
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Few Days

Wednesday now and I get off work at a ludicrus 10.30. I had Dim Sum with Phit and then came home.

The kindergarten kids are funny and this week we have a fun time for them in the playroom - songs and games. Next week I shall introduce the hard line of work and give them a little shock. Generally I let let into the playroom once a month.

Between classes we are still looking for a new house. We have looked at three so far and am going to look at another today. It's a tricky thing to do, and I want to make sure we get a good deal. My boss and Thai collegues have all been super in helping us.

Oi, not working, has made the present house very nice and evrything is hunky dorey.

I have been downloading podcasts like crazy. I got some great ones for meditation and falling asleep. The BBC Radio 4 ones are great. Generally, I DL a few, then spend the next couple of days lying on the rear balcony listening to them.

Oi is six months pregnant now and is getting bigger, though not too big yet. I was a bit scared that she would be massive and that there might be problems, but so far so good.


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