
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Tuesday night and finished my gruelling start to the week. 3 different jobs in a day, for 2 days which has me riding to the other side of town. The work is okay but the prep and the body ain't so good at massive workloads anymore. I frequently drop stuff and forget stuff when I got too much going on. And a plethora of health issues comes to plague me, in the form of rroids, a sty, cough, tight chest pains etc. I had to squat in the middle of Robinsons the other day until it subsided. I am looking for ward to when the extra work drops off in September.

Grace's birthday tomorrow and I think I will buy her a Thomas tank engine toy train set. never know with toys. Some they love, some they ignore.

Been watching an awesome movie I last saw when I was about 12 when BBC1 would show a movie at 9.25, after the news. I saw tons of gritty 70's stuff in my bedroom at High Trees on a 4 inch screen on an ancient telly we used to have. This is Straight Time with Dustin Hoffman. I always remembered it and it is as brilliant now as it was then, and more so.

I am trying to detox a bit right now and eat a lot of fruit to help my body through this trying time.

Grace has come to annoy me. Byee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coffee causes me chest pains - not immediately but some time after drinking it. Shame, as I used to love the stuff.
And yet, the caffeine tricks your body into thinking you are not tired with the result that you push the machine to the limits. Better off without it sadly. Will sometimes go for a decaff.