
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Word From Peter

Finally, something we can enjoy from our man in Colombo;

First before anyone give me a hard time about group mails, when was the last time you spent 45 minutes tippety tapping away?? he? well..! I was just saying.. Anyhoo to business and that is most profoundly the birth of a baby girl to Jim and Oi and...
where was that mail.. here it went.. strange start under the circumstances...

I'll keep an eye out for battle field heroes.. yet to find that cafe but I know there's one close,; it advertises n that.
Awesome pictures. Tasteful.... mine were candid snaps right after the birth,, still covered in goo and Jen was showing breast... love my photo's but they won't make a blog anytime soon.
Grace looks perfect. Congratulations again.
Didn't know I was sounding so troubled all the time. Think the short words come from typing on the predictive texting thing on the phone.; it's the way I do most emails.. So convenient but so very fiddly.... the very opposite of a letter in some ways, except in the sense that you can pick it up , take it out of your pocket, write a little , then put it away for later. Except I don't usually so you get a rush job a lot of the time.
I know you listen to the forum podcast so you probably heard that "one minute idea to make the world better" slot where he recommended that once a year we write to everyone who means something to us.
Jenny and Ben got back on Wednesday afternoon and I was SO glad to see them. It was a shock to see Ben because even in three weeks he'd changed; stockier and toddling, A toddler. When he'd left he'd only just begun to toddle but now he's a fully paid up member of the gang. And now |Jen's back I can sleep again. And Shag of course which is vital!
So we spent a lot of time doing that and also went to the holiday Inn for a swim today. Ben loves it too. Amused him with some half arsed attempts at walking on my hands which I'm still shit at. Exercises are kicking in again though. Up to 28 pressups per minute without busting anything; taking it easy so as not to break something and lose the will; the big trap.
The great end of this workout is the Nina Simone 'Sinner Man' Jump around and clap running on the spot sesh, which Ben being a two footed lad now and quite a god clapper can now take part in laughing n all. We had a great session the other night while Mum lay passed out on the sofa. Slept through the whole thing at full volume. Plum tuckered out for one reason or another. Anyhoo the exercises are fun so hopefully will continue if I avoid the injury trap.
Work is much more of a laugh now that I'm teaching higher levels in addition to my beginner 7-8 year olds. Got great upper int 1 and Pre int 3 classes... and I'm starting to get back into setting inner grammar homework which is a sign that I'm getting back into the groove after a long time just trying to fit into a new place and system. Turns out I know a lot of the stuff that the DELTA qualifieds and studiers know, picked up from all those wise old ladies(in particular ) and Gents at MLS Bournemouth.
Colombo is still a bit of a soulless centreless shithole, to me at least.. but while J n B were away I went out for one good party , stayed up to 5am, ..And I got asked to dinner by two lots of good new friends. Jackie and Neil and Sue and Jeremy. Missed out on drinks with Phil and Frisky the wild cards of the bunch but we'll be seeing them on our Friday night the babysitter's here night off tomorrow, all being well. ; remind me to tell you about 'the three and four of clits' sometime. Funniest fucking Tarot I ever saw done.. Reckon you'd like em all a lot in their different ways. I do.
I've been watching the life on Mars series while Jen's been away. Downloaded the whole thing back in Dorset and finally watching it. Brilliant 70's cop drama with a twist. There really is a memory of the 70's strongly there in my little brain. Different days indeed; have you seen it. Highly recommended.
Luxury of the weekend now.. Thursday afternoon off and no return to work till Sunday at 1'45. Classic timetable in many ways.
I gave up smoking again on Monday night( because Jen was returning on Wed and I knew it'd be easier to start alone and contemplative). Actually Tuesday morning at 2am because I had to get a last cigarette to stop on. Went for a walk up the road and found Texas Bar and Karaoke. They wanted 500 rupees to go in, about 2 quid fifty which was steep for a single cigarette, but the bouncer gave me a fag,,wouldn't take cash.. solidarity among addicts.. so I toddled off home and chuffed on the bastard thing and didn't it hurt my lungs like all the rest and so I'm free again tra la. Just as well as twas a girly joint of that no doubt
Got through the mammoth 7.5 hour session of Tuesday, which is a good way to start back as a non smoker. Get through that and there's no point starting again any other day, Tuesday's the toughie. As usual I was just a bit vague. That's how stopping makes me feel when I'm doing it right, and I just tell people I'm vague and everyone lives with it and it's ok. Sort of detachment I guess. Anyhoo instantly want to exercise more so instant bonus. Sall good.
Really nice to have them back.
Just delighted about Grace Jim. Was it a caesarian? Oi looked laid up, or is that just the way? She looked very well anyway, and Grace looks like you too .

Jen says I have to photo shop our birth photo's so we have some we can show. I was just not thinking posterity in any clear headed way at the time, but then labour lasted 1AM WEDNESDAY TILL 6PM FRIDAY. WITH 40 hours of it pretty hard. so... i wasn't exactly David Bailey.
Tomorrow to the private beach at the Mount Lavinia Hotel probably. Nice , relaxing beautiful and ultimately cheaper and easier than going down the coast. And better for Ben till he's back in a routine sleeping and napping. Babies thrive on routine:-)
Which reminds me I spotted that little umbilical thing, Jeeze don't those things stink! My god, that's why your babies head has a special smell that makes you want to nurture it,, it's like an adddictive drug. When in doubt or nearing a point on your tether Jim, sniff that noggin. Never fails. Avoid sniffing the rotty umbilical thing! GOD I was happy when that thing finally fell off, What a Whiff!

What else , what else.....
That'll do for now..
a cc to peeps, no bitching now, you know I love you all the same!

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