
Friday, July 8, 2011

Euro Future

Watching Witness on Aljazeera about the Greek crysis, one chap was saying what will eventually happen is that as more of these bailouts occur and the cost is put to the taxpayers of the wealthier states, (Germany etc), that Germany will eventually pull the plug on the Euro and pull out, presumably letting all the defaulting countries sink and fall into some sort of chaos. After this who knows? I imagine a lot of these debts will have to be written off. China is holding all the cards right now. US and Europe are sliding into insolvency. I guess, a lot of assets will be bought by wealthier nations in the Middle East and the East.

I suppose a lot of people won't like it. Individuals will have stashed money away and escape.

Maybe China can then start calling the shots on who gets the energy resources it so badly needs. Maybe then war will start.

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