
Thursday, October 25, 2012


By some Thai trick of the moon, I am back at school, following another Smart English foul up. This means that my time with mum has been cut short by a week. I am trying to put a brave face on it and not return to the dark days I experienced last term.

My other boss is also trying to get me to work more. I have to beat these people of with shovels to get them to understand. When they only pay 300 lousy baht an hour the stupidity of these situations could make you cry. Repeated attempts to tell her, "I don't want to do any more classes." Goes unnoticed as a further request comes in. Roll on Chumphon!

So Maters last days in Thailand are here and things have quietened down somewhat. We watch movies, she reads books and plays Bridge on the ipad. It ain't bad.

Grace has been pushed off back to school. I had to introduce Christmas as a softener to take away the dread of being forced back to the inane nursery. Oi is going to request she change class as we have spied a potentially venomous teacher, who might be bad to kids. Nothing like China though if you have been reading the Daily Mail lately.

I am trying to negate the effects of chocolate, cheese, crisps and beer by making mean green juices as much as possible. Two jugs so far this week and another planned for tomorrow. The feast that accompanies Mater leaves me feeling bloated and ill, yet strangely irresistible. I survive on a very Spartan diet. An empty fridge is how I get by. Any trace of cookies leads me to immediate failure. My heart has also been giving me lingering dull aches of late too. I need to reverse this before I collapse on the floor and die.

I think Mater has slowly settled down a fraction to how we live out here, to be content with not doing too much. Gradually, the shopping trips have become slightly less frequent and Oi has made a great companion for her, which relieves myself of some of the shopping quests.

After Mater departs, Don is due to arrive. I am not at all in the mood for more company and will have to lay down a very short schedule for him. Else I fear I may lose my rag at some point, which has not happened in years.

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