It's been an interesting week, whereupon I have found some hidden secrets of the internet, though I am sure redeemingly obvious to some.
Firstly, I have cottoned on to ebooks. More than that, thanks to Thailand's wonderful black market trading I am now able to print off entire books at about 200Baht a throw. In addition to this, the Pirate Bay has provided me with a huge resource of books. And therefore, I have just received today my first two such publications, namely, Swords and Deviltry and Swords Against Death. I now have bound copies, admittedly not very pretty, that I can snuggle up in bed with. I hate reading off the 'puter as I get sore eyes.
I finished Of Human Bondage last night, so am already into the first Fritz Leiber book. I also passed the name onto John Zerzan, who is unfamiliar with these fine works. Only, my great friend, Peter, shares the absolute love of these tomes. Like Maugham, every sentence is a rich, intoxicating delight. John was interested. I would like to know if he picks up a copy. They were written in the 30's I believe for magazines and finally assembled into books. Anyway, up to you if you want to investigate. Probably not.
The next great discovery is in historic documentaries I have located and burned for viewing pleasure; A history on the Knights Templar, Civilization and Neopolean. I am very excited about these and the Templar series, I have watched 3 of 4, is quite excellent. Some also believe them to be about today in more sinister Freemason form - hence Old Queeny Beth is actually a cousin of the Devil Bush himself. Still, I don't know enough on this subject and I expect you would rather I didn't start on that one.
I am also trying my hand at creative writing and have hidden on the internet a tale of two such heroes. Still very much in draft form and treated as a hobby, I will continue and revise a short story. I have replaced Faf'rd and the Gray Mouser with Wart and Meron, who were the characters Peter and I played in Dungeons and Dragons in our distant youth for a couple of years we spent locked in each others bedrooms. This was only eclipsed by the advert of the PC, at which point we exchanged our 20 sided dice for a Spectrum 'puter and Elite and Chuckie Egg. Such was the later half of childhood. Still, we enjoyed it.
School is fine and King's birthday tomorrow, so it's a holiday. Thailand is in ruins after the disgraceful actions of the PAD and thousands of white folk's holidays destroyed by ignorant yellow clad protesters. I said to Oi, none of the Thais talk about or even seem to acknowledge how pissed off money-laden foreigners will be after this merry old outing. They say more than 1,000,000 Thais will lose their jobs in the tourist industry and I guess some folks won't want to come here anymore. Don't bother me none, as I don't like too many whiteys anyhow. One jst has to keep saying to oneself, "This is Thailand".
Time for a nap before afternoon class.
The Dangerous J.
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