
Thursday, June 30, 2011

What the World is Now

Jiddu Krishnamurti

When one loses the deep intimate relationship with nature, then temples, mosques and churches become important.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.

Only in relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction and certainly not in isolation. The movement of behavior is the sure guide to yourself. It's the mirror of your consciousness: this mirror will reveal its content, the images, the attachments, the fears, the loneliness, the joys and sorrow. Poverty lies in running away from this, either in its sublimations or its identities.

The description is not the described; I can describe the mountain, but the description is not the mountain, and if you are caught up in the description, as most people are, then you will never see the mountain

If you voluntarily and intelligently put aside this craving to possess, then you will create a society not based on compulsion and exploitation.

As long as you remain within that field of the culture, of society, of greed, of envy, of achievement, you are not a free human being. You may think you have free will, but you are just part of this monstrous society, a conditioned human being.
You must find out for yourself what it is you love to do. Don't think in terms of choosing a vocation in order to fit into society, because in that way you will never discover what you love to do. When you love to do something, there is no problem of choice. When you love, and let love do what it will, there is right action, because love never seeks success, it is never caught up in imitation; but if you give your life to something which you don't love, you will never be free. But merely doing whatever you like is not doing what you love to do. To find out what you really love to do requires a great deal of penetration, insight. Don't begin by thinking in terms of earning a livelihood; but if you discover what it is you love to do, then you will have a means of livelihood.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gloves Off

Perhaps it is because I have been picking up the news again, but then again, what prompted me to do that, yet it seems that we appear to be in the free fall that folks have been barking on about now for the past few decades. Things are getting really ugly in all manner of areas. A bit like watching a tower of little piggies or monkeys collapse in Angry Birds, when you know you scored a direct hit and the whole fucking lot comes down.

Briefly, let's look at it.

Economics is buggered. The lies and endless "everything's fine" has just melted away. People are actually physically hungry and fighting back against the controlling authorities. Jobs are vanishing, homes are overcrowded and further education is now only reachable by the wealthy. The resentment is spreading like a cancer around the world as hopes and dreams fizzle away in a puff of green smoke. Food costs are soaring. Now you pay more and you get less. I noticed a lot less folks in the supermarket last week, shelves stacked full of expensive, imported items. Even the street food is hard to afford at the end of the month. This war is on the streets, and all that cash spent on guns was really for the uprising of its own people.

Environment. Best not go there. In a place like Thailand, whole chunks of mountains lie exposed and machines digging up earth for ever more crummy flats built by fat cunts for poor folks to carry out domestic abuse in tiny rabbit hutches. The late rush for resources means the gloves are really off and the big, bun fight has begun. Disputed territories are soft targets for tension. Those superpowers need their boilers stoked. Weather, constant floods on my side of the world, no trees? Who gives a fuck? As long as we can build more....blah, blah, blah

Health. Another young dad died at the school last week. This one was 36. Poor little kid in class was hardly aware that anything was wrong. Cancer and diseases stemming from dirty air and cramped, stressful lives sends people to an early grave.

Tech. This ideology that tech is the answer and will save us is a bit limp wristed, isn't it? It hasn't saved us yet. Smart phones and Ipads have some work to do. They are just the tools pushing us ever faster over the edge.

Sometimes when I am riding about the town, I say to myself, "Is this a cool place"? Or is it actually a dirty, smelly shitheap?" And most of the populated world looks like this.

Is it gonna be any better next year? Or in 5 years? Or in 10 years? I don't honestly see how.

Aljazeerza Viewing

Just sat through, "To the Last Drop", a Witness show on the Aljaz website. OMFG! The oil sands extraction project is a third the size of Norway and the rivers and towns within 50 kms have got 13 heavy metals, massive increases in rare cancers, leukemia and other nasty diseases. The fish are all rotten and deformed. Independant scientists have carried out in depth studies to come up with the stats that this is dicing with death. But nothing can stop the machine. All the major oils companies are there and money coming in from all over the world. Politicians throw up confusing data signals to allow the extraction to go ahead year after year. One chap said that this was so crucial that one could use it as the tipping point for the future of humanity on Earth. And this is coming from Canada. Not China, not the Middle East, but the home of maple syrup.

Watch and weep, if you have the guts...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Oh, I had a terrifying nightmare last night about an alien invasion. It was so real and scary I woke up and that was my beauty sleep over at 3.00am. Perhaps it was brought on by toom uch Crysis 2 and watching a UFO video on the Daily Mail website...I guess I will never know.

Thailand is set for general elections this weekend and it is anticipated that Thaksin's sister will win and then the army will move in to prevent her taking power. Awesome stuff. Sad really, but also amusing as the human beans scramble over each other for power.

Right now I am deeply engrossed in the book Game of Thrones on my ereader and looking forward to getting beyond what has been covered in the TV series. I would particularly recommend this to Collett's whom, as I remember, enjoy a good fantasy epic.

Also, downloaded, and yet to be watched is a Russian WW2 movie "The Brest Fortress" which is supposed to be fantastic.

Glastonbury looked a bit weird from the press coverage.

It should be noted Burma's cunt government just banned actress Michelle Yeoh who played Aung San Suu Kyi in a new movie. Those cunts really are as dumb and shit as they profess themselves to be. There's quite a lot happening in SE Asia right now, and most of it pretty stupid, especially crappy words from an old buffoon like me.

New song on the player at the top of the screen; Yellow Cab by the Stones from Through the Vaults Darkly.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Rock and Read

Teeming millions on the moons of Uranus are currently rocking out to Chuck Prophet as they read the latest adventures of their distant action hero.

This new facility took some Internet wizardry, but eventually He figured it out and with a plethora of tunes to inflict upon the universe He will attempt to change the melody frequently.

He was scanning through the programmes page on Aljazeera and quickly remembered how He had angered the world with what He had witnessed. Nay! Nothing had changed. A show on the rising masses in Spain and then another on global dirty money and how the world banks keep it rolling is enough to make an honest man turn away and walk into the forest never to be seen again. It makes a mockery of anyone attempting to live by the method in which he was raised. He wishes He had an invisibility cloak and go and pump all guilty parties full of hot lead. Alternatively, He could just retire to the garden and attempt to forget.

Weekend is here and We assaulted the garden and dug up a plant that we had bought near on two years ago and had spread like a weed. Eventually, we agreed that neither of Us liked it, so out it came. I also threw tons off fallen fruit over the garden wall and conducted a massive clean up operation. Now, the garden doesn't look half bad.

Those who missed His recommendation of Norwegian flick, "The Troll Hunter", here is a reminder to whet your appetite;

Mother and Daughter

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friday Morning

Almost the weekend, not that there is really much difference between weekdays and weekends, but that is where we are at.

At school, the boss's niece has joined Phit and I for some experience. She is 19 and a very nice girl; polite and fun, just like her aunt. She is with us for a month which makes a nice change from the usual 2 man show. School is going well and we are pushing the kid's limits ever further this year. I have got some great songs, an area that needed much development from DreamEnglish off Utube. This guy is great, and Grace loves watching them too. Night Garden is ancient history, though Peppa Pig is still very popular. I just DL'd a bunch of The Wiggies videos to see if Grace likes them.

I had real bad chest pains last Sunday which took about 3 days to wear off. I totally detoxed off tea and coffee and beer, of course. Luckily it went away, but these things act, in my opinion, as warning signs, to be regarded with respect, so I shall try damn hard to stay off the toxins. My main diet is water, cornflakes and Thai food. That's it. I rarely eat anything else, as most of it is too expensive. Anyway, I had a couple of beers last night, as I had the thirst, and sat out back on my own listening to some tunes. As long as I control it, it is fine. Unfortunately, when I am with my buddies I tend to get carried away and want to party. Oi says I am normally sick for 2 of 3 days after one of these occassions. Others buds are also trying to cut back on the booze, but as any man knows, it is a hard thing to do.

Things are pleasant and quiet. I have been reading Game of Thrones and watched the end of the TV series which was awesome. Sean Bean gets his head cut off! Also, I have been in the garden which needs constant attention. I have to dress in full clothing to minimize the mozzie bites to do this.

Two great movies; Age of Heroes and one from Norway, "The Troll Hunter"

Signing off.....

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011


It was Patrick's birthday yesterday and he invited me over. I hadn't seen him in about 3 months. He was very kind and we all (Tom and Danny) had a good time drinking beer (Beer Lao) and watching the Led Zep Albert Hall concert.

Actually, quite a few things have smoothed out lately, where there has been bad shit going on between friends and collegues. I really try to stay totally neutral and non-commital with people I know so as not to cause friction. I try to live very quietly and let things take their course. But I have noticed this approach can aggrevate people too. Sometimes you just can't win. However, as I said, lately, things have been chugging along nicely.

There is an open field across the road and Oi and I have started taking Grace there in the evenings where she can run about. It's good fun. We are going to get a big ball and a kite one day soon. There is always a breeze in the valley we live in, which will be great for kite flying.

Grace has moved on from In the Night Garden to Peppa Pig. Now she follows the words that are being said. As a family, we have had lots of simple and warm fun of late. Being at home is the nicest thing.

The boss's niece is coming to train with me and Phit for a month starting tomorrow. I warned her that she might be a bit shocked at my teaching method. We have been having great results already this term and the reading passage homeworks I have set bring great results the following week when the kids come back and proudly read the entire passage on their own in front of the class. Sometimes I have to hide the tears when some of these kids are bursting with pride at the incredible feat they have achieved. I am looking to do some private classes but the well seems dry for me. Hopefully, something will come up.

Oi has been busy making T-shirts. The patterns she sews on them are really cool and she is hoping to sell them soon.

I still have some back pains and a sore knee (from skipping without shoes), but I have started lifting weights at home and cutting back on time spent in front of the PC. In fact, I have been doing quite a lot of gardening as there is always leaves to sweep and weeds to hoe, and we have the occassional bonfire which is always great fun.

Two great new movies are; 5 Days of August and Age of Heroes.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Phew! It's been games, games, games.

The game tsunami has broken and there is a huge flood of games on the market.

I have spent the last few days fighting through Crysis 2, which is incredible. On top of this Duke Nukem Forever has become available. It looks kinda dated but may prove fun.

And we just discovered this game Terraria which, by being very clever, I can play and host a server so Oi and I can exist in our own little fantasy world, and you can join too. It is a 2D lemmings type environment, no rules, but you have to build a cabin pronto as at night zombies and flying eyeballs come to kill you. It's fun and I am keen to play with Oi, who strangely is not as enthusiastic as I am. Still.

Tony, Danny and Bruce called around last night. I was fairly blasted so didn't get to enjoy their company as much as I should have, but I believe it went well. Tony is a great guy - very fun and cuddly, and a keen gamer. I mean to supply him with a vertitable horde of games.

Settlers of Titan, Jupiter's 9th moon have been pestering me for a list of top games. To calm the masses, here it is;

1. Bulletstorm. A great fun blast fest.
2. Singularity. Another fun blast fest.
3. Dead Space 2. Awesome and scary.
4. Crysis 2. It has to make the list.

If you want some fun, get any of these.

Terraria - Come Play with Me in My World

Get this amazing fun game, very small, and come to IP

I can host and play with me and Oi on our 2 machines.

This game is unreal, actually it is like living in a 2D Lemmings environment.

Find it. Get it. Install it. and join the IP no. above.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I think

Thursday evening and a few words.

School has been going very well. I have been swimming a couple of times this week and done a spell of skipping. A new and free hobby. After school, I come home and have a blast of gaming. Lately, Witcher 2 which has been fun, if intense. It's nearly completed and I have switched to Bullet Storm for a replay of fun blasting.

I saw Tom and Tony on Tuesday, both of whom are in good spirits.

Oi is busy making T-shirts and her latest ones are really nice.

I was thinking to myself how peaceful our life is. We don't persue anything, just enjoy relaxing and lounging about. I keep thinking that the best thing man can do in life, is nothing.

As I scan the papers and odd TV show, things seem to be getting very surreal in the real world. Society and civilisation is metamophazizing into something very strange and alien. sometimes I think the whole thing will drive itself over a cliff.

There is a bunch of guys in town that I know, all busy busy, working and partying, and yet most seem like they lack something or are looking in the wrong way to try to find something. Maybe I am just an advocate of marriage these days, like an old fool.

Oi and I have been getting on pretty well lately. I think after nearly 3 years perhaps we really know each other and can both relax into the long ride of marriage. My thinking about whom I married was quite logical and a tad calculated, and at first perhaps I wasn't sure. But, somehow I knew that I had made the right decision and that the benefits of marrying a person like Oi would come later on, a few years down the track. Like a good Thai person, Oi's objective is to attain a state of "sabai" (relaxed) and if that is still outside on the porch watching a shower, then that is it. Things are approached with thought, but with a view to maintaining a state of calm. That's how we exist at home. I remember with Egg, he always knew the perfect time to change the current activity.

And the other quote that stays with me, which I spoke of to Peter the other day, "Don't worry about what hasn't happened.". If you follow this things chug along very nicely, for me anyway.

Opting to live a simple life brings a lot of happiness. I think.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Saturday late morning and chilling from the working week. I was quite tired last night and still have a minor cold. Tom came over though and we had some drinks and some laughs out back. He stayed over in the new air con toy room, so he was fairly comfortable.

This morning I went to check out this new swimming pool near to our home and I will go there for swims on Monday. it's nice and big and very peaceful, so it will be a good place to clear my head and get some space.

Grace is much better though still has a snotty nose. Her sense of humour is growing and she is gettting more cheeky and fun by the day.

School has been fun as we begin the new year and I am determined to turn these brats into superkids by the years out.

Our boss is sending her niece to train with me which will be interesting. As not much ever really happens to me anymore, being a dad, staying at home and working with only one person, my life is fairly uneventful, so it will be cool to have something new happen in it.

These days, if I neglect fitness, I suffer for it, so as of Monday I shall be back on a regular routine.

Gaming has taken a backseat as my lower back suffers from sitting in the chair too long.

I set the hammock up in the garden for some outdoor chilling out.