
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Noel Gallagher album

Have to say this recent DL is awesome. The Dreams of Children or something and a great live recording. The accompanying viseos on Utube are also great, particularly of course, Slide Away and a great version of Light that Never Goes Out (only a few weeks after hearing a hidden version by Aussie folk legend Paul Kelly)

News just in, fellow rock and roll tart, Tony is to be a papa! Projected date of arrival perilously close to my own, which is even crazier considering we have the same birthday. It could mean they must form a new band, The Offspring.

GTA IV is horrible. Having switched everything off, compressed memory and clean eveything I can get it running fairly smoothly. This afternoon saw me scaling a building and popping off bods waiting for a train at the adjacent station. After the pigs arrived I leapt over onto the platform, jumped on a train and managed to escape their evil eye. Another incident saw me hurling hand grenades around the strip club. What is it that makes one want to go to the strip gun and shoot the girating girls on the poles? Anthor occasion, excuse the excitement, I parked up on the bridge, blocking the carriageway, upon drawing my sniper rifle, the foolish drivers left their vehicles and began fleeing back across the bridge. Capping their legs, some managed to escape limping pitifully back. Sad.

I have been horribly moody today as I wrestle with the notion of leaving Oi at this time.

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