
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Private Classes

Woah! I have been projected into a savage and hectic world of private classes.

After putting the word out and doing the rounds I have got a whole bunch of extra work on top of my morning gig. Working every day except Saturday afternoons and evenings. So far, I am quite enjoying it and am trying to make it as easy for me as possible. Everyone seems happy with my performance, and although the pay sucks, it does make quite a difference to how we can live. I was initally a bit stunned by the extra workload but now I am coping pretty well and like being ultra busy for a change.

We are heading to Songkhla again this weekend so Grace can play in the sea and run around a hotel room and eat in reastaurants. It should be fun.

Oi is busy making her T shirts and both of us keeping busy with our activities.

I caught Tom the other day. First time in a month, and he is very well.

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