
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Falling Away

Sunday and the results from the juicing are amazing. Really amazing. The weight is falling off. It should be noted that I am not eating any meat or dairy products either, which are fat producing.

Actually, I have been making a wicked Chili Con Carne with peppers and beans which tastes so yummy.

In addition, when I have done some work, like walking or pumping up the swimming pool I don't sweat anymore. The feeling of being lighter is fantastic. It makes such a difference. Anyone thinking about doing this should definitely give it a go because it really works, and it works quickly. And the more you do it, the more you want to do it. As you pour the mean green down your throat, you can feel the goodness seeping into your blood stream, and if you didn't know, this stuff peels away the fat that clogs your arteries.

btw, last Friday I jumped back on the scales. 88.2 kg. That's a loss of 0.3 kg in 2 days.
The experiment continues....

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