
Saturday, November 14, 2009


The house is coming together very nicely. Oi has done a fantastic job of getting it into shape. Actually, it looks kinda swish. There is still tons to do, of course, and the garden is quickly returning to jungle as I haven't got around to it yet. Oi's mum arrives tonight though, so I thought I might be cheeky and leave it to her for the interim.

I am back on the download path, which is a mixed blessing, though I got "L'appartment" with Monica B. (the sexy French one) which is a brilliant movie. These Rapidfind forums are incredibly awesome and house hundreds of great films.

The boys came over last night. Everyone has had a bad week and Don got fired from his school. He refused to teach some bad kids and wanted to talk to their parents. Thai arse mentally is appallingly bad sometimes. They will remain in the Stone Age for the considerably future I am sure.

Looks like Thaksin is trying to start a fight between Thailand and Cambodia. That guy is a super villian AKA James Bond Blowfelt style. A real cunt and a half. The king should kick his whole family out of the kingdom and send a hitman to take out the grinning prick once and for all.

My playroom in the house is super cool. Big TV, comp, internet, guitars and plenty of room for class preparation.

I'm doing quite a few hours now of private class which is kind of bearable but I might make it a temporary thing as I want to enjoy a full weekend.

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