
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


My first day in the week when I don't have private classes in the evening. Traditionally, I pick up some Guinness on the way home to celebrate this great relief. Today, though periously short of cash I succumb to two cans and two cans of tonic. Extremely wisely, last week I procured a bottle of cheap gin, which kept me company in the absence of the friends I failed to see. Friends, it must be said, that I have hardly seen in over a month. Sad, but true.

I can still party on my own though.

Life focuses around Grace and that is enough to exhaust me. Last night she didn't sleep until after ten, by that time I was near spent myself and ready to nap. Precious moments alone are stolen in the early hours, or riding my bike from school.

It's payday tomorrow and thank heavens.

Juicing is going well, and I can pick up the basic ingredients for a green juice of about 70 baht. Wonderful farts and green shit follows.

I have stayed on the vegan diet fairly successfully, straying only on weekends when some chicken might land on my plate or a pack of crisps proves irresistable. But, it is very few and far between. I have settled at about 86 kgs, which is fine and my schedule does not allow time for my swimming either right now. Something that needs to be resolved.

I have tried to tear myself away from the computer and watch a couple of movies, which has had partial success. I watched a bit of Last Night with Keara Knightley, The BEst Exotic Marigold Hotel - which seemed a triffle wet to me, and last night we watched most of The Secret Garden (1993) which was awesome. Even Grace was transfixed until she announced she wanted to go to bed. Oh...and The Legend of 1900 which is masterful.

All of which remain to be finished. Such is the way of things.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Had a fun little break in Songkhla this weekend.

We got there quite a lot so Grace can play on the swings and see the sea. Last time it was the zoo. This time it was the ruin that is Sea World - a classic example of a Thai run tourist attraction; sleeping staff slumped over desks, overgrown flower beds, decaying buildings, sad looking fish with a low life expectancy. But Hey! Grace doesn't know that. WE stayed in a nice cheap hotel by the night market which was fun. We bought Grace some toys and had some street food. We had some garlic sausage and a kebeb, both of which were awful. It think the vegan thing really opens you up for how shit most food you can buy is. When we got home I rushed down to the market and bought veggies for a salad and a green juice. I am amazed at how the best food for you can be really cheap if you know how to do it. All this stuff in the shops is expensive, tastes like cardboard and is toxic or dead.

Yesterday Oi called me out to see a massive cobra in the garden. It was a huge proper snake and deadly poisonous, about 4 foot long a nd 2.5 inches in girth. Scary. Eventually it scaled the garden wall and went into the uber-rich doctors grand palace garden.

Started a new veg patch. This time in all day direct sunlight. It will be another crop of Kale and the soil has been fed the waste from juicing for about a month so it should be super charged.

School fine and quite fun actually.

Politely refusing extra private work, much to the desperate annoyance of my second boss. Quite funny really. I'm just a teacher and doing it for the money. That's it.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Oasis/Stone Roses

Life is carrying on its steady pace.

I watched the second season of Game of Thrones which was great fun. I initially ditched it, but once I had some free time to properly absorb it, I thoroughly enjoyed it and, though there were a few flaws, I thought it was excellent. I particularly like the actor who plays the dwarf. He is masterful.

School carries on. It is so easy for me now that I barely notice it, though I hear constant rumours of crap teachers who cannot write a lesson plan or refuse to even make a single flashcard. I will never understand the mentality who adamently refuses to make anything for their lessons and believes that it is easier this way. I recall the time I walked into a grocery shop in Portsmouth and an old lady pulled me up and said, "If you don't put anything in, you won't get anything out.". It was quite strange, yet so true, and yet I dispair at the enormous amount of people who refuse "to put anything in."

I am still, sadly, playing Stronghold Kingdoms. And it is still horribly addictive.

I have DL'd Get the Gringo with Mel Gibson which supposed to be good viewing.

Family is fine, and I am sadly seeing less and less of friends. I know my path lies with family and I tend to spend all my tim ewith Oi and Grace, though quite happily. I acknowledge it is the way of things.

Just Dl'd a bunch of Oasis and Stone Roses as I have not listened to them for quite a while, and they are as excellent as when  I left them.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Life has been so busy of late, what with Grace growing up. The 3 days weekends which are quite common here are exhausting keeping the little one amused. It's fun, but sometimes the fun goes out of it as one just wants to relax or see some friends or something.

Thankfully I started swimming again today, as going back to school threw out my schedule and it means I risk swimming in strong sunlight and getting burnt. But it was raining today and the swim was awesome. Just to feel my muscles stretching and getting exercised. It can lift my mood.

I have been also somewhat obsessed by Stronghold Kingdoms and coming to the conclusion that this is one dangerous game - never ending and frequent confrontations with angry lords leaves one reeling. One pal just quite and I am thinkng of following suite. It's fantastic but it sucks the life out of you, and you end up getting up in the middle of the night to check something or click some vital research you need. Jeepers!

Juicing is going well and so it the vegetable patch. The kale is coming along nicely though Oi says the soil is no good and they won't be strong. I put the watse form the juicing into the soil and mix it in. It's fun.

Just got hold of Max Payne 3 - it good be enough to pull me away from Stronghold Kingdoms. Nothing like mindless blasting....

Saturday, June 2, 2012