
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mater's Gone

An urgent and horrible farewell at the airport and returning to an empty house. I went into her bedroom just to relive the feeling when she was here. The house seems hollow now. Even Grace cannot fill it. When I dwell on the matter, I want to tear it all up. Hat Yai is over for me and I can't wait to move.

Riding home in the taxi from the airport I looked out at the nighttime landscape at the alien surroundings and thinking, "Just how did I wind up here?" The feeling of detachment and isolation, left me longing for something familar.

Mater, and indeed all of us, had a fantastic time together. After the initial awkward settling in period, we eventually settled down into a routine of relative bliss, and things began to fall into place and relaxing times were had by all. It must be said, Oi did a great job of accompanying Mater on the daily shopathons which was much appreciated as I cannot do that.

There is a small pile of goodies to get through which might affect my immediate diet for a while, but I am confident I will be shedding the gained pounds in the near future.

Boring work looms on the horizon. Classes I don't want to attend. Faces I don't want to see. Somehow I must bluff my way through it until March, when we can throw in the towel and head for sandy beaches and new ventures.

Good luck, Mater on your return journey and hope to see you back here soon to fill our days with fun and happiness!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Found this, for later viewing.

Currently ODing on period dramas, Helen Mirren etc....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Night

A day at the park has been followed up by a night in front of the PC. Strangley energized to know more, I have quested the forums and discovered an enormous treasure trove of goodies. Tons of Stones stuff, I seem to be really into them right now. I remember Jimmy V and I OD'd on them big time in the early 90's and I didn't listen to them for a decade. Now, I return with frightening frequency. Images of Keith kickstart me with an urge to rock out. Also on the trail of Neil Young and the Beatles whom have various secret stuff recently released. Neil still making albums which receive rave reviews in the Guardian and the like.

Times with Mum and Oi have amazingly levelled into a calming stream of easy living. I was thinking that Mum has slipping unconciously into Thai living, of lolling about, idling reading or playing cards. It's got very chilled of late. Mater makes a fine way out for Oi and I when we have had enough of each other. Grace is rolling along nicely too. Being an idiot however, I could easily be wrong.

Carrot, apple and parsley juice this morning at budget prices has me feeling good, and though I am pushing the boat out a bit while Mater remains with the beer and the snacks, I definitely feel a tad healthier. The dull ache in my heart has receded, and I had a coffee today to celebrate.

Just a few days left until Mater departs and sadness is lingering not far away. It really has worked out great and we have had some golden days indeed. I hope there are more down the line.

A Day at the Park

Thursday, October 25, 2012


By some Thai trick of the moon, I am back at school, following another Smart English foul up. This means that my time with mum has been cut short by a week. I am trying to put a brave face on it and not return to the dark days I experienced last term.

My other boss is also trying to get me to work more. I have to beat these people of with shovels to get them to understand. When they only pay 300 lousy baht an hour the stupidity of these situations could make you cry. Repeated attempts to tell her, "I don't want to do any more classes." Goes unnoticed as a further request comes in. Roll on Chumphon!

So Maters last days in Thailand are here and things have quietened down somewhat. We watch movies, she reads books and plays Bridge on the ipad. It ain't bad.

Grace has been pushed off back to school. I had to introduce Christmas as a softener to take away the dread of being forced back to the inane nursery. Oi is going to request she change class as we have spied a potentially venomous teacher, who might be bad to kids. Nothing like China though if you have been reading the Daily Mail lately.

I am trying to negate the effects of chocolate, cheese, crisps and beer by making mean green juices as much as possible. Two jugs so far this week and another planned for tomorrow. The feast that accompanies Mater leaves me feeling bloated and ill, yet strangely irresistible. I survive on a very Spartan diet. An empty fridge is how I get by. Any trace of cookies leads me to immediate failure. My heart has also been giving me lingering dull aches of late too. I need to reverse this before I collapse on the floor and die.

I think Mater has slowly settled down a fraction to how we live out here, to be content with not doing too much. Gradually, the shopping trips have become slightly less frequent and Oi has made a great companion for her, which relieves myself of some of the shopping quests.

After Mater departs, Don is due to arrive. I am not at all in the mood for more company and will have to lay down a very short schedule for him. Else I fear I may lose my rag at some point, which has not happened in years.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Patrick's Visit

Yesterday we went to the floating market in Hat Yai. I hadn't been before and was pleasantly surprised. Another shopping frenzy entailed which saw me being religated to wandering about with Grace while Mater and wife disappeared into the bustling stalls. We hung about, ate ice creams and got lost in the crowd.

Waiting for the long overdue taxi, I suddenly had an urge for male companionship, so I called Patrick. We was keen to see Mater, presumably to talk about Ireland. He and his girlfriend came over and we had a great time drinking beer and recalling Peter O'Toole, Oliver Reed and Richard Harris. I was surprised at how fast Patrrick can drink, possibly slightly faster than me. A rainstorm delayed their departure which led to more drinking, a neck massage for Oi and I managed to get him to watch a fraction of the Laurie Taylor interview with Tom Baker. I was desperate to show him the corker line Tom delivered about someone bottling a fart which poisoned the whole of Dublin. He saw it and was amused. Our merriment, which had transpired to Rolling Stones flick, Shine a Light, was finally brought to a close and they went home.

Friday, October 19, 2012


After a glorious holiday and a cosy train ride home through the night we arrived back in Hat Yai. It really was a fantastic time up in Chumpon. Oi had her job interview, which seems like it was a success and we had a quick look about for houses too. Come March we will head up there again to look for somewhere to live and a job for me.

Back in Hat Yai and Mater has hit the shops once more. Tragically, the crap wiring in our house which the owner refuses to fix led to a power cut while we were away and all the wonderful foods, including tons of cheese, was ruined. Mater rushed out and bought tons more, though I haven't spotted any cheese yet in the crammed fridge. It doesn't matter, normally I try to live on little else than vegatable juice anyway. In the meantime however, I am back to stuffing my face with chocolate, Kettle chips, beer and fine breads and cakes.

Movies abound every night. We are working our way through the 80's mini series Shogan which is highly entertaining and last night we watched The Queen of Spades and Slendour in the Grass. I managed to find a rare movie requested by Mater. One which she has been searching for for forty years, and that even the collosal Andre failed to secure, tragically finding a copy, only to discover it was on a US system and and the thing wouldn't play. I succeeded in minutes and it downloaded overnight. Not bad as only 5 people were seeding it.

I took Mater up the track behind the mountain yesterday to get a glimpse of a tiny fragment of real jungle and the peace of Nature. It was very pleasant.

Grace is having a wonderful time not going to nursery and running about the house.

The ceiling of the porch came crashing down two nights ago. A crap job forcibly reduced in cost by the owner that lasted not 18 months. Luckily, no one was sitting underneath it at the time. I am going to chuck the sodden board over the wall later today.

I have had to stop ranting. Mater gets quite hot when I begin, though she does partially agree, of course. I told her the tale of Don waiting for his breakfast, me joining him and eating museli first. Forty minutes later the fat woman cook came out and got on her bike. Don shouted, "Where's my breakfast?" She replied she was just going to get the eggs. I left him, and went back to my room, unable to witness his fuming face any longer. This and a ton of other frustrating and painful stories.

It's nice to be home after over a week away, and it's even nicier not having to rush back to work yet. I can relax around the house, and leave to girls to go on their shopping trips. Oi told me of the stares they recieved as they stepped out of Robinsons department store with armfuls of shiney green bags stuffed with food and toys.

The routine of tea and coffee making and expert gin and tonics comes easy. The G&T's of course are made with real limes, which, I believe, if the official ingredient. Mater is very controlled, stopping at a single glass. I stagger to bed after about six generous vessals and a heavy helping of Jeremy Paxman's Empire series. "Play up! Play up! Play the game."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Farm

Yesterday was Sunday and we headed for the farm to visit Oi's family and to meet her brother Om in the temple. He has been there nine months now and no sign of quitting. Ironically after completely his time as a monk he is going to join the Mary and become a soldier as he drew the red card from the national lottery all Thai men must face. However, the family are quite pleased as it keeps him off the streets and away from the dangerous drug gangs that ensnare so much of the youth here.

It was a great day out and mum had a fun time. After, we all came back to the beach and everyone went swimming. Grace enjoyed a bathe with grandma Noi splashing about in the sea.

The resort has been a huge success. Mum has been very happy and we are all quite relaxed. The breakfast buffet is excellent and  I down about three cups of coffee every morning. By early afternoon I am ready for a beer and my chosen lunch is predominately tuna sandwich and French fries.

My mum loves the ereader and I put a bunch of books on it before we left Hat Yai. The ipad makes a great distraction for Grace when she starts turning into a monster. I just shout "Ipad!" And she rushes into the room to play quietly on the bed.

I have been thinking about the next six months and the big plan to move up here. We are long overdue this move and I am eager to start packing.

We will probably book our train tickets today and head back home on Thursday. Mum still hasn't done too much in Hat Yai yet, so we are not short of things to do. Meter taxis have just arrived there and are considerably cheaper than the usual extortionate tuk-tuks.  Predictably there was huge opposition to their arrival in the town by the money hungry mafia, but is means shopping trips are a hell of a lot easier for the likes of us.

I have had a great time talking to mum and try to remind myself to keep talking and to discuss all the subjects and ask all the questions I want to know about her life and our family. Actually, as I enjoy writing , I have become aware of the wonder of listening to other people to gain characters and insight for material to write about. Mum comes out with all sorts of things that would never occur to me and I suddenly find myself thinking that this phrase or idea would be great writing material. My own imagination is just too limited to dream up some of the things other people say. Mum has come out with some corkers during our time together here. Her pursuit of coffee and toast, gin and tonic and a nice place to stay is relentless. I am so glad it all came together in this place. The Thai treatment of animals has not gone down well however. Dead dogs by the roadside bring utterances that would put Thai society to shame and verbal Venom spewed forth as an unfortunate crab was captured on the beach and was dismembered to the glee of the natives. Having witnessed such acts for the past ten years poor treatment of animals is hardly enough for me to raise my head anymore. One becomes numbed to such things amid the dirt and general smelliness of the country.

Don is sending me messages again after he has stated he is to be staying with us in November. It will be good to see him as long as he respects the limits of my hospitality. Unfortunately I will be back in full work mode when he arrives so my attention will be strictly limited. I need to concentrate of raising cash now and preparing to relocate. I look forward to concocting some mean green juices with him however and adopting a very healthy diet over the next six months.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chump hon

We caught the night train up to Chumphon on Tuesday. It was two joined compartments which made for a fun and comfortable journey. Dinner, chat, bunk beds and late night gaming carried us though the night until we arrived at about 2 on Wednesday morning. We were greeted by a happy family who whisked us to the monolithic hotel that served us at our wedding four years previous. We climbed into bed and got a few hours rest until daybreak.

Oi's family turned up the next day and we shared breakfast and they drove us into the town where we booked into a rather more pleasant hotel. There is little to do in Chumpon. It's a lot smaller than Hat Yai  and has one major shopping mall. Amid the usual hectic Thai town, full of food stalls and motorcycles. We struggled around the shopping centre, Grace tearing off on her own and exhausting everyone.

The hotel was nice, but staying in the town rapidly became stale and saw us figuring out what do to next.

Various plans were put forward, but all involved much travel and potentially perilous boat or van journeys to sunny islands or beaches.

Finally we left for a day out at a local beach and luckily took our luggage with us just in case we found somewhere nice. And indeed we did.

At Nana beach we came to a fantastic resort. Luxurious bungalows, swimming pool fine dining and bar. Mum rushed in and immediately felt very at home. We have rented two bungalows, one for mum and one for us and can now relax on the balcony and take regular swims and wander back and forth to the restaurant with an array of tasty snacks and drinks. Grace is swimming about three times a day on average and wearing herself out with vigorous exercise. I should mention that he beach opposite the resort is also quite eye wateringly beautiful. I took an early morning stroll at six and returned with the herd in the evening.

Sleeping is never good for me anywhere other than home and there is a vicious strain of mosquito here which has had me scratching all night. Mum is bathed in insect repellent of has faired well in this respect.

Oi's folks pop over to visit armed with handfuls of fruit, including delicious passion fruit. We will take a day trip over to the farm and visit Oi's younger brother, Om, at the temple where is is serving his time as a monk, nine months now and ticking.

Oi had a successful job interview in a quaint, little school neighboring a cave temple. Fortunately, there is no place for me there, as I didn't want to work in the same school. I am not worried about my job search which should be fairly easy. It also helps that the family knows lots of folk here all over whom bend over backwards to help us. Our impending move to these parts in March is looking fairly rosy, though we have a lot of packing to do, houses to find and a huge list of stressful tasks to complete. Yet, I am really looking forward to moving up here and beginning a new chapter.

Mum is very happy at this resort and is soaking up the luxury. Morning coffee, marmalade and toast, gin and tonics, reading by the pool on my highly prized ereader, the occasional dip to cool off and lots of shopping in the town. My collection of towels has risen from a sufficient three to a staggering eleven after a particularly flamboyant shopping trip at recently deceased Carrefour, sadly now renamed to a rather boring Big C Extra.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Mater has arrived in glorious style. A terrific reunion at the airport which saw us waiting at the wrong gate. A swift taxi ride home led to a wonderful present opening bonanza, the chief prize being Ben and Holly's Little Castle. A toy which, miracle as it seems, has lasted more than five minutes and that could put the ipad in danger of redundancy. New dresses, pyjamas and Peppa Pig swimming costumes remained unviewed as the great castle was assembled. We left the tricky sticker labelling espisode until the next day when eyes were slightly more focused.

I was expecting a day of slow recovery. How foolish to even consider such a thing. Shopping! By early afternoon of the following day, kicking about the house was becoming tiresome and Mater and Oi headed for the unsurmountable Tesco's. The usually void fridge was suddenly having to deal with a full load of fine cheeses, yogurts and breads, all of which have been snacked upon at thirty minute intervals. Yes, my waist has expanded within a couple of days. Suddenly I find myself accepting milk and sugar in my coffee and moments of gorging on cheddar and olives. Gin flows like water, and I don't have to fear of finding a hardly sipped glass in the garden following my futile attempts at converting Oi to the fine art of alchoholism.

Did I forget the chocolates? A Christmas tray came, now long devoured, of Mars Bars, Twixes and Milky Ways. During the scoffing, I didn't even have time to mention that my dear friend Joel's father had deigned the wrapper. I suppose I shall save that fact for the next visitation.

Utter boredom approaching within minutes of inactivity saw us scuttling across to Songkhla. I pity the poor taxi driver whom we have adopted and it beckoned at least trice a day for some emerency shopping expedition. I jest, of course. Though, already he has become strangely unavailable.

Songkhla was phenominal. Our poxy local hotel proved sufficient. Fine restaurants, markets, department stores, playgrounds and aquariums all came under the Grand Tour, most of which survived the Empirical onslaught. Even a tropical storm, which sent the night market packing proved insufficient to contain the shopping frenzy. Early the next morning after hasty arrangements to provide the finest ground coffee and freashly baked croissants, were the streets and markets pounded again for an unstoppable shopathon of handbags and pyjamas for Christamas (which is only 3 months away).

Homeweard bound for Hat Yai, we stopped off at the train station to book air con coaches for the next part of our gruelling voyage to Chum Pon, in which, I am being forced to attend a job interview despite arriving at three in the morning. All attempts to question the haste at which events are timed have proved futile. I keep thinking about that joke about the actor landing the husband role in the new play only to be told to go back and get a speaking part!

All in all, it's been fantastic!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Nicholas Parsons

A day of waiting for the pay check to go into the bank. It wasn't so bad. I played a bunch of games on the ipad. I went back over the games and cleared all levels with maximum (ducks, stars, whatever form they come in). Great fun and highly comfortable sitting in an armchair or out on the back porch.

By three the pay had gone into the bank so I went into town, bought a bottle of cheap red wine, two cans of Guinness and picked up Grace on the way back. She's now off school until Grandma arrives and goes home again. I doubt I'll survive! (name that tune). Three ladies in the house! I am hoping it will be like Christmas with acres of wine, blue cheese, Rosy's crackers (Thai version of Ritz and at 9 baht a pack). I have access to a galaxy of movies from yesteryear with Bette Davies and her ilk.

My music resurrection is going well and regular visits to has me coming away with a new load of interesting finds. My latest, which I have asked John Reed for advice on is Ginhouse, hailing from Newcastle in the 70's. On the thread, some guy said they are his pals and would be overjoyed that anyone would still be listening to them. I DL'd it and they sound great. Also got Bridget St. John as Reed recommended.

Confessions of an Opium Eater is probably only for Vincent Price enthusiasts. He is great, but the movie is odd, as expected. It's pretty good but has that "why exactly am I watching this?" feel to it. I am yet to finish, which I will, before watching The Last Detail with Jack Nicholson and a very young looking Randy Quaid, who is a favourite of mine.

My new headphones are getting a lot of play right now. A decent pair and great external sound reduction, rock and roll lives in my head! A lot of Chuck Prophet right now. I do the rounds in my enormous collection, though I always try to have a healthy new batch of musicians coming in too. Kate Bush's Ariel album has a lovely vibe to it.

Not much reading unfortunately, of which I feel utterly ashamed, though Radio 4 programs get regular airplay. The favourites, for the millions of screaming fans on the verge of stabbing themselves to death, are; The News Quiz, with my favourite lesbian Sandi Toksvig, Any Questions, In Our Time, Material World and Science in Action. I confess to not having listened to Just a Minute since Clement Freud died. I must give it a chance before Nicholas Parsons dies or Paul Merton leaves.