
Sunday, September 13, 2009

From Our Own Correspondant

This weeks show of FOOC is awesome with reports from the dying Dead Sea, aggressive inhabitants of Las Vegas up in arms against Obama's healthcare plans and mad Chinese turtle breeders.

The report on the annual 3 foot drop of the water level in the Dead Sea is particularly interesting, complete with deserted, once-glitzy restaurants a mile from the present waters edge. The river Jordan can be crossed in a couple of paces where it reaches the sea, the reporter says. And, of course there is some crazy plan to pump water from the Red Sea, desalinate it and top up the Dead Sea. Oh boy!

And I find it bizarre how the population of the US are happy for Bush to spend trillions on an illegal war in Iraq, yet when it comes to providing a government healthcare system, they are up in arms, stating it is the route to communism. Hmmm....the American perspective is indeed strange. Apparently, Sarah Palin described the UK NHS as "evil". I found my two stays in UK hospitals to be quite pleasant, despite being ill. Oh well, it they insist on dying in the streets because they can't afford the ginormous bills, then I guess we will just have to let them. And of course, they have been exercising their "right to bear arms" at the healthcare meets.

I see Chavez is borrowing 2 billion from Putlin to buy weapons. He says they are to defend against Colombia's US arms fed build up. More like against his own poor people marching to get him out. We really have to sort out this leadership thing.

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