Tom came over last night and I made some White Russians. We listened to Just a Minute which, being American, he hasn't heard before. He really enjoyed it. I love Clement Frawd and we couldn't get over how fast Nicholas Parsons can speak considering his age. How old is he? Paul Merton is excellent too as always.

My fluy cold has graduated to my head, where is is now firmly lodged. My secret recipes of spicy steam bath are failing to kill it, though it it no longer resides on my chest which is a relief.
It's funny because no one at work dares mention the fact that I have been sick for about 2 months because they know it comes from the little kindergarten children I teach and they are terrified I might have to stop one day. If I continue to be sick all year I will have to change to older kids. I am not going through all this again. In addition, I bet in the holidays on glorious Koh Phang Ngan I get well again, only for it to come back next term. It looks like I will be sick at the wedding too which will be a 'orrible shame.
God Damn it! I have started to play Travian again. I am on Server 3 if anyone cares to join me. It is a hell of a commitment but I want to be massive and crush nearby villages. Video games are great for being evil, aren't they?
New guest at Movie Night tonight is Andy. He is big, like a rugby player and is from Wales. He is also very friendly and funny. He will be most welcome. And he happened to mention he will bring some green with him, which is especially good.
Me and Tom launched into a huge music debate last night. As mentioned elsewhere, Tom is a veritable gig guide book on 70's American West Coast cool, easy times guitar bands. He describes at great length the many camp over sit-in rock festivals he has attended. Grateful Dead....stuff like that. These early reggae CD's I have been making have been going down well with the posse. Yo!
My teaching website is coming on and I am getting a few hits and keep adding more stuff to it.
OMG! Watch the docu called Earthlings. It's about animal cruelty and after you will for ever after hate people and love animals. It is absolutely disgusting what we do to these poor creatures. In truth, I cannot wait until we wipe ourselves of the face of this rock. We deserve nothing less. Looks like I won't have to wait too long. I see Greenland is falling into the sea.
Here's a link you can watch it online (and a very handy health guide too, courtusy of DrBen)
I have decided to add a babe of the blog. If any girls read this and want a hunk of the blog tell me and I can do that too. Hmmm.... who shall I choose...there are so many....
Ho ho ho....
Here's the real one...

1 comment:
You could try not drinking for a week. Maybe that will get the bug.
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