
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Oasis/Stone Roses

Life is carrying on its steady pace.

I watched the second season of Game of Thrones which was great fun. I initially ditched it, but once I had some free time to properly absorb it, I thoroughly enjoyed it and, though there were a few flaws, I thought it was excellent. I particularly like the actor who plays the dwarf. He is masterful.

School carries on. It is so easy for me now that I barely notice it, though I hear constant rumours of crap teachers who cannot write a lesson plan or refuse to even make a single flashcard. I will never understand the mentality who adamently refuses to make anything for their lessons and believes that it is easier this way. I recall the time I walked into a grocery shop in Portsmouth and an old lady pulled me up and said, "If you don't put anything in, you won't get anything out.". It was quite strange, yet so true, and yet I dispair at the enormous amount of people who refuse "to put anything in."

I am still, sadly, playing Stronghold Kingdoms. And it is still horribly addictive.

I have DL'd Get the Gringo with Mel Gibson which supposed to be good viewing.

Family is fine, and I am sadly seeing less and less of friends. I know my path lies with family and I tend to spend all my tim ewith Oi and Grace, though quite happily. I acknowledge it is the way of things.

Just Dl'd a bunch of Oasis and Stone Roses as I have not listened to them for quite a while, and they are as excellent as when  I left them.

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