
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tony's Book

I had to post these comments from The Guardian about the imminent release of our Tony's book. That's Tony Blair, btw. Enjoy...

"I the undersigned, confess to serious breaches of international law and hand myself over to the custody of the Hague..."

A Journey from Idealism into Insanity, The Tony Blair Story. With free pull out comic about the Iraq War!

Fans, Fans?? Fuck me, disciples although misguided and few in number possibly, but Fans...
I would hope that anyone leaving a book shop with this pulp in waiting would have the good grace to request a brown paper bag.

He should have called the book
Tony Blair or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
or alternatively
Tony Blair on The Road to Damascus (Then Baghdad, then Kabul, then Tehran...)

We can only hope that there will be several attempts to make that citizen's arrest on September 1st. The more his crimes can be kept in the spotlight, the better the chance that he might eventually end up in The Hague, hopefully along with everyone else in his cabinet who voted for the carnage and destruction in Iraq.

The 'Mein Kampf' of our generation ? I'm surprised the title is 'The Journey', perhaps 'The Crusade' would have been more appropriate ?

I wouldn't use the unctuous one's book as toilet paper. If it was up to me he'd be writing the second volume from a jail cell in the Hague.
Blair, you are the pits.

I'd rather cut my own eyes out than buy a copy of that murderer's book.

Why doesn't he just sign a load of books and leave them on the table before the shop opens?

creepy cover for a creepy guy

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