
Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Rainy Night

Friday and, as usual, I am fairly exhausted and, with the prospect of a kindergarten class at 10.30 tomorrow morning, not to excited about life.

I did however call Tom, who is hovering about the local Lantern Festival oggling beautiful girls, so he may call around once he has checked out enough skirt. Hopefully happiness rides with him.

Old Man Don is back in town next weekend from his new job up country in Ranong and is bringing good times back with him. He does do wonders at times.

Christmas next week and I am booked to teach at night and O, Egg's best friend in Sadao, is getting married. I am not keen on the prospect of having to ride and return 50k's in the dark up to old Sadao or having to teach. I would much rather be getting lashed with my pals. We shall have to see what concurs.

Whatever happens tonight I shall definitely hook up with Tom and Patrick tomorrow. We have become great friends and always have a hoot. The loss of Don and Danny (and Lee last year, who disappeared up his own arse) hit hard and new friends are hard to come by now I am hitched and with babe.

I am back on Dragon Age and combating mercenaries in the city of Denim, taking a little time out of the main quest and building up my party experience a tad. I am getting quite clever of leaving games alone for a few days before going back to them.

2012? What a shit film. A total joke and so embarassing for Will Meredith lookalike, John Cusack. So fucking bad.

More later... Dragon Age beckons...

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