Shocking scenes of people being shot, doctors and nurses being beaten and news of mercenaries being brought in to Libya by Gadaffi. Scenes in Bahrain are equally horrific.
I suppose the violent crackdown was to be expected as the alternative for leaders is to grab the money and run, like Mubarak. Europe seems strangely quiet on the matter. Possibly scared of spread to its own countries. Russia? I know there is a lot of discontent there and obcenely wealthy mafia, but we know the brutality of the Russians. That's was blowing up airports is a good way for the persecuted minority states to be heard. A quote from Peter Ustinov I like was something like, "Terrorism is the war of the poor against the rich, and war is the terrorism of the rich against the poor."
If these uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East fail in any way, it could either fall into civil war or a high rise in terrorist activity.
And most worrying in the case of Egypt, what determines the next government and rulers. Will there be any change for the average person? How long before they too are personally corrupted if not already. Sad, isn't it really
I saw an awful report about how Nightingale House in Mayfair London holds groups of finace wizzes who bought 7% of the world's coco bean supply and held it, thus driving up the cost worldwide. One dispondant escapee of such a scheme said, the operators had little regard for the global consequences of what they were doing and only thought of it as clever business and ways to make money. Rising food costs were a direct reason of the uprising in Tuninsia. Dreadfully awful how the world operates. We are pulling each other apart. Governments seem powerless or unwilling to intercept such actions.
It occured to me this morning that it could potentially spread to Muslim states in Asia, like Indonesia.
Strange. I see these uprisings as wonderful events. The passive resistance of Gandhi no less. Peaceful protesters are bringing down cruel dictatorships one after the other. People want democrasy. I think it is heartening to see just how peace and a will for something better is brushing aside tanks and fanatics as if they were mere flies. Alah be praised.
I see it more of part of a process that will naturally occur under the circumstances. Who knows where it will lead us?
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