
Friday, January 14, 2011

In Our Time - Heart of Darkness

Struggling to sleep as Grace has opted to sleep next to father of late thus preventing father sleep and opting to get up and have a cup of coffee at 4 in the morning instead. I eventually donned headphones and clocked into one of dozens of In Our Time broadcasts that await an audience. This mornings choice was "Heartt of Darkness" and though only half complete, the entire download is still yet to be received, the first 15 minutes were hugely engrossing. Deep discussions of Joseph Conrad's early life which is nothing short of remarkable. Of Polish stock, born in the Ukraine to political writers before being shipped off to Russia where both his parents died before he turned 16. He escaped into the British merchant navy and sailed the world. Captaining his own ship for three months before tossing the whole thing in and becoming a writer. I look forward to the remainder of the podcast. I will be fishing out some Conrad when in English and I spied some finely-crafted Guardian readers have made some choice recommendations and shunning the journo's choice as one of his weaker efforts. See what I mean about lifting more from the comments?

Oi is off for a 4 hour hair dressers megathon this morning leaving me in charge of the little one. The plan is that she will be put to sleep before wife departs allowing me a portion of free time before angel wakes up and demands fun times.

Suffering from lower back pains right now and for a good 3 weeks it didn't occur to me to take Nurofen (anti-inflammatory) which I did and was brought instant relief. God, I can be slow to catch on sometimes. Hopefully it will sort itself out. Too much time sitting, which isn't a great deal these days.

Paperman was good. Jeff Daniels is a fine actor and it focuses on the little things in life which is sweet. It borders on American light, feel good, Hallmark garbage but somehow manages to escape that curse. It's a cool movie. Catch it if you can. I liked the line. If everything was coated in butter what a lovely world it would be.

Life is quite sweet right now and we are taking things slowly. I am looking forward to playing some more badmington. I was pleasantly surprised at how good Oi and I played together and suddenly we were both having a lot of fun which hasn't really happened a lot lately.

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