.....Broadsword calling Poppy.....Poppy?.....Can you hear me?
Can't hear you with all the bullets whizzing about overhead. Do hope you're all right. Hope I haven't sent you into a bloody warzone!
Nevermind. Chocks away, eh Old Sport?
I sincerely hope your teachings are going well and that all is fine with you and loved ones in the tropics. Is it devilishly hot out there?
Everything's fine here in deepest Siam, old chum. Back to the old school house tomorrow morning. I have to get up bright and early and whip the little buggers into shape. Spare the rod and spoil the child, I say! Keep them down where they can't hurt you.
Have made two rather expensive and select purchases of late which may be of interest to you. One is a Nano Ipod and super speaker system that can fair blow the bollocks of a Siamese Tiger Fish I shouldn'y wonder. I have since transferred a great and diverse selection of tunes, known to you and I, to the said speaker which I play at very loud volume when needs fit. Unfortunatley I, as indeed are you, am getting on therefore loud does not necessarily mean loud and the concrete walls here are extremely dense making it almost impossible for sound to transfer between dwellings. Still, I digress.
The second is a ginormous television set of a massive 40". Fantastic for movies, Peter. Fantastic for movies. I watched Nicholas and Alexandra today, Peter. It was fantastic. The sweeping Russian plains and the beautiful ballrooms of St. Petersberg, Peter. It was breathtaking. I do hope you can pop over one day and catch one with me.
Control is wondering why you have not yet established an operational HQ as of yet. Control is somewhat perterbed at this news and lack of progress. I hope Glowworm is not reclining in the hammock a little too much while he should be establishing internet contact with Mother, Control and Tony, for that matter.
Now we're all just sitting around waiting for the baby to arrive. It's a little off-putting. It's so calm and serene right now, I hopes it's not going to be too much of a shock. Then again, you're the man to ask. I will still get time to do all those wonderful things I do to fill up my day, won't I? Peter, I emplore you, Tell me it is so!
Oh! You beast. You're worse than I am. How dare you imply such a thing!
Oh well, times a ticking and I had best be getting along.
Take care, old fruit and love to the family
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