Tonight, I am watching a lot of John Zerzan on U Tube. I recommend you take time out of your miserable existences to watch a few. Things are afoot even as we speak on the up coming situation. My questions to John are about the design fault in Man. The selfish gene from which he cannot escape. John talks about Future Primitive. I am not sure I agree with this but I do know we are heading very rapidly to a catastrophic situation, and I believe we might wake up to the day, "when no one goes to work", when the system collapses. Man cannot escape his destinty and he is not the successful species he so nearly is. Personal gain is what stops it.
What amazes me is how society today actually poisons itself. The cigarette industry, the pharmasutical industry (treatments not cures), the motor industry (check out "Who Killed the Electric car". A society which actually limits its progress for short term economic gain at dire consequences. Governments that allow this to happen will bring civilisation to its knees, from the inside, as predicted.
Maybe I am an extreme example, having escaped from the West and turned to a less destructive industry - though nonetheless destructive, but I am sure more are following. Depression, suicide etc. is at horrific levels (16,000 student suicides last year in India alone). I am glad I have never taken anti-depressants (except the valium mum gave me as a kid) and see this as feeding the machine. Also, against my mother's wishes, my refusal to take anti-biotics and my research into natural remedies - powerful stuff ginger and garlic! Though I know physically I am prone to sickness.
And places like England are just cusioned further up the tree. Trendy people doing their bit for whatever. One thing I like about John is how he rips at the sugar coated eco-friendly actions that are just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. There's a lot of that going on. We are still heading to the 6th mass extinction.
Why I am I getting married? Why am I having kids? You can hope against hope and live in denial, and why not? I am no smarter than the next man. But I would encourage all to stop feeding the machine.
But listen to Zerzan. A lot of what he says is spot on.
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