A day at the park has been followed up by a night in front of the PC. Strangley energized to know more, I have quested the forums and discovered an enormous treasure trove of goodies. Tons of Stones stuff, I seem to be really into them right now. I remember Jimmy V and I OD'd on them big time in the early 90's and I didn't listen to them for a decade. Now, I return with frightening frequency. Images of Keith kickstart me with an urge to rock out. Also on the trail of Neil Young and the Beatles whom have various secret stuff recently released. Neil still making albums which receive rave reviews in the Guardian and the like.
Times with Mum and Oi have amazingly levelled into a calming stream of easy living. I was thinking that Mum has slipping unconciously into Thai living, of lolling about, idling reading or playing cards. It's got very chilled of late. Mater makes a fine way out for Oi and I when we have had enough of each other. Grace is rolling along nicely too. Being an idiot however, I could easily be wrong.
Carrot, apple and parsley juice this morning at budget prices has me feeling good, and though I am pushing the boat out a bit while Mater remains with the beer and the snacks, I definitely feel a tad healthier. The dull ache in my heart has receded, and I had a coffee today to celebrate.
Just a few days left until Mater departs and sadness is lingering not far away. It really has worked out great and we have had some golden days indeed. I hope there are more down the line.
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