
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Don's Leaving

Don leaves for the North tomorrow. It's a long way, and I am wondering how long it will be before I see him again. Maybe I am being dramatic, but things could go differently this time, and Don may not becoming back to Hat Yai. Just maybe to visit. I have known him for about 7 years I suppose and we get along pretty well. He is not too serious about much and he likes to discuss current affairs, health and the environment. Anyhow, we wish him well on his journey to the North.

I have been listening to BBC radio quite a lot and it continues to inform and entertain. It's amazing how content I am to drift around the house and garden, drinking orange juice and coffee all day long, eating snacks and sitting out on the back porch doing very little. I did get to work on the garden though and have done a good job of weeding and swept up all the leaves, knowing the next morning there would be a fresh carpet for me to sweep up again.

Interesting talk about the West admitting utter defeat on its wars in the Middle East and in fear of mass attacks in Europe and the increase of terrorism. One prof was even saying we didn't even know why we fought these wars and they had no meaning. And concentrating on one or two targets while the rest of the world woke up and joined in. They talked of the uprise and confidence of South America now and new terror groups. And that we have made the enemy hate us.

Interesting thoughts for a cloudy day, sitting, looking up through the leaves...

Armoured Princess nearing completion. It has been fabulous.

Oi is enjoying new found freedom with the bike and my ability to hand out thousand Baht bills with the words, "Enjoy yourself.". She's been having fun buying stuff and going out. The neighbour and Oi have become good friends and as she has a big 4x4 and no one to have fun with, Oi has answered the call and also getting lonely at home. Now she goes out to get her hair washed and she can buy tasty snacks for me. Like the delicious spring rolls she brought home yesterday.

Yes, I'm a bit embarrassed about my easy life of late. I have a very practical approach and go around giving out handy tips on how to unscrew something or a better way to manage the bins. We don't miss a trick. Oi has been learning about my cross checking and manipulation of a potentially bad situation. Like, conversations with the landlady and nosey people. I think she is catching on.

More later....

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