An urgent and horrible farewell at the airport and returning to an empty house. I went into her bedroom just to relive the feeling when she was here. The house seems hollow now. Even Grace cannot fill it. When I dwell on the matter, I want to tear it all up. Hat Yai is over for me and I can't wait to move.
Riding home in the taxi from the airport I looked out at the nighttime landscape at the alien surroundings and thinking, "Just how did I wind up here?" The feeling of detachment and isolation, left me longing for something familar.
Mater, and indeed all of us, had a fantastic time together. After the initial awkward settling in period, we eventually settled down into a routine of relative bliss, and things began to fall into place and relaxing times were had by all. It must be said, Oi did a great job of accompanying Mater on the daily shopathons which was much appreciated as I cannot do that.
There is a small pile of goodies to get through which might affect my immediate diet for a while, but I am confident I will be shedding the gained pounds in the near future.
Boring work looms on the horizon. Classes I don't want to attend. Faces I don't want to see. Somehow I must bluff my way through it until March, when we can throw in the towel and head for sandy beaches and new ventures.
Good luck, Mater on your return journey and hope to see you back here soon to fill our days with fun and happiness!
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