
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yes I am drunk

yes, i am drunk and all the shit i get about my extreme views seems to be proven right and right again and anyone still supporting the monetary system, through ignorance or choice, is up to you, but don't expect me to shut up about it, because i fucking won't - just like the system (who have fucked you more than i ever will) will never shut up until they are lined up against the wall and a bullet put in their brain. I just can'r believe so many pusssies let it happen.

So, it 's up to you, allow yourselves to be slaves (though you can't see it that's what you are) or take a stand. Soon you won't have a choice when you lose your precious job and find yourselves fucked by th empire you never questioned and took to be as gospel. Like they said, it is the indifference of the good man which is more evil than even the evil man. You fuckers you refused to see it coming. You will reap what you sow. So small minded you fit your place in their world. Don't you kno wthat the monetary system is design to keep you a slave, to debt. What do you owe?

It is the end of days and better are you to stand against those who would have you be servient to them than to follow their false ideology to you total demise when they abandon you and you lose you job and your income and the rest of the crap you work for and belive in (so you tell me).

You got just a few years left.

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