
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today I bought a juicer. At 6,500baht quite a good one at that. I am yet to try it as riding back to town to put something in it seemed to much of a drag. But tomorrow I shall find some stuff to juice. It should be fun and I hope to become a regular juicer.

Been listening to Kate Bush's Ariel album which is great and Tanita Tikaram as I revert back to every so often.

Private classes are winding down to give me a proper rest. It's been fun but I am glad for a space.

I'm almost a vegan. Oi is really on board with this and makes wonderful veggie soups and broths. The weight I falling off, I hope.

No dairy, no meat. Quite easy actually. Coffee is a little bit harder to kick, and of late, I keep hearing Jonathan Snowdon saying, "I always have a strong cup of coffee last thing at night." It sticks.

Game of Thrones season 2 has kicked off and it looked a bit forced, I thought.

Season 2 of Breaking Bad still waits to be watched.

Hours are spent tending my village in the onliner Stronghold Kingdoms (free) and great fun.

Pat is on a juice diet as we speak and is off the social calender for the duration.

Watched Paxman's Empire series which is terrific.

Been going to a local market that does juices and spuds (baked on the fire at home) which is lots of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dig this revolution. Be sure to wash fresh veggies very well in case of E.Coli.
Mojo makes me nice veggie soups of an evening and others with rice n´ beans.
Off to Blighty on Saturday.