
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I arrived back in Hat Yai at 6 o'clock this morning, travelling on the sleeper train.

It was a great week with Kyle and Joe. We had plenty of discussions, meals, j's and Civilisation 4 sessions (Kyle's fav. game). Civ 4 is a highly evolved race management game starting with warriors and developing right through to the space age.

We enjoyed a wide variety of meals including Lebonese, Japanese and Indian and drank plentiful cups of home ground coffee. I went to the ne
w Paragon Centre and the famous Panthip IT store.

The sky train is good fun and there is always tons of babes on it.

We had a crazy night in Soi Cowboy with Tom and Joe. Crazy fun and no harm done.

I bought a load of books, including Thai versions of Siddhartha and The Alchemist for Oi and Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maughm. Joe gave me The Crack in Space by Philip K Dick and I gave his those famous East Asian tales by Maughm; deadly.

We had a lot of dicussions about the Financial situation and Kyle is not only a fantastic mathematician but also highly political and avidly reads webpage after webpage of news articles. He has anachistic tendancies as do Joe.

It was great to see them and I was sad to leave, but missing Oi and it was wonderful to arrive back early this morning and find her curled up asleep in bed.

Today has been a chill day and I got an extra weeks holiday from my boss so I can spend time with Oi. So that's great.


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