
Friday, June 24, 2011

Rock and Read

Teeming millions on the moons of Uranus are currently rocking out to Chuck Prophet as they read the latest adventures of their distant action hero.

This new facility took some Internet wizardry, but eventually He figured it out and with a plethora of tunes to inflict upon the universe He will attempt to change the melody frequently.

He was scanning through the programmes page on Aljazeera and quickly remembered how He had angered the world with what He had witnessed. Nay! Nothing had changed. A show on the rising masses in Spain and then another on global dirty money and how the world banks keep it rolling is enough to make an honest man turn away and walk into the forest never to be seen again. It makes a mockery of anyone attempting to live by the method in which he was raised. He wishes He had an invisibility cloak and go and pump all guilty parties full of hot lead. Alternatively, He could just retire to the garden and attempt to forget.

Weekend is here and We assaulted the garden and dug up a plant that we had bought near on two years ago and had spread like a weed. Eventually, we agreed that neither of Us liked it, so out it came. I also threw tons off fallen fruit over the garden wall and conducted a massive clean up operation. Now, the garden doesn't look half bad.

Those who missed His recommendation of Norwegian flick, "The Troll Hunter", here is a reminder to whet your appetite;

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