers chugg past their homes.
Seemingly endless stories of murder and beating coming out of UK as I read the tabloids there.
Thaksin divorced his wife. A plot to gain re-entry into the UK or to claw back his frozen millions. No go - i hope. Fancy sacrificing your marriage for the possibly of material gain. In any eyes, he must have lost credibility over that - or maybe not in this declining society.
Anyway, hopefully the rain has stopped here for a moment and I should rush out and buy me some zombies to blast.
And job losses. 50,000 in one hit from Citibank. "Jeepers!", as my Divinity teacher, Bomber Brown corrected an excited boy who shouted out, "Jesus!" in one fine class. As you know, thousands are being laid off across multiple sectors. The farm has never been so appealing.
That said, last night I talked with Gee and Oi about forming a new partnership together. Get this; one nasty parent who I had just rejected teaches her kid on a one-on-one basis (I don't do that boring game), shot back at Gee and told her that I would probably soon ditch her as my business partner and take up business soley with Oi, thus keeping all the loot to ourselves. Oh, foolish wench. She obviously doesn't know what Gee and I have been through together and of our great mutual respect. Gee is and always with be awesome. Some Thai business wmoen have also been trying to steal Gee away from me to go working for another private teaching gig. Again, they don't know that our partnership is based on fun and good times, not on cold, hard cash and being cunts to each other, like so many of the rest. I am pissed that folk have tried this on, but very proud of Gee who has rebuffed all such offers. Anyway, next year may bring great things. Oi and Gee are both super-lovely people who love children before the Yankie dollar any day. And you can see that in the kids faces and their reluctance to go home at the end of class.
What have I learnt from this? How quickly, and I am not infallible by any means, human beans will shit on each other if they can smell the green or power. Pretty disgusting actually. I have always made it my point to be so damn perfect in my work that no-one can touch me. It's easy if you try because no one else does. And very importantly, NOT to think about the money but on the work in front of you. The cash is a nice bonus, but only still a by-product to the core activity. Suck it and see.
I ain't touched a drop os liquer since last Friday and have been exercising at home and at the uni. I am determined never to be fat and fucked-up. Actually, once you kick out the crap things you do, it soon falls away and I have slimmed down a tad after just a few days. Last night I suggested to Oi that I wanted one of the cans of Guinness that had been sitting in the fridge since last Saturday when she offered to go and get me a fruit shake from the market outside. So, I had a banana and pineapple shake instead. I didn't even have dinner and I wasn't hungry either. Good show. I am sure marriage can encourage self destructive menfolk to take better care of their bodies and health.
I spy on Gamespot that more games are being released and it is my intention to pop down to the black market and aquire a few more for the stockpile. The Witcher, Tomb Raider Underground and Left for Dead all look fun. I am on about Chapter 7 of 12 of Dead Space and will indeed finish this most excellent game.
Music - srangely enough I have been pulling out the few World Party tracks off of my hard drive and recounting the wisom in Ship of Fools and Is It Like Today. Good stuff.
John Zerzan has done some good shows and is taking a more international perspective which I appreciate. I sent him the link abou the Korean woman so obsessed with cosmetic surgery, that when her prescribed injection at home supply of blotox or whatever ran out, she started injecting cooking oil into her face. The results and "before" picture would leave you feeling awful and in despair.
Pirates off Somalia - cool (not really)! Shame they got driven to it after their fishing waters got so polluted and empty as they watch endless lines of oil tankers chugg past their homes.
Seemingly endless stories of murder and beating coming out of UK as I read the tabloids there.
Thaksin divorced his wife. A plot to gain re-entry into the UK or to claw back his frozen millions. No go - i hope. Fancy sacrificing your marriage for the possibly of material gain. In any eyes, he must have lost credibility over that - or maybe not in this declining society.
Anyway, hopefully the rain has stopped here for a moment and I should rush out and buy me some zombies to blast.
Friday, November 14, 2008
End of Days
It's been a week of running through dark, de-pressurized corridors frantically trying to avoid multi-limbed aliens fraught on my demise. Such has been Dead Space and I have had to stop playing as the stress levels were too great, and I am only about halfway through. Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 are still waiting for play.
It's been a funny old week actually and SMart English's crap performance has once again been raising it's lazy head. Sometimes you just want to let them drown as they seemed so determined to do so. I think however I can make a little escape plan with Oi, who is thankfully no part of it. Oi really impresses me. She is very cool and makes lots of sensible decisions. Maybe in the future her and I can do something and forget about some of the other cronies who seem destined to screw up everything they attempt.
Saw a great movie this week; The Boondock Saints - about a couple of Irish thugs in Boston. It is awesome. Check it out.
Utube has been great and when I have had a couple of Guinness's I play Beatles tracks to Oi. Slowly she is learning some but it probably won't get further than that.
It's has been raining a lot which has been pleasant, yet everything is damp and soggy which is a slight pain. It tends to be humid too, but sleeping it blissful with the rain outside.
I had half a notion to drag Oi to Nepal in March which would be awesome and probably not too expensive from here.
The boys are all fine. Don got another job; - 17 hours a week for 35,000 Baht. hat's fucking better than me and I have been with my lot for years now. Such is life. I cannot complain as I am pretty happy and have all the home comforts I need.
It's the burial of the King's sis this weekend who died back in Feb. or something. One must watch it over here as one is likely to loose one's head at even coughing near the royal family. All a bit stupid and I wouldn't like to know too much about the stuff they have been involved in, though I imagine it is fairly sordid. It only affects me insofar as one cannot buy beer for 3 days, whilst she is sent off to wherever she's going.
I couldn't believe Bush is still fucking things up with his latest plea that the financial crisis has nothing to do with the capitalist system. Yes, of course, schooling the population to be greedy is healthy and could never have negative consequences. What a twat. Even BBC radio said "He is likely to experience serious opposition to this view". I heard he was crying when he met Obama. Poor black guy, fairly typical that he should inherit the pile of shite handed to him by a dry drunk white bastard.
The redundancies have started. Next is mass unemployed massing on the streets and some good old property damage going on - oh sorry, if I offended anyone, to suggest such a thing. Just might be a consequence of having no job, no money and no-where to live. Any form of anarchism won't happen because it's trendy or cool. It will happen through the natural course of things - the peasants are revolting, Sire.
I see Donald Trump is building a fucking huge golf course complex on the West coast of Scotland. 500 luxury apartments and 1,000 luxury houses, and a big fuck-off golf course for rich twats to knock a ball around. The radio reporters tried to interview a lone horse rider they met on the isolated beach. She couldn't say anything, such was her rage. Hopefully some brave Scot will take him out at the opening ceremony. Funny, cos I used to not completely hate Trump either, but Scottish soil is sacred in my book.
Man will never rest until the has spoiled the Earth, and a frigging rabbit said that!
It's been a funny old week actually and SMart English's crap performance has once again been raising it's lazy head. Sometimes you just want to let them drown as they seemed so determined to do so. I think however I can make a little escape plan with Oi, who is thankfully no part of it. Oi really impresses me. She is very cool and makes lots of sensible decisions. Maybe in the future her and I can do something and forget about some of the other cronies who seem destined to screw up everything they attempt.
Saw a great movie this week; The Boondock Saints - about a couple of Irish thugs in Boston. It is awesome. Check it out.
Utube has been great and when I have had a couple of Guinness's I play Beatles tracks to Oi. Slowly she is learning some but it probably won't get further than that.
It's has been raining a lot which has been pleasant, yet everything is damp and soggy which is a slight pain. It tends to be humid too, but sleeping it blissful with the rain outside.
I had half a notion to drag Oi to Nepal in March which would be awesome and probably not too expensive from here.
The boys are all fine. Don got another job; - 17 hours a week for 35,000 Baht. hat's fucking better than me and I have been with my lot for years now. Such is life. I cannot complain as I am pretty happy and have all the home comforts I need.
It's the burial of the King's sis this weekend who died back in Feb. or something. One must watch it over here as one is likely to loose one's head at even coughing near the royal family. All a bit stupid and I wouldn't like to know too much about the stuff they have been involved in, though I imagine it is fairly sordid. It only affects me insofar as one cannot buy beer for 3 days, whilst she is sent off to wherever she's going.
I couldn't believe Bush is still fucking things up with his latest plea that the financial crisis has nothing to do with the capitalist system. Yes, of course, schooling the population to be greedy is healthy and could never have negative consequences. What a twat. Even BBC radio said "He is likely to experience serious opposition to this view". I heard he was crying when he met Obama. Poor black guy, fairly typical that he should inherit the pile of shite handed to him by a dry drunk white bastard.
The redundancies have started. Next is mass unemployed massing on the streets and some good old property damage going on - oh sorry, if I offended anyone, to suggest such a thing. Just might be a consequence of having no job, no money and no-where to live. Any form of anarchism won't happen because it's trendy or cool. It will happen through the natural course of things - the peasants are revolting, Sire.
I see Donald Trump is building a fucking huge golf course complex on the West coast of Scotland. 500 luxury apartments and 1,000 luxury houses, and a big fuck-off golf course for rich twats to knock a ball around. The radio reporters tried to interview a lone horse rider they met on the isolated beach. She couldn't say anything, such was her rage. Hopefully some brave Scot will take him out at the opening ceremony. Funny, cos I used to not completely hate Trump either, but Scottish soil is sacred in my book.
Man will never rest until the has spoiled the Earth, and a frigging rabbit said that!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Dead Pace - go buy
A quick one.
OMFG! This game Dead Space is awesome. Absolutely gripping gameplay. Reminds me of System Shock 2 only a million times better. Aliens aboard a damaged spaceship. You blow off their limbs to slow them down. Tons of extras and nail biting stuff.
Beg, borrow or steal a great PC and get this game. I guarentee you will totally love it.
OMFG! This game Dead Space is awesome. Absolutely gripping gameplay. Reminds me of System Shock 2 only a million times better. Aliens aboard a damaged spaceship. You blow off their limbs to slow them down. Tons of extras and nail biting stuff.
Beg, borrow or steal a great PC and get this game. I guarentee you will totally love it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
A rainy Saturday morning. It was raining all night and Oi slept like a log, unlike myself. Now the bud has run out I am back to waking up at 2 o'clock in the God damn morning again. I lay there wrestling about it before coming downstairs and surfed the Net and drank some tea. I got back to sleep at about five and was up again at seven for my guitar lesson.
As stated earlier I am watching some of these TV show downloads these day. Californication is really good and David Duchanvony (?) is very cool. He shags countless women and drives around LA generally being super cool, though I thought his Wayne's World saunter was a bit embarrassing. It's a great show. Dirty Sexy Money is proving a bit of a let down as it went from brilliant to TV sap. Also, checking out new Merlin, and the old mini-series Merlin with Sam Neil and Robin of Sherwood from way back in 1984 with Sean Connery's son, Jason.
Life is fairly rosy right now and last week I taught a record-breaking four evenings on top of my daytime job. Somehow, I have adopted a very casual method of teaching which the kids seem to enjoy, and it has proven quite successful as their speaking ability "on the spot" and their confidence have both increased noticeably. Of course, teaching should be easy if you are doing it right. Like anything, there are infinite possiblities and approaches, but there is a most effective method, and it is our job as teachers to find it.
The Red Hand Gang (Lee, Tom, Don and now Patrick) are all fine and we, well Patrick and myself got very drunk last Wednesday. We abandoned the movie halfway through and indulged in a lethal cocktail of Guinness, green, Singha, Leo and Jameson's Irish Whiskey. Patrick fell down the stairs when he got back home, when he decided to have one last beer in the fridge as he was preparing for bed. We gotta stop all this one day.
Oi is as sweet and calm as ever. She still has 4 months of study which is occupying her weekend. She would much rather be sleeping. Her new job is proving good and she is enjoying meeting her new students. It's amazing how quickly one forgets the old ones.
...Saturday evening now and a relatively boring day.
I took a trip into town and picked up some new video games and subsequently gave myself a headache. Why do I still continue this torturous path? Anyway, for those interested I picked up Fry Cry 2, Dead Space and Fallout 3. All look awesome. All are so massive there seems little point in even starting the odyssey.
I watched a bunch of Californication shows which admittedly are fucking awesome and I highly recommend it. If you think I am rude and horrible, watch this show.
Oi is at uni of course and then out to help some kid or some parent or something. Fine. I sat listening to Tanita Tickaram in the dark with a glass of hot whiskey and water.
The boys will be arriving shortly, so I had best sign off.
Night all,
As stated earlier I am watching some of these TV show downloads these day. Californication is really good and David Duchanvony (?) is very cool. He shags countless women and drives around LA generally being super cool, though I thought his Wayne's World saunter was a bit embarrassing. It's a great show. Dirty Sexy Money is proving a bit of a let down as it went from brilliant to TV sap. Also, checking out new Merlin, and the old mini-series Merlin with Sam Neil and Robin of Sherwood from way back in 1984 with Sean Connery's son, Jason.
Life is fairly rosy right now and last week I taught a record-breaking four evenings on top of my daytime job. Somehow, I have adopted a very casual method of teaching which the kids seem to enjoy, and it has proven quite successful as their speaking ability "on the spot" and their confidence have both increased noticeably. Of course, teaching should be easy if you are doing it right. Like anything, there are infinite possiblities and approaches, but there is a most effective method, and it is our job as teachers to find it.
The Red Hand Gang (Lee, Tom, Don and now Patrick) are all fine and we, well Patrick and myself got very drunk last Wednesday. We abandoned the movie halfway through and indulged in a lethal cocktail of Guinness, green, Singha, Leo and Jameson's Irish Whiskey. Patrick fell down the stairs when he got back home, when he decided to have one last beer in the fridge as he was preparing for bed. We gotta stop all this one day.
Oi is as sweet and calm as ever. She still has 4 months of study which is occupying her weekend. She would much rather be sleeping. Her new job is proving good and she is enjoying meeting her new students. It's amazing how quickly one forgets the old ones.
...Saturday evening now and a relatively boring day.
I took a trip into town and picked up some new video games and subsequently gave myself a headache. Why do I still continue this torturous path? Anyway, for those interested I picked up Fry Cry 2, Dead Space and Fallout 3. All look awesome. All are so massive there seems little point in even starting the odyssey.
I watched a bunch of Californication shows which admittedly are fucking awesome and I highly recommend it. If you think I am rude and horrible, watch this show.
Oi is at uni of course and then out to help some kid or some parent or something. Fine. I sat listening to Tanita Tickaram in the dark with a glass of hot whiskey and water.
The boys will be arriving shortly, so I had best sign off.
Night all,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Of Anarchy and Peggle
Back in to the swing of things again now, as the new school term is properly underway. My life is embarrassingly comfortable, though I have made it a slightly more awkward by doing an additional private class this term; making 3 nights per week. The little darlings are all super sweet as I bribe them with Scooby Doo cartoons and video games before being escorted to the torture chamber, I mean classroom. With the young ones, (6-7 year olds) it's horrible amount of reading, at which they are excelling, lightened by some colouring or a cut and glue exercise. The older ones, it's all about talking with awful 2 minute presentations assigned to howling groans and wimpers. In at the deep end. Still, they might thank me when they're about 35.
Right now, I am just amazed at the great babes I live and work with. Oi, Phit and Gee are all very super and it's a hell of a team. Posh, frightened parents quiver at the door, stealing glances of the strange white monkey entertaining their children. I have always been fairly good at working, if nothing else, and can run rings around most people here. Even, if I am dreadfully lazy. I lead the double life I have always led; polite, shy, professional and ever so nice....and the dark, menacing, self indulgent, bloated junkie that I truly am. Such fun.
Right now, I have stopped DL movies, last ones being Evil Dead Trilogy, Flawless (Micheal Caine at his best) and moved onto TV series shows for some light relief. And oh, what corkers I have found, or think I have found. This new one, Dirty Sexy Money with Donald Sutherland started greatbut is in danger of turning into The OC, though it is tres similar to a book my brother gave me; The Winslow Legacy. And I have heard that Californication is a must with the X files dude at some disillusioned middle-class....God I can't bear to complete the sentence. Along with my theory that all things are relevant, it sounds like it parallels the empty lives so many of us lead these days.
Gaming is taking it's toll and my interest wanes with every passing day as I reach beyond puberty. When I play the Crysis Wars online, I am nearly always stoned and hence my reactions are somewhat impaired. Thus I get nailed countless times by some cocky 13 year old spud and called names like "Loser" for hanging about in one spot trying to pick off passers by, instead of charging around and flying through virtual air like most of the gam-heads. Be it so.
I think it was Oscar Wilde who said that there was nothing more vomit-inducing than a newly married couple, and I can see why when I look at the little bubble of happiness that Oi and myself find ourselves in. In over a year we are still to have cross words and can sit side by side for hours with barely a word spoke as she plays Pizza Frenzy and I play Peggle on our respective coms.
She's being very clever with her new school. Officially there as a work experience girl, as part of her degree, she speaks the best English in the school and hold no responsibility like the usual slave teachers there. She can come home at 4.30 and has no extra duties. We have to make sure these nasty Chinese school owners don't have her in shackles like the rest of their staff.
I am really enjoying Of Human Bondage and relieved I am not yet half way through. It is the only book I have read in some time that I truly love and can relish each carefully scripted line. Read it if you can.
Movie night comes around again and Tom and Don I think are both a little apprehensive of coming over these days, though of course there is no need.
We went to see Lee's baby girl the other day. Unfortunately he was absent as two of his students were in a motorcycle accident. One died. So sad this and a daily occurrence here.
The first black American pres? Good luck, son. See if you can dig your way out of the shit Bush has left you with. I am still dumbfounded at how little "fuck you Bush what the fuck have you done to our country" talk there is. I can't believe it. Has the whole world gone lame? He should be tied to the back of a horse and dragged through the streets of Baghdad in the dirt. At least the Ruskies are pushing.
Still waiting for the effects of the crash to really kick in, I notice production is slowing quite dramatically and I would anticipate large scale redundancies in the near future. I hope all my pals are okay, obviously. Once those Yankies are out on the streets with no job and no money which could see some interesting anarchistic action. And lets see if Obama is taken out within a year as Don predicted. Then, there really would be no hope for human beans.
Take care, peps.
Right now, I am just amazed at the great babes I live and work with. Oi, Phit and Gee are all very super and it's a hell of a team. Posh, frightened parents quiver at the door, stealing glances of the strange white monkey entertaining their children. I have always been fairly good at working, if nothing else, and can run rings around most people here. Even, if I am dreadfully lazy. I lead the double life I have always led; polite, shy, professional and ever so nice....and the dark, menacing, self indulgent, bloated junkie that I truly am. Such fun.
Right now, I have stopped DL movies, last ones being Evil Dead Trilogy, Flawless (Micheal Caine at his best) and moved onto TV series shows for some light relief. And oh, what corkers I have found, or think I have found. This new one, Dirty Sexy Money with Donald Sutherland started greatbut is in danger of turning into The OC, though it is tres similar to a book my brother gave me; The Winslow Legacy. And I have heard that Californication is a must with the X files dude at some disillusioned middle-class....God I can't bear to complete the sentence. Along with my theory that all things are relevant, it sounds like it parallels the empty lives so many of us lead these days.
Gaming is taking it's toll and my interest wanes with every passing day as I reach beyond puberty. When I play the Crysis Wars online, I am nearly always stoned and hence my reactions are somewhat impaired. Thus I get nailed countless times by some cocky 13 year old spud and called names like "Loser" for hanging about in one spot trying to pick off passers by, instead of charging around and flying through virtual air like most of the gam-heads. Be it so.
I think it was Oscar Wilde who said that there was nothing more vomit-inducing than a newly married couple, and I can see why when I look at the little bubble of happiness that Oi and myself find ourselves in. In over a year we are still to have cross words and can sit side by side for hours with barely a word spoke as she plays Pizza Frenzy and I play Peggle on our respective coms.
She's being very clever with her new school. Officially there as a work experience girl, as part of her degree, she speaks the best English in the school and hold no responsibility like the usual slave teachers there. She can come home at 4.30 and has no extra duties. We have to make sure these nasty Chinese school owners don't have her in shackles like the rest of their staff.
I am really enjoying Of Human Bondage and relieved I am not yet half way through. It is the only book I have read in some time that I truly love and can relish each carefully scripted line. Read it if you can.
Movie night comes around again and Tom and Don I think are both a little apprehensive of coming over these days, though of course there is no need.
We went to see Lee's baby girl the other day. Unfortunately he was absent as two of his students were in a motorcycle accident. One died. So sad this and a daily occurrence here.
The first black American pres? Good luck, son. See if you can dig your way out of the shit Bush has left you with. I am still dumbfounded at how little "fuck you Bush what the fuck have you done to our country" talk there is. I can't believe it. Has the whole world gone lame? He should be tied to the back of a horse and dragged through the streets of Baghdad in the dirt. At least the Ruskies are pushing.
Still waiting for the effects of the crash to really kick in, I notice production is slowing quite dramatically and I would anticipate large scale redundancies in the near future. I hope all my pals are okay, obviously. Once those Yankies are out on the streets with no job and no money which could see some interesting anarchistic action. And lets see if Obama is taken out within a year as Don predicted. Then, there really would be no hope for human beans.
Take care, peps.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dead Space
A quick one.
OMFG! This game Dead Space is awesome. Absolutely gripping gameplay. Reminds me of System Shock 2 only a million times better. Aliens aboard a damaged spaceship. You blow off their limbs to slow them down. Tons of extras and nail biting stuff.
Beg, borrow or steal a great PC and get this game. I guarentee you will totally love it.
OMFG! This game Dead Space is awesome. Absolutely gripping gameplay. Reminds me of System Shock 2 only a million times better. Aliens aboard a damaged spaceship. You blow off their limbs to slow them down. Tons of extras and nail biting stuff.
Beg, borrow or steal a great PC and get this game. I guarentee you will totally love it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Big 40.

40 today. I was feeling sad at about 7 in the morning. Not about turning 40, but about some extra classes and responsibilities which are making me have to re-schedule my guitar lesson, my one truly educational hobby. It will now be shunted to a poor Monday night as I teach Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and take Oi to uni on Saturday mornings. Phit was late to arrive at the school too, and I hate being late.
All these dull thoughts were shattered however, during the opening classes of the new term. I was teaching about the face and had a scream with the kids; drawing the mouth above the eyes and gags which get them shouting "No!!!" and then drawing big noses and hair on the ears and stuff like that. It was really funny and we topped it off with a game of Hangman. They are only Kindergarten 3 but very bright and brave. Afterwards, they pour out of the class and mob me. Someone always manages to punch me in the nuts too. It's like some horror movie being swarmed by psychotic, laughing children slapping your arse and kicking you, about 30 of them. Trapped in the corridor unable to push through the 10 foot radius of naughty killer zombies.
I have actually been very happy lately, though exercise has fallen by the wayside as the bud is in town. I'll be starting soon again, and I think I like the mornings best when it's dark and fresh.
Life with Oi is fairly pleasant. We can both take care of ourselves and meet up on the sofa every hour or so for a break. I purchased Crysis Warhead, a total head fuck but very, very pretty. I think each individual blade of grass is draw these days. It looks fantastic and they have structured the game very well. You have all different types of levels; all out war, alone in the mine, speeding on vehicles etc.

I must tell you about this new music I have acquired; Putumayo. Type it in and start downloading. I was watching Bloomberg the other day, such is my life, when this brilliant interview came on with some cool, hippy business tychoon who records music from traditional bands from all around the world, compiles and sells it. He has a hip, world clothing shop in New York. So far, I have extracted Mali, Sahara, Turkish, Cuban and more on the way. There's about 20 albums of all different cultures and music.
I am really enjoying Of Human Bondage, which might have opened me up to books again after a long and bitty absense.
I found now that I sleep much better slepping with Oi. I certainly wake up later and feel nice and cozy instead of wanting to make a coffee and check out the news on the PC.
The financial crisis? Well...I assume that productions will come to a grinding halt. Actually, it's already started. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs, and of course tons of human beans have already lost life savings with their shares and invested money. I should state that I am really sorry for anyone affected, and although I am pleased with what is happening on a global scale, obviously I am very sad for the individuals affected by this current state of affairs, both those I know and don't know.
Where does it go from here? Well...I imagine it will still be kicking in at about Spring next year. Crime will increase and beans may be forced onto the streets to find stay alive. This could result in riots in places you might not think it could happen.
After that?
It might be that another force will come into play, like a war or environmental disaster, to roll on the emergency. People without commitments might want to locate to a safe distance before the fireworks kick off.
Oi bought a tiny lap top and in the evening we both have a little gaming session. I'm playing Peggle and Crysis Online, don't even go there, and she's on Bejewelled 2 which I played for about 3 months. But she says she doesn't really like to play video games. I know how she feels.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Strange Honeymoon
We rode the motorcycle through the countryside and along the coast to Songkhla. The main roads are awful and quite dangerous, so even though it is a fair bit further, it is a very pleasant ride. The rice fields and the solitary figure of the farmer in the distance. It's a very peaceful scene. The muslim village as you hit the coast is worthy of note. It's smells of fish and the faces of the dark villagers look up in surprise as you speed along the roads.
The two best hotels that we wanted to stay at were both full. One had a bloody conference going on - full of half wits pretending to be important and actually interested in the boring subject matter. God, is there nothing worse than those awful conferences? The shits you meet at them, peddling their crap with such gusto.
We ended up checking into a cheap hotel in The Dark Side - the notrious part of town, where fat, white, drunken engineers from the oil rigs swill around on the barroom floor in lager and cheap whores. It's always a good place to watch pickled turds mouth off about how rich they are as they force another pint of flat lager into their enormous guts.
We checked out the newly opened "Sea World". Not so much a world, but a room with some fish tanks in. I observed three bods from management as I stepped outside into the sunshine. They smiled and looked professional, wondering why the place wasn't heaving. The snazzy new car park and entrance court suffered badly from "ponding" and large areas of rainwater cut fat, middle-class Chinese families from off from their giant Silver 4x4 leisure cruisers. I'll leave Sea World to the imprisoned fishes that haunt it.
We only stayed two days. Such was the level of excitement in Songkhla, but we did strike gold last night and caught the amazing Reggae/Ska band at Chai's bar. I had been there before with Patrick, when indeed, we were forced to attend some crap English conference. Our collective pain was lanced and drained by a visit to the Irish pub, where we consumed pints of Guinness, and sloped across the street to the Ska party. The Canadian owner gave us some grass and we had a right old time. This time was less spectacular, but still very cool and we met the fat boy with the birds nest hair who plays a mini trumpet. Last night he was on bass and they performed winding, loose reggae tracks. We got talking and found out about a party he has the first Friday of every month. So, we might be making a return visit.
Two days was enough and we came back this morning. It was Oi's birthday and I found a learner's version of The Call of the Wild which she read right through. She is now sitting through Charlton Heston's rendition, which has moments of greatness, but is also lame in a very bad way. Watch at your peril.
However, we are back at home surrounded by our technology. It was a strange honeymoon - it rained most of the only full day we were there. It reminded me of rainy holidays in England. Looking out at grey nothing through the hotel window. I thought of all those lonely businessmen who spend most of there lives in hotels. So, we had moments of being trapped in a cheap hotel. At least there was a mini-bar.
The two best hotels that we wanted to stay at were both full. One had a bloody conference going on - full of half wits pretending to be important and actually interested in the boring subject matter. God, is there nothing worse than those awful conferences? The shits you meet at them, peddling their crap with such gusto.
We ended up checking into a cheap hotel in The Dark Side - the notrious part of town, where fat, white, drunken engineers from the oil rigs swill around on the barroom floor in lager and cheap whores. It's always a good place to watch pickled turds mouth off about how rich they are as they force another pint of flat lager into their enormous guts.
We checked out the newly opened "Sea World". Not so much a world, but a room with some fish tanks in. I observed three bods from management as I stepped outside into the sunshine. They smiled and looked professional, wondering why the place wasn't heaving. The snazzy new car park and entrance court suffered badly from "ponding" and large areas of rainwater cut fat, middle-class Chinese families from off from their giant Silver 4x4 leisure cruisers. I'll leave Sea World to the imprisoned fishes that haunt it.
We only stayed two days. Such was the level of excitement in Songkhla, but we did strike gold last night and caught the amazing Reggae/Ska band at Chai's bar. I had been there before with Patrick, when indeed, we were forced to attend some crap English conference. Our collective pain was lanced and drained by a visit to the Irish pub, where we consumed pints of Guinness, and sloped across the street to the Ska party. The Canadian owner gave us some grass and we had a right old time. This time was less spectacular, but still very cool and we met the fat boy with the birds nest hair who plays a mini trumpet. Last night he was on bass and they performed winding, loose reggae tracks. We got talking and found out about a party he has the first Friday of every month. So, we might be making a return visit.
Two days was enough and we came back this morning. It was Oi's birthday and I found a learner's version of The Call of the Wild which she read right through. She is now sitting through Charlton Heston's rendition, which has moments of greatness, but is also lame in a very bad way. Watch at your peril.
However, we are back at home surrounded by our technology. It was a strange honeymoon - it rained most of the only full day we were there. It reminded me of rainy holidays in England. Looking out at grey nothing through the hotel window. I thought of all those lonely businessmen who spend most of there lives in hotels. So, we had moments of being trapped in a cheap hotel. At least there was a mini-bar.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Home Sweet Home

I arrived back in Hat Yai at 6 o'clock this morning, travelling on the sleeper train.
It was a great week with Kyle and Joe. We had plenty of discussions, meals, j's and Civilisation 4 sessions (Kyle's fav. game). Civ 4 is a highly evolved race management game starting with warriors and developing right through to the space age.
We enjoyed a wide variety of meals including Lebonese, Japanese and Indian and drank plentiful cups of home ground coffee. I went to the new Paragon Centre and the famous Panthip IT store.

The sky train is good fun and there is always tons of babes on it.
We had a crazy night in Soi Cowboy with Tom and Joe. Crazy fun and no harm done.

We had a lot of dicussions about the Financial situation and Kyle is not only a fantastic mathematician but also highly political and avidly reads webpage after webpage of news articles. He has anachistic tendancies as do Joe.
It was great to see them and I was sad to leave, but missing Oi and it was wonderful to arrive back early this morning and find her curled up asleep in bed.
Today has been a chill day and I got an extra weeks holiday from my boss so I can spend time with Oi. So that's great.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
City Of Angels I am in Bangkok staying with old buddies Kyle and Joe. So far so good.
We're going to an old Indian restaurant tonight in Chinatown which should be fun and then on to watch some blues near Kao Sang Road.
The boys are in great form and still in the same house as 3 years ago on my last visit. Kyle works Saturday and Sunday for 30,000 a month which is a very easy ride. Joe has something similar.
It's a real blast being in BKK. The place is crazy and an adventure every time you go out. Obviously there are some stunning babes about as in any city.
I had some awesome German beer today which was possibly the best beer I have ever tasted. Could go for one more of those. Also picked up Marmite and Vegetamite though both are quite expensive. Kyle took me to an awesome supermarket stacked with delicious foods from all over the globe. Bkk's great but you need some bucks to go crazy with.
Tom arrives in town tonight so we'll probably hook up with him too, though he is after a pub that shows 24 hour baseball.
Oi is still working back in Hat Yai and won't be free until 15th Oct.
I will go home at some point and we'll take a break together before I start back on the 20th.
We're going to an old Indian restaurant tonight in Chinatown which should be fun and then on to watch some blues near Kao Sang Road.
The boys are in great form and still in the same house as 3 years ago on my last visit. Kyle works Saturday and Sunday for 30,000 a month which is a very easy ride. Joe has something similar.
It's a real blast being in BKK. The place is crazy and an adventure every time you go out. Obviously there are some stunning babes about as in any city.
I had some awesome German beer today which was possibly the best beer I have ever tasted. Could go for one more of those. Also picked up Marmite and Vegetamite though both are quite expensive. Kyle took me to an awesome supermarket stacked with delicious foods from all over the globe. Bkk's great but you need some bucks to go crazy with.
Tom arrives in town tonight so we'll probably hook up with him too, though he is after a pub that shows 24 hour baseball.
Oi is still working back in Hat Yai and won't be free until 15th Oct.
I will go home at some point and we'll take a break together before I start back on the 20th.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The crash looks set to go ahead - very interesting and how far and for how long will it continue. I hope all my buddies are ok in their jobs even though I am pleased it is happening. What will happen to Joe Average in the USA? One can only speculate. Mass unemployment, riots and of course, property damage. I see the Pres of Iran gave a scathing speech at the UN the other day. Of course, us white monkeys here in Thailand are a luxury item too and may not survive. I might have to become a farmer and pick coffee beans on Oi's family farm - doesn't sound so bad.
The ripple effect will probably come quite fast, I imagine, but its extent is a real unknown. It is a time for real change? Is it a time to start listening to JZ? Will it take everyone down or will counties like China come forging ahead. Whatever, its heads down time and tighten your belts.
Sickness? It's nearly dead. I woke up this morning and no mucus cough up session. It's still in my nose but it is off my chest and overall lessened in its strength. It's been just over a week since it started and I just hope it is gone. I will have to tell the bosses that kindergarten kids are out for me next year if I am going to be constantly sick, but I don't know if they have another place for me - a shame they seem unable to secure more contracts.
The ripple effect will probably come quite fast, I imagine, but its extent is a real unknown. It is a time for real change? Is it a time to start listening to JZ? Will it take everyone down or will counties like China come forging ahead. Whatever, its heads down time and tighten your belts.
Sickness? It's nearly dead. I woke up this morning and no mucus cough up session. It's still in my nose but it is off my chest and overall lessened in its strength. It's been just over a week since it started and I just hope it is gone. I will have to tell the bosses that kindergarten kids are out for me next year if I am going to be constantly sick, but I don't know if they have another place for me - a shame they seem unable to secure more contracts.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
War Rages On.
The fight against the mucus is in full swing. Raw garlic and ginger are stinging the crap out of it and The echina stuff (thanks Rob) is taken in regular quantities as a big extra (and unexpected) shove. I sure hope those babies work. Salt water is injected into my nostrils every time I walk past the sink, buckets of plain water are drunk among other attack methods.
In truth, the sickness is far from dead, but Oi has observed it is not nearly as strong as a couple of months ago, and she suggested that I am forming an immunity to it. It is not that strong but it still has a firm hold and is reluctant to die. I am not without sin either, and my own failings and indulgences have fuelled it somewhat.
In truth, the sickness is far from dead, but Oi has observed it is not nearly as strong as a couple of months ago, and she suggested that I am forming an immunity to it. It is not that strong but it still has a firm hold and is reluctant to die. I am not without sin either, and my own failings and indulgences have fuelled it somewhat.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sick Again and The Greatest Assault on a Virus Ever Attempted
Monday, I had a sniff. By nightfall it was a runny nose.
Almost immediately I sprung into action;
1. Drink tons of water.
2. Salt water gargle and nose wash 3 times a day.
3. Increase Vitamin C intake to 3000 mg a day.
4. Eating raw garlic and ginger.
5. Ginger and lemon tea.
Eating raw vegetables is my latest stunt and may be of effect.
Day 3 and I think I have cut it short. The virus is having trouble taking a hold on me. The nasal flushes are washing away the watery mucus and it is having a hard time taking hold. Normally I am well sick by now, but I am holding it at bay.
Now to increase the attacking agents and send it packing.
Almost immediately I sprung into action;
1. Drink tons of water.
2. Salt water gargle and nose wash 3 times a day.
3. Increase Vitamin C intake to 3000 mg a day.
4. Eating raw garlic and ginger.
5. Ginger and lemon tea.
Eating raw vegetables is my latest stunt and may be of effect.
Day 3 and I think I have cut it short. The virus is having trouble taking a hold on me. The nasal flushes are washing away the watery mucus and it is having a hard time taking hold. Normally I am well sick by now, but I am holding it at bay.
Now to increase the attacking agents and send it packing.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Party's Over

Saturday morning and in a few hours Mum and Nick will be the last ones to depart Hat Yai for other climes.
Last night Mum and Nick came round and we all (Oi too) watched "The Sound of Music" which was a great film to watch together. We gave Mum the big studio photo album my boss gave us for our wedding. It only seemed fair. I scanned all the pictures first.

Tony and Taryn left yesterday after saying goodbye to Oi at her school. It was amazing to see Tony and he was as cheery as ever. Fantastic that he is doing so well in his life is Australia and he is soon to start a Heavy Mechanics course which should see him doing great work and earning real cash.

Rob and Mojo left the day before, heading for the old Thai capital before going back to Spain.

It was quite a time. Exhausting, non-stop action and now it's time to begin my life with Oi.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A few days later and the slow wind down to people leaving and returning to work. I have exams to write which adds to the pressure. Oi to has gone back to school after a single day off.
Me, Rob, Tony and Phit went to a waterfall after taking Joel to the airport. We had had a good breakfast at the Swan pub previously and set Joel up for his gruelling journey home.

Tony and Rob drank beer as usual. I joined them, for round two.

Phit was confused by Tony's constant barrage of innuendos.

And, of course, he never missed a chance to gawp at the local wildlife.

She was something, that one!
Me, Rob, Tony and Phit went to a waterfall after taking Joel to the airport. We had had a good breakfast at the Swan pub previously and set Joel up for his gruelling journey home.

Tony and Rob drank beer as usual. I joined them, for round two.

Phit was confused by Tony's constant barrage of innuendos.

And, of course, he never missed a chance to gawp at the local wildlife.

She was something, that one!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Wedding's over and things are starting to wind down. It has been crazy and I pulled out all the stops to be able to cope with it all. The whole thing was fantastic, and I must say Oi and her family did a massive and great job of holding the wedding. I can hardly remember the exact sequence.
Mum, Nick, Joel, Don and Tom went up in the minibus to Chum Pon last Friday. Very sadly, Matt Beck and Jenny could not make it, but I hope to see them soon.

We got to the hotel which looked like something out of the Eastern Bloc or North Korea. Oi was there with Rob and Maria (Mojo). We found some beer. Oi went home and a couple of hours later Tony appears with Taryn. We had a big bear hug and he was grinning from cheek to cheek as ever. We drank more beer and just basically buzzed at the sheer awesomeness of the occasion. It was quite something. Eventually we got to bed. I shared a room with Joely.

Next morning, very early we got up and after brekker and the usual amount of faffing around made for Oi's farm.
Joel, mum and I went in a big black car with a police escort. The drive took about 15 minutes and I was rushed into a room where Oi was waiting (looking totally beautiful) and knelt down before four monks. They chanting starting and Oi told me when to bow and stuff like that. I was a bit concerned because the others hadn't arrived. It was just Joel and Mum with me. After about half an hour it finished and Oi went off to another room. I went outside and we were taken to a farmhouse across the road and were given coffee. We were told that we had to go again and we went out onto the road where a procession of people were waiting. Rob and the others were here and lots of Thais hold banana leaves and stuff like that.
Then the bangs and fireworks went off and this crazy music started. It felt like Jamaica or something, as we started to slowly approach the house. A little boy held my hand and everyone was laughing and having fun. As we appraoched the house I was carried forward and people held gold chains in front of me. A fat woman rushed forward with a bag of whiskey and started paying the gatekeepers. We went through about 4 of them. Then they tried to get my shoes off my feet, but I managed to hold onto them. I was led up to a door and was finally allowed in. Oi was sitting on a bed in this small room.
I sat down with her and she fed me a tray of different foods. Then I fed her. Then we came back into the main room and knelt down as we exchanged rings and I put some jewelery on her. After this, we knelt and bowed to a whole circle of people. Mum and Nicholas joined in here. We were splashed with water and handed out little leaves and things to Oi's relatives. Finally, we were allowed out and sat at a dias as people poured water on our hands. Then we were married.
We separated again and us lot went back to the hotel for a rest.
At four o'clock we were driven back to the farm for the party. Everyone sat down and started eating. Alas, I had to stand with Oi, Oi's mum and my mum and this arch of flowers and greet the arriving guest. It was quite tiring and we were there for a long time as piles of people arrived. We had our photo taken about a Ga-zillion times.Then we went around every table waiing and thanking the guests. At last, I could sit down and eat. There was a great Mussaman curry which I love.
Later we were dragged up on stage and Phit did a Q&A thing and I answered questions in Thai. Oi said this was great so the people could understand I was not some flake stealing some Thai pussy as some are led to believe. Everyone cheered when I spoke Thai. Nicholas said something funny and Mum cried. Oi's mum (who is also quite a beauty) was also very emotional and spoke little.
I was supposed to stay the night but the music was so loud and I was dead. Oi came with me back to the hotel. It was important that we spend the first night together. It was lovely to be in a quiet air-con room and on our own.
The next day, it was time to leave.
We stopped off at the farm to say goodbye. Oi's mum gave me back the 100,000 Baht I had given her the day before as part of the dowry. I gave it to Oi as Mum had given it to me. Oi gave some to her aunt's and brothers. All of them started crying. It was a very humbling experience. These people had very little and refused every offer. Then when Oi asked them to accept they broke into tears. I think all us Whiteys felt something then.
We hit the road for the long trip back to Hat Yai.
Mum, Nick, Joel, Don and Tom went up in the minibus to Chum Pon last Friday. Very sadly, Matt Beck and Jenny could not make it, but I hope to see them soon.

We got to the hotel which looked like something out of the Eastern Bloc or North Korea. Oi was there with Rob and Maria (Mojo). We found some beer. Oi went home and a couple of hours later Tony appears with Taryn. We had a big bear hug and he was grinning from cheek to cheek as ever. We drank more beer and just basically buzzed at the sheer awesomeness of the occasion. It was quite something. Eventually we got to bed. I shared a room with Joely.

Next morning, very early we got up and after brekker and the usual amount of faffing around made for Oi's farm.
Joel, mum and I went in a big black car with a police escort. The drive took about 15 minutes and I was rushed into a room where Oi was waiting (looking totally beautiful) and knelt down before four monks. They chanting starting and Oi told me when to bow and stuff like that. I was a bit concerned because the others hadn't arrived. It was just Joel and Mum with me. After about half an hour it finished and Oi went off to another room. I went outside and we were taken to a farmhouse across the road and were given coffee. We were told that we had to go again and we went out onto the road where a procession of people were waiting. Rob and the others were here and lots of Thais hold banana leaves and stuff like that.
Then the bangs and fireworks went off and this crazy music started. It felt like Jamaica or something, as we started to slowly approach the house. A little boy held my hand and everyone was laughing and having fun. As we appraoched the house I was carried forward and people held gold chains in front of me. A fat woman rushed forward with a bag of whiskey and started paying the gatekeepers. We went through about 4 of them. Then they tried to get my shoes off my feet, but I managed to hold onto them. I was led up to a door and was finally allowed in. Oi was sitting on a bed in this small room.
I sat down with her and she fed me a tray of different foods. Then I fed her. Then we came back into the main room and knelt down as we exchanged rings and I put some jewelery on her. After this, we knelt and bowed to a whole circle of people. Mum and Nicholas joined in here. We were splashed with water and handed out little leaves and things to Oi's relatives. Finally, we were allowed out and sat at a dias as people poured water on our hands. Then we were married.
We separated again and us lot went back to the hotel for a rest.
At four o'clock we were driven back to the farm for the party. Everyone sat down and started eating. Alas, I had to stand with Oi, Oi's mum and my mum and this arch of flowers and greet the arriving guest. It was quite tiring and we were there for a long time as piles of people arrived. We had our photo taken about a Ga-zillion times.Then we went around every table waiing and thanking the guests. At last, I could sit down and eat. There was a great Mussaman curry which I love.
Later we were dragged up on stage and Phit did a Q&A thing and I answered questions in Thai. Oi said this was great so the people could understand I was not some flake stealing some Thai pussy as some are led to believe. Everyone cheered when I spoke Thai. Nicholas said something funny and Mum cried. Oi's mum (who is also quite a beauty) was also very emotional and spoke little.
I was supposed to stay the night but the music was so loud and I was dead. Oi came with me back to the hotel. It was important that we spend the first night together. It was lovely to be in a quiet air-con room and on our own.
The next day, it was time to leave.
We stopped off at the farm to say goodbye. Oi's mum gave me back the 100,000 Baht I had given her the day before as part of the dowry. I gave it to Oi as Mum had given it to me. Oi gave some to her aunt's and brothers. All of them started crying. It was a very humbling experience. These people had very little and refused every offer. Then when Oi asked them to accept they broke into tears. I think all us Whiteys felt something then.
We hit the road for the long trip back to Hat Yai.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Joel Cometh

Mega Uber-General Joel has arrived in Hat Yai.
Things are moving fast. Mum and Nick are here already and we have had a good time slowly preparing for the big day.
Oi went home a couple of days ago to get things ready at her mum's house.
Phit has been super and has been taking mum (The Queen) on numerous shopping trips in a valiant effort, though futile, to exhaust her.
On Monday night we all went out for din-dins at Karn's restaurant. Karn being a former student of mine as pal of Phit. Don, Tom, Lee, Phit, Gee, Patrick all came out and it was a fun time.
Today, I think Matt Beck and his wife, Jenny are arriving and then tomorrow we must endure the arduous journey to Chum Pon. There we will meet Rob and Tony.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I just purchased a blender after reading about a woman who got herself well on carrots, apples and ginger. Indeed, my recent skirmishes with ginger have resulted in much respect for this root vegetable. One can feel it killing all germs in its path. I accidentally put too much ginger in, along with carrots and apples, and I nearly retched - but in a good way. You can feel it burning through you. Anyway, I made another with just a couple of small slices and heaps of apples and carrots. And you can still feel in burning the insides of your eyes. Whatever, I am hoping to have this surge of energy later on, if I'm not too stoned to feel it.
I also picked up a 2001 bottle of wine last night. I mighty rare vintage in these parts. And Holy Fuck was it nice! smooth! Didn't take the roof off your mouth like the ones that cost less than 450B a bottle do, I can tell you.
Right now I am playing mindless flash games and am enjoying it. Tech has come a long way and now the old style shoot games look pretty smart these days.
Mum will arrive tomorrow loaded with Dime Bars and a wood carving kit for me. Oi wanted the Dime Bars after sampling their orgasmic taste last time mum came here. I'm going to start nurturing a new hobby and carve some wooden animals, like our uncle Buzzer did. I am hoping some of the skill transferred across somehow. I know patience will play a part, and a good eye. I guess I will have to get a vice too to keep the wood still as I carve.
Classical guitar is reaching awesome spheres for me. I can sight read quite well now and am now fairly free to move about the fretboard. I have been trying to study scales and stuff, but it all seems such a mystery. I resolved to forget about trying to understand it and just get on and play the bloody thing. A technique that has borne some fruit.
I have closed down Movie Night. The pressure was just too much. Selecting movies for an international audience can be a taxing occupation. Conjuring the popcorn, remembering to make it before the end of the film, over-indulgence and feeling like poo the next day - and it doesn't take much these days. In fact, anything other than Guinness will have a buzzing wire in the head the next day. Sensitive little fucker, am I.
I have opened Sunday Mattinee Movie. Audience of Don and Tom.
On with the show...
I also picked up a 2001 bottle of wine last night. I mighty rare vintage in these parts. And Holy Fuck was it nice! smooth! Didn't take the roof off your mouth like the ones that cost less than 450B a bottle do, I can tell you.
Right now I am playing mindless flash games and am enjoying it. Tech has come a long way and now the old style shoot games look pretty smart these days.
Mum will arrive tomorrow loaded with Dime Bars and a wood carving kit for me. Oi wanted the Dime Bars after sampling their orgasmic taste last time mum came here. I'm going to start nurturing a new hobby and carve some wooden animals, like our uncle Buzzer did. I am hoping some of the skill transferred across somehow. I know patience will play a part, and a good eye. I guess I will have to get a vice too to keep the wood still as I carve.
Classical guitar is reaching awesome spheres for me. I can sight read quite well now and am now fairly free to move about the fretboard. I have been trying to study scales and stuff, but it all seems such a mystery. I resolved to forget about trying to understand it and just get on and play the bloody thing. A technique that has borne some fruit.
I have closed down Movie Night. The pressure was just too much. Selecting movies for an international audience can be a taxing occupation. Conjuring the popcorn, remembering to make it before the end of the film, over-indulgence and feeling like poo the next day - and it doesn't take much these days. In fact, anything other than Guinness will have a buzzing wire in the head the next day. Sensitive little fucker, am I.
I have opened Sunday Mattinee Movie. Audience of Don and Tom.
On with the show...
Friday, September 5, 2008
7 Days
A week today, I shall be married.
It hasn't been so bad in the build up so far, but there is still plenty of time. Oi is handling most of it. Phit took me to get the ring and some new shoes. I have the two suits already and Oi is going home on Tuesday to get things ready. I will go up in a minibus with Mater and any buddies who want to come. A fuck of a long journey which has me peeved, but has to be done.
It will be so awesome to see my buddies; Matt Beck, Joel and Tony. It has been more than 7 years since I have seen Tony. Our last meeting on Koh Samui on my first trip to Thailand. I fear the years have not been kind. Actually, I jest, I think he is in pretty good shape.
My hook up with John Zerzan has me in a perpetual state of imminent disaster. And why I would want to get married and breed defies logic, but then I guess it is the caveman who clubs his babe and drags her off to his cave. Indeed, everytime I throw a plastic bottle cap or such like into the bin, I think, "How long will this take to decay?"
Movie to watch;
Manufactured Landscapes
Who Killed the Electric Car
HellBoy 2
Iron Man
Right now, the system strikes out at the individual struggling to survive. More and more the liberator becomes the oppressor, and Man's obsession with money blinds him from everything else.
Quote of the Week (old Arabic proverb);
"Those who know, don't say.
Those who don't know, say." don't say!
I find it kinda funny why people are still working their jobs close to the centre of the system, but then I believe in the principle that Man (in general) will not leave the helm, until the final curtain call. Deckchairs on the Titanic... Denial will thrive in these final days. These lumbering governments are useless against the force of the machine.
Animals are all ready so nearly gone. Whole populations have been desimated in a single year, and every day one can read about some massive disaster for our furry friends. Indeed, the animal kingdom is collapsing. Soon we will be alone.
It hasn't been so bad in the build up so far, but there is still plenty of time. Oi is handling most of it. Phit took me to get the ring and some new shoes. I have the two suits already and Oi is going home on Tuesday to get things ready. I will go up in a minibus with Mater and any buddies who want to come. A fuck of a long journey which has me peeved, but has to be done.
It will be so awesome to see my buddies; Matt Beck, Joel and Tony. It has been more than 7 years since I have seen Tony. Our last meeting on Koh Samui on my first trip to Thailand. I fear the years have not been kind. Actually, I jest, I think he is in pretty good shape.
My hook up with John Zerzan has me in a perpetual state of imminent disaster. And why I would want to get married and breed defies logic, but then I guess it is the caveman who clubs his babe and drags her off to his cave. Indeed, everytime I throw a plastic bottle cap or such like into the bin, I think, "How long will this take to decay?"
Movie to watch;
Manufactured Landscapes
Who Killed the Electric Car
HellBoy 2
Iron Man
Right now, the system strikes out at the individual struggling to survive. More and more the liberator becomes the oppressor, and Man's obsession with money blinds him from everything else.
Quote of the Week (old Arabic proverb);
"Those who know, don't say.
Those who don't know, say." don't say!
I find it kinda funny why people are still working their jobs close to the centre of the system, but then I believe in the principle that Man (in general) will not leave the helm, until the final curtain call. Deckchairs on the Titanic... Denial will thrive in these final days. These lumbering governments are useless against the force of the machine.
Animals are all ready so nearly gone. Whole populations have been desimated in a single year, and every day one can read about some massive disaster for our furry friends. Indeed, the animal kingdom is collapsing. Soon we will be alone.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
John Zerzan - A Sense of Impending Doom

Tonight, I am watching a lot of John Zerzan on U Tube. I recommend you take time out of your miserable existences to watch a few. Things are afoot even as we speak on the up coming situation. My questions to John are about the design fault in Man. The selfish gene from which he cannot escape. John talks about Future Primitive. I am not sure I agree with this but I do know we are heading very rapidly to a catastrophic situation, and I believe we might wake up to the day, "when no one goes to work", when the system collapses. Man cannot escape his destinty and he is not the successful species he so nearly is. Personal gain is what stops it.
What amazes me is how society today actually poisons itself. The cigarette industry, the pharmasutical industry (treatments not cures), the motor industry (check out "Who Killed the Electric car". A society which actually limits its progress for short term economic gain at dire consequences. Governments that allow this to happen will bring civilisation to its knees, from the inside, as predicted.
Maybe I am an extreme example, having escaped from the West and turned to a less destructive industry - though nonetheless destructive, but I am sure more are following. Depression, suicide etc. is at horrific levels (16,000 student suicides last year in India alone). I am glad I have never taken anti-depressants (except the valium mum gave me as a kid) and see this as feeding the machine. Also, against my mother's wishes, my refusal to take anti-biotics and my research into natural remedies - powerful stuff ginger and garlic! Though I know physically I am prone to sickness.
And places like England are just cusioned further up the tree. Trendy people doing their bit for whatever. One thing I like about John is how he rips at the sugar coated eco-friendly actions that are just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. There's a lot of that going on. We are still heading to the 6th mass extinction.
Why I am I getting married? Why am I having kids? You can hope against hope and live in denial, and why not? I am no smarter than the next man. But I would encourage all to stop feeding the machine.
But listen to Zerzan. A lot of what he says is spot on.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Road to Recovery
Tuesday afternoon and a space before my private class.
We got our studio photos back yesterday and I must say they look fairly awesome if a little staged/fake etc. But not too bad. I will post them when I have some copies.
About 3 weeks to go now and fairly calm. In truth, I am looking for wadr to being on the other side of the wedding, as opposed to the day itself, but it will be awesome to see my buddies. Chai, my long term Thai pal, will be there too and you guys who are coming should definitely meet him.
Movie night tomorrow will probably be, "The Counterfeiters" or " Who Killed the Electric Car" both of which are awesome.
My sickness is slowly dying. I can feel it has lost its grip and my vigourous and constant attack of;
1. Salt water up the nose and salt water gargling.
2. Inhaling steam bath of red onion, garlic, ginger, honey, pepper
3. Drinking tons of water.
4. Massive doses of Vitamin C.
5. Daily regular doses of Vitamin A, B and D.
has destimated it's attack force. It ain't dead yet but it will be soon, I hope and pray.
Teaching has been okay, though Phit and I are fairly different people ( though we share a desire to teach effectively). Progress is being made, but it's a fine balance of keeping it fun and keeping them learning. It's reading all the way.
We got our studio photos back yesterday and I must say they look fairly awesome if a little staged/fake etc. But not too bad. I will post them when I have some copies.
About 3 weeks to go now and fairly calm. In truth, I am looking for wadr to being on the other side of the wedding, as opposed to the day itself, but it will be awesome to see my buddies. Chai, my long term Thai pal, will be there too and you guys who are coming should definitely meet him.
Movie night tomorrow will probably be, "The Counterfeiters" or " Who Killed the Electric Car" both of which are awesome.
My sickness is slowly dying. I can feel it has lost its grip and my vigourous and constant attack of;
1. Salt water up the nose and salt water gargling.
2. Inhaling steam bath of red onion, garlic, ginger, honey, pepper
3. Drinking tons of water.
4. Massive doses of Vitamin C.
5. Daily regular doses of Vitamin A, B and D.
has destimated it's attack force. It ain't dead yet but it will be soon, I hope and pray.
Teaching has been okay, though Phit and I are fairly different people ( though we share a desire to teach effectively). Progress is being made, but it's a fine balance of keeping it fun and keeping them learning. It's reading all the way.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Nicholas Parsons Strawberry Cake
Wednesday night is movie night, and tonight's selection is probably a boxing film called The Hammer. It's cheap, it's fun and it's about an over 40 boxer. I thought I would show it for Patrick as he seems to love talking about his boxing days.
Tom came over last night and I made some White Russians. We listened to Just a Minute which, being American, he hasn't heard before. He really enjoyed it. I love Clement Frawd and we couldn't get over how fast Nicholas Parsons can speak considering his age. How old is he? Paul Merton is excellent too as always.

My fluy cold has graduated to my head, where is is now firmly lodged. My secret recipes of spicy steam bath are failing to kill it, though it it no longer resides on my chest which is a relief.
It's funny because no one at work dares mention the fact that I have been sick for about 2 months because they know it comes from the little kindergarten children I teach and they are terrified I might have to stop one day. If I continue to be sick all year I will have to change to older kids. I am not going through all this again. In addition, I bet in the holidays on glorious Koh Phang Ngan I get well again, only for it to come back next term. It looks like I will be sick at the wedding too which will be a 'orrible shame.
God Damn it! I have started to play Travian again. I am on Server 3 if anyone cares to join me. It is a hell of a commitment but I want to be massive and crush nearby villages. Video games are great for being evil, aren't they?

New guest at Movie Night tonight is Andy. He is big, like a rugby player and is from Wales. He is also very friendly and funny. He will be most welcome. And he happened to mention he will bring some green with him, which is especially good.
Me and Tom launched into a huge music debate last night. As mentioned elsewhere, Tom is a veritable gig guide book on 70's American West Coast cool, easy times guitar bands. He describes at great length the many camp over sit-in rock festivals he has attended. Grateful Dead....stuff like that. These early reggae CD's I have been making have been going down well with the posse. Yo!
My teaching website is coming on and I am getting a few hits and keep adding more stuff to it.
OMG! Watch the docu called Earthlings. It's about animal cruelty and after you will for ever after hate people and love animals. It is absolutely disgusting what we do to these poor creatures. In truth, I cannot wait until we wipe ourselves of the face of this rock. We deserve nothing less. Looks like I won't have to wait too long. I see Greenland is falling into the sea.
Here's a link you can watch it online (and a very handy health guide too, courtusy of DrBen)
I have decided to add a babe of the blog. If any girls read this and want a hunk of the blog tell me and I can do that too. Hmmm.... who shall I choose...there are so many....
Ho ho ho....
Here's the real one...
Suddenly I feel like some strawberry cake....
Tom came over last night and I made some White Russians. We listened to Just a Minute which, being American, he hasn't heard before. He really enjoyed it. I love Clement Frawd and we couldn't get over how fast Nicholas Parsons can speak considering his age. How old is he? Paul Merton is excellent too as always.

My fluy cold has graduated to my head, where is is now firmly lodged. My secret recipes of spicy steam bath are failing to kill it, though it it no longer resides on my chest which is a relief.
It's funny because no one at work dares mention the fact that I have been sick for about 2 months because they know it comes from the little kindergarten children I teach and they are terrified I might have to stop one day. If I continue to be sick all year I will have to change to older kids. I am not going through all this again. In addition, I bet in the holidays on glorious Koh Phang Ngan I get well again, only for it to come back next term. It looks like I will be sick at the wedding too which will be a 'orrible shame.
God Damn it! I have started to play Travian again. I am on Server 3 if anyone cares to join me. It is a hell of a commitment but I want to be massive and crush nearby villages. Video games are great for being evil, aren't they?
New guest at Movie Night tonight is Andy. He is big, like a rugby player and is from Wales. He is also very friendly and funny. He will be most welcome. And he happened to mention he will bring some green with him, which is especially good.
Me and Tom launched into a huge music debate last night. As mentioned elsewhere, Tom is a veritable gig guide book on 70's American West Coast cool, easy times guitar bands. He describes at great length the many camp over sit-in rock festivals he has attended. Grateful Dead....stuff like that. These early reggae CD's I have been making have been going down well with the posse. Yo!
My teaching website is coming on and I am getting a few hits and keep adding more stuff to it.
OMG! Watch the docu called Earthlings. It's about animal cruelty and after you will for ever after hate people and love animals. It is absolutely disgusting what we do to these poor creatures. In truth, I cannot wait until we wipe ourselves of the face of this rock. We deserve nothing less. Looks like I won't have to wait too long. I see Greenland is falling into the sea.
Here's a link you can watch it online (and a very handy health guide too, courtusy of DrBen)
I have decided to add a babe of the blog. If any girls read this and want a hunk of the blog tell me and I can do that too. Hmmm.... who shall I choose...there are so many....
Ho ho ho....
Here's the real one...

Friday, August 15, 2008
Saturday Morning Drunk

Patrick Larkin came over last night. Recent discoveries in Hat Yai found me Smirnoff Vodka and Jamesons Whiskey which aided the evenings entertainment.
Paddy used to dabble in boxing in his years in London and told me many stories. He was also in Holland for quite a time.
I have been making a few audio CD's lately with some very cool tracks on them - mainly early Reggae and such like.
I am still suffering with this 'orrible cold etc. which is a real fucking pain, but life goes on.
Oi is off to college again today. I feel sorry for her, but I did the same at her age and it ain't for long. I told her after this run, not to do it again. The education system is just another fucking way the machine makes money out of you, especially out here where often Thais have to buy their jobs by putting down a large downpayment before starting. How crap is that?

Oi has just handed in her notice at her current school. The Nazi boss has all sorts of crazy and cruel rules for the school and she ain't taking it. One thing I really like about Oi is that she has principals and she don't drop them for anyone.
Newish movies are;
Felon - totally awesome prison drama with Val Kilmer in his best role yet.
Married Life - great poison your wife drama.
Movie night a couple of weeks ago was "The Bourne Ultimatum" which actually I didn't enjoy but it might not have been a movie night movie, if you catch my drifter.
Other DL'd movies yet to watch are;

Waking Life
The Counterfieters
Girl Cut in Two
I also recently enjoyed "Head in the Clouds" with Pen Cruz and Char Theron
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Yesterday, was actually a great time, despite still being horribly sick.
I went up to Danny's mansion. He lives in some politicians house with swimming pool and huge garden. Tom came along and we drank Guinness, smoked some weed and chatted idly away under the big, big sky. It was so good to be outside and away from my own pit.
Danny, the disgruntled Aussie, is good for conversation and has a lovely Golden Retriever dog.
I eventually came home and Oi was here waiting for me.
I have been playing Oi some Beatles songs which she know knows and likes (Strawberry Fields etc). I gave her some whiskey too.
Sunday morning now and Oi has gone to work.
I went up to Danny's mansion. He lives in some politicians house with swimming pool and huge garden. Tom came along and we drank Guinness, smoked some weed and chatted idly away under the big, big sky. It was so good to be outside and away from my own pit.

Danny, the disgruntled Aussie, is good for conversation and has a lovely Golden Retriever dog.
I eventually came home and Oi was here waiting for me.
I have been playing Oi some Beatles songs which she know knows and likes (Strawberry Fields etc). I gave her some whiskey too.
Sunday morning now and Oi has gone to work.
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Such has been my terrible mood of late that when I spied a bottle of Ireland's finest on the top shelf of a backstreet liquor store, I thought "Damn it! Why not?"
Now I sit with Jameson's on the rocks and substantially happier, though all invites have so far been rejected to join me. Oh foolish folk to pass up free Irish Whiskey!
I also purchased stinky blue cheese and Doritos. All horrifically expensive but very, very nice.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Movie Night
Wednesday rocks around again and I have to delve into the abyss and pull out a corker movie. This is not always easy, but it usually pays off.
This week has been so-so. I have been battling to keep active am doing fairly well. The human mind and body are intrinsically linked for sure.
Seeing Oi is always good and I am hoping life with her will be wonderful. It should be, because she is.
After the wedding I plan to move house, to the country with a nice garden I can sit in and watch the stars at night. I hope it pays off. People are looking for me as we speak.
I am hovering between sick and ill and it's a line line. Sore throats and a blocked ear right now, but struggling on. I keep drinking plenty of water.

I have been getting a lot of reggae lately and got hold of a history of Jamaican music 4 CD pack which is awesome. I am also putting 2 movies on one DVD which is saving money.
I continue to bombard John Zerzan with info of impending doom. He is always nice and thankful for my mails. Right now, he is the only person I can listen to - politically speaking.
Tons of good stuff on the radio. Just a minute is back and there was an interview with The Police during their current tour which was good.
Tonight's movie: Felon (I think)
This week has been so-so. I have been battling to keep active am doing fairly well. The human mind and body are intrinsically linked for sure.
Seeing Oi is always good and I am hoping life with her will be wonderful. It should be, because she is.
After the wedding I plan to move house, to the country with a nice garden I can sit in and watch the stars at night. I hope it pays off. People are looking for me as we speak.
I am hovering between sick and ill and it's a line line. Sore throats and a blocked ear right now, but struggling on. I keep drinking plenty of water.

I have been getting a lot of reggae lately and got hold of a history of Jamaican music 4 CD pack which is awesome. I am also putting 2 movies on one DVD which is saving money.
I continue to bombard John Zerzan with info of impending doom. He is always nice and thankful for my mails. Right now, he is the only person I can listen to - politically speaking.
Tons of good stuff on the radio. Just a minute is back and there was an interview with The Police during their current tour which was good.
Tonight's movie: Felon (I think)

Friday, August 1, 2008

It's nearly 10 on Friday night. I am wasted and pretty tired after the week.
I have been sick again. This time with a killer throat and gummy eyes. It's been most uncomfortable. Though in the midst of it, I got my mojo back. I decided, after weeks of mental torture to get busy again and just keep doing stuff all the time, rather than being my usual lazy self. It has kickstarted me and I hope it won't peter out.
I been watching Baraka this week, Everyone should see this total mind trip movie. The bit with little chicks sliding down these aluminum funnels is particularly sicking.
Oi has come over and is exhausted. She is trying to do her college certificate and her full time job at school. And she is close to collapse.
I have had some Black (Guinness) and some green (weed) tonight so, naturally feel pretty good.
Last Wednesday's movie night was "Carry On Camping" which Shaz and Tom enjoyed, I think. Carry On can cut both ways. I mean, I loved them as a kid, but later viewings left them a bit weak. A tough one, that.
I am watching and involved in a lot of Anarchy stuff lately, and it looks like I follow this route.

Well worth a watch, if you ain't seen it in a few years.
Probably tired, by now.....
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