A wee bit hungover from a night of debauchery at home with Tom, Don and sour-faced Aussie Danny. It was good fun and Oi found me passed out on the sofa at three in the morning. Apparantly I was laughing. There was also a strong stench of burning which went unattended until this morning. It wasn't toast as I suspected but it appears I had attempted to boil pasta and subsequently forgot. Thus the said pot, or chalice, boiled dry and thus the dinner was ruined. I told Oi she hasn't been taking care of me. That was a yoke, by the way.
So now, it is Saturday morning and I must take Oi to college in a moment. After this lies a day of gaming. And the new game is ....King's Bounty. Dead Space has taken a plunge as I am stuck on a torturous section requiring me to do awful, multiple tasks with no save. It may have beaten me at chapter 7 (of 12) which is a disaster, but something I can live with.
King's Bounty comes from Russia apparently and has great humour. It is fun, low-key and very pretty. Twerps and gamers take note. It's fun. I found it via a complex method of selection, involving multiple trip s to Santisook black markets.
Private classes are quite brilliant at the moment and I have devised a cunning game of Pairs or Palmanism (to those more educated) with idioms replacing the standard playing cards. They love it. I am preparing myself to make one with monsters, elves and the like.
I was amused to read of Elves, talking of Elves, queuing outside the game shop in Oxford street for up to 2 days to buy the expansion pack to World of Warcraft, Don't worry, my furry friends, I don't and never will play this game, but I do find it highly amusing that simple folk are dressing up as fairies and goblins and queuing to buy a game. Another prime example of where we are, in terms of society collapse.
More on elves as I am currently DLing Lord of the Rings to watch again. It is such a great movie. My favourite being Fellowship.
More later...
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