
Saturday, September 25, 2010

End of Term

The holidays are here and it is time to relax, though I am doing a couple of days at the Coca Cola company for Patrick as he is flying down to Malaysia to see a new lady he has met. 1000B for an hour and a half, so better that I do it. I will give the cash to Oi.

The boys will all be going away as they are single. That's fine. I am happy at home. I ride my bike in the country quite often and I have been at the gym again. Actually, I have lost a few kilos and I have hardly touched a drop of the demon drink. As we live in the sticks now, folks are less inclined to visit cos of the distance. This means there is less incentive to indulge in the drink as it doesn't make much sense being drunk when your wife and kid are the only company. That's all good as the years are ticking away and taking care of one's health becomes ever more important.

It is true I have been quite engrossed in some games of late. Namely, Armoured Princess and Mass Effect 2. Games I got ages ago and put aside for a rainy day. Both are really excellent, particularly in the addiction department.

Seen some cool movies too; After Life, Code 46, Black Death.

Got a camp to do later in the week and got some wiz ideas for next term. I ahve really enjoyed teaching this term (because I am not doing to much) and we have had great results. The kids have learnt to read which is awesome. In one class 75% of the kids got 100% in the test, and if you didn't know your stuff you would fail. So I was well-chuffed. Of course, only me and Phit ever see it and we never get visited by our managers and bosses, but it's always like that, eh?

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