
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Get Onboard

Wednesday afternoon and a breather from rigorous teaching, though this week I am having to sit through 4 screenings a day of "The Snowman". I still love it surprisingly and am now analysing the tiniest part of the movie (like the 2 sheep on the mountain) and the inconsistencies.

Back at home and picked up Red Faction PC game for some blasting fun. Will head back to Dragon Age presently, but also utilizing my rapidshare account. Got hold of; Collapse, new Eric Bibb albums, The Who (Tommy live in New York (1969), Edward O. Wilson on ant society, 2012 (don't bother - even Oi thought it was "impossible") among others.

Bought a bunch more plants for the garden and back on to the BBC podcasts. Actually, on the Film Programme this week they were talking about that awersome movie "The Queen of Spades". It makes my top 5 movies of all time;

1. The Duellists.
2. Murphy's War.
3. The Queen of Spades.

I have seen some other blinding flicks lately. I urge you to check out QoS as it is unbelievably spooky.

Christmas is here and with it comes seasonal glumness and the desire to drink. Patrick and Tom make good company at this time and Tom brings a weekenders ration of happiness with every visit which is horribly welcome.

BIG NEWS...Grace, as of 5 o'clock this morning, can flip onto her belly.

Driving to work I tend to yell obsenities at the high speeding utes as they go wizzing past me, and I remind myself of the theory I heard that that cunts and bad people tend to wipe themselves out through their own mis-doings - so I vocally remind them of this and send them on their way. Horrible to see Thai folk turn into materialistic, mean and grim-faced wankers but there you go.

I see Gordon Brown is claiming to save the world again by piping up at Copenhagen. I still support anarchy and see it as a far more peaceful and long-lasting regime than monetary institutions can provide. I still believe that the greatest danger lies in personal corruption and the simple equation that power leads to corruption and that anyone who thinks they can obtain these things and remain pure of heart is almost certainly wrong. Good people will not pursue these things by its very nature, so those that do inevitably fall to corruption even if they are ignorant of the fact.

I heard there is less than 50 Siberian Tigers out there now. 'Twil be a day of shame when the last of the animals leaves us to our own fate. Yes, we will die alone when we have taken all that is good out of the world. Maybe the odd cockroach, rat, cat, dog. Ho Ho Ho...

Meanwhile I'm going to kick back with Eric Bibb's newish album "Get Onboard".

Happy holidays, folks. Oh, I forgot, you're too busy working.

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