Thursday night and looking forward to relaxing on the weekend.
This weel I decided that next term I do not want to teach at my present school. It has been good, but I do not want it to become bad and stale, and I feel that a change is needed. So, the word is out to the bosses that I require a new school and a new level of student. My days of teaching kindergarten must, regretably, come to a close. What they dig up for me, if anything, is anyones guess in this one horse town. But when we come back from England, at least there will be a new challenge awaiting me.
It's been a quiet week and I have re-joined the gym at last and have been exercising every day, which is awesome. I can feel my body toning up and it feels great. Life being fairly uneventful these days means I can put time and effort into the gym without thinking that I am missing something going on elsewhere.
Melvin Bragg still entertains me every night into the wee small hours.
I checked out The Social Network movie, about the Facebook chappie, and it is awesome and essential viewing.
Also, checked out this new Sherlock Holmes series kids are raving about which is amusing. I spy a new Jeff Daniels flick, those ardent fans of the brilliant, "The Squid and the Whale". This one is called "Paper Man" and gets glowing reviews. Will be checking it out tomorrow I expect. Incidentally, the eldest son in S&W is the same young chap as in The Social Network. Not the younger who wanked over library books, but the one who followed his rather foolish father, trying to be brilliant without perhaps the entire necessary background. A fine actor, who I keep seeing about.
News is fairly non-descript of late, so shall skip that.
If none have yet viewed Robot Chicken Star Wars, this is a must. Tom cracked up when I stated, "Instant hilarity" to best describe it.
Had some bonfires in the garden this week, as the rainy seasons seems to have stopped abruptly as it always does. One day it is cold, the next it is hot for the following five months. I love the fires. Burning the leaves. But the cranky old bat gets one whiff and starts complaining. She came and said to Oi, "Someone has been burning leaves!" "Yes." said Oi, "We have been burning leaves.". "Oh", she said and went away. Oi told me if she had denied it, we would have become the centre of village gossip. Not that anyone takes any notice of this old bag.
The flights are booked for UK. Something like 12th March to 28th April. Get your diaries out if you wish to meet. I am looking forwad to pork pies, fine ales, mum's cooking and cider. Last trip, at least 50% of beer consumed was cider. I don't know why, I just loved it. Oh the food! I want a roast lamb, pork and beef while I am there. Food is good in Thailand, but sometimes I just don't fancy the palate.
Lots of nice music, and at last I have done my ipod trick of putting all my music into its own playlist, thus avoiding the annoying "audiobook" coming on while using the shuffle facility. I have read that instructions with Apple products are deliberately limited, thus making much of the uses up to the user to discover.
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