
Monday, November 30, 2009

Dragon Age Origins

How embarrassing. I have been completely captured by this new game. Actually, it's more like a mighty quest and more exciting than The Lord of the Rings. I can't stop playing it. Every available moment is taken to furthering my party, desperately trying to get my Mage to the next level (8) and more spells and power! Huge game and great story. For the moment it has cast a shadow over thief, but never fear, you will have your day, Garrett! Once the quest is over. Oh God! When will it be over.

My PC died on me the other day. Luckily, I have great relations with the owner of a PC shop and she came and picked it up on Sunday night, took it away, repaired it and put a 1 Terrabyte hard drive in there to boot. Brought it back the next day. Awesome.

Still, loving the new house and Grace is growing in leaps and bounds. I can't keep up with her anymore. First, it was one new thing she could do, then another, then another...and now she is firing on all fours; looking, learning, absorbing...she's like some kind of quick-learning robot who will out-do us by day's end. And very cute too.

I have seen some good movies; The Countess (I think they must have been playing Thief as the sets are identical to the game; hence I loved it. More when I remember.

I now have 90 days of rapidshare and the mass DL will continue.

Garden is looking cool, but needs work and ideas.

I am working 6 days a week now which is proving problematic for my down time energy recharge, though I got myself swimming again which gives me a boost, though I have reduced laps to 12, as opposed to original 20. I go on the philosophy that some is better than none, and yes, it makes a huge differences and I am feeling great once again.

Obviously, I am quite busy now and have daily errands as I go into town every day. It's fun. I like going around the shops and engaging the locals. I hate Tesco though. At the store here they have about 50 check-outs and about 3 open at any one time. Thais queue patiently, long aisles leading into the food court. I can't understand why they are not shoving their trolleys into the counters and storming out. I would love to have a word with the manager - just to see what a cunt he is.

Time is pressing...

1 comment:

Robert said...

Why not go to Carrefour then?
Mojo and me go to market every Saturday for fresh fruit and veggies from the local fields.