Oi and I are really enjoying this 1984 TV series some may remember with Micheal Praed as Dobin. Clannad did the soundtrack, "The Hooded Man." I got it on DL all 3 series. It's great. It's Saturday night now and I am at home. I have enjoyed some happiness, some Guinness and have been chilling out on the back balcony with the Harman/Kardon Ipod speaker. It's not the beach, but it's not at all bad. My plants make a shimmering green shield and the facing lot is empty with some vegetation and rusty of bulldozers and old construction vehicles. There's a lot of birds that flutter about including quite a few hummingbirds. Lizards, frogs and a family of stray cats all hang out in the back yard.
I went for a refreshing swim today at the Gym pool. It's a really nice pool and in the daytime there is never anyone there. I feel like a millionaire swimming up and down the centre of the pool. The air is always still and hot at that time. But it is lovely and I can feel the Vitamin A being absorbed into my skin, giving me the outdoor boost I need. If I am good I might go tomorrow. It's a nice place just to sit, maybe with a J and the ipod.
I bought a lot of goodies in town today. Chestnuts, coffee, bacon (but forgot the bread) and a few other treats.
Last night we checked out a new classroom for rent in town. It is a really nice building with lots of classical intruments, busts of Beethovan, dance mirrors, punch bags etc. It is big with winding passages and alcoves. We met the owners who were cool. With the baby coming, Oi and I need to move and make a few changes to accommodate all that is going to happen. A classroom in town will free up the location restriction we are currently feeling. A home out of town becomes more of a possibility.
I meet someone I have not seen for a long time today. Sten from England. Last time I saw him Don and I helped him move out quickly and in secret from his apartment as he wanted to "lose" his girlfriend. We helpe4d him move all his stuff. I called him a couple of days later and she had moved back in with him and he was all loved up again. Don was pissed and blanked him in the street shortly after. Stef then called me and had a pop about Don and I being cunts. I said I didn't know what he was talking about. Last time I had seen him. Four or five years later he seems to have calmed down. He bought me a coffee and had a chat. There was no mention of the incident, but he has since married the poor girl and she is now pregnant.
News just in is that Tom is out of work again. I think he quit over a point issue he felt strongly about. I hope he can get a new job easily.
BBC Podcasts are still my current passion and very relaxing.
Classes are fine.
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