
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sick Again and The Greatest Assault on a Virus Ever Attempted

Monday, I had a sniff. By nightfall it was a runny nose.

Almost immediately I sprung into action;

1. Drink tons of water.
2. Salt water gargle and nose wash 3 times a day.
3. Increase Vitamin C intake to 3000 mg a day.
4. Eating raw garlic and ginger.
5. Ginger and lemon tea.

Eating raw vegetables is my latest stunt and may be of effect.

Day 3 and I think I have cut it short. The virus is having trouble taking a hold on me. The nasal flushes are washing away the watery mucus and it is having a hard time taking hold. Normally I am well sick by now, but I am holding it at bay.

Now to increase the attacking agents and send it packing.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Don't forget the echinacea from Boots