
Sunday, October 17, 2010

China Japan

There's a whole load of shit kicking off between China and Japan. Both sides staging mass protests against each other.

I should not be surprised at how nationalistic most people are. I have always seen myself as separate from everything, "Just Passin' Through" as a badge mon frere used to have stated. But most people are still willing to lay down their lives for some turd at the top of the heap. Westerners who are educated can see the bigger picture and are more likely turned away from violence and causes, but the masses who remain deliberately uneducated are perfect cannon fodder and are chomping at the bit for a scrap.

There is a lot of crazy stuff going on right now. It wouldn't take much to tip it over the edge all over the world. The US seems as determined as the Muslim world to meet the enemy face to face and Europe seems to be struggling to find a foothold in these times. All this freedom has allowed the place to become flooded and unable to do anything.

The spending cuts affecting UK right now are horribly scary. They seem to be slashing everything, and yet there seems to be no willingness to reform the finance system. But then when would the powers that be ever let themselves go hungry. Greed is expotentially addictive. The fatal flaw in Man.

The Bhuddist philosophy of "walk the middle road" and Kristna Murtu's phrase of "I am nothing." need a little airplay.

And of course developing countries, like Thailand, are still falling over each other to buy a new car etc. no regard to any environmental situations. And all the crap corporations from the US still flooding over to Asia for cheap labour and no legislation that might help things. Slitting our own throats and lying through our teeth.

Is the golden age for the USA over as the sleeping dragon rises? China want payback for Japanese attrocoties in WW2? Sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The French have big balls. The whole nation is in uprise at having their workers' rights cut. The Spanish reaction was lame.

I think Europe will be out of the Chinamerica fight and live a recyclable domestic European market type economy. I hope so anyway.