
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Days Roll By...

Nearly at a 4 week break and really looking forward to it, though I suspect I won't be going anywhere. Oi is fairly "stay at home" and this ain't the time to take off with the boys. That's okay, I can do some exercise and watch some movies I have been backlogging. I picked up the box set of "Heroes" season 1 and Grey's Anatomy Season 1 & 2 from the black market at discount prices at about 450 Baht a pop. I tried watching "Merlin" and "Crusoe" a while ago but hated both of them. Maybe Merlin was okay. But I have high hopes for Grey's Anatomy, and so far it seems really fun. Heroes? Hmmm...maybe watchable. I like the Japanese comic guy.

Grace is fine and we had a funny one the other day when, as part of my increased services, I gave her a bath. My handling wasn't up to Grandma or Oi's high standard and you could definitely see Grace's shocked and bewildered look as bath time became a very different experience. It was more like swimming. Gone was the safe, secure grasp and holding technique she is so used to. Suddenly, she was facing the wrong way and floating wildly across the tub. "What's going on?" she said with her expression. "This isn't what I'm used to!" Oi and I cracked up at her startled look. She is developing well.

Hopefully soon we will find a new house in a quieter area. We are overdue a move and I long for the county and a garden.

Had a great night last Saturday. Nearly all the boys were out and we hit a couple of different venues which always helps the monotony factor. Karl, the Englander from Chester, had his first great time out with other white people. Poor lad has quite a lot on his plate with kids and all, but every man needs to hit the town once in a while.

Music - Lucinda Williams.

Awesome Forum this week and FOOC is brilliant too.

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