
Friday, August 10, 2012


Ah! I am blogging from my iPad I don't know if this is a good thing in terms of ease but I suppose I don't have to sit at the PC anymore, something which feels more and more uncomfortable, and with my ailing back, am glad to be rid of. That and diseases like my addiction to Stronghold Kingdoms, which thankfully has come to an end.

Indeed, the iPad has now opened up Skype as much more of an option as I can now stroll around the house, eat lunch or go to the toilet and still talk to my brother. Please join me as I urinate, everyone is doing it.

With all this incredible technology, sometimes I wonder what the hell I should do with it. Watching the world distintergrate I generally try to do as little as possible. I look at this big pile of options and just can't decide where to step off, or on. However, brother has inspired me to make a website of handouts for children which can make me some lovely dosh.

Life is about riding home from school at midday and stopping of at the chemist to buy some Guinness, which I can then enjoy while sitting out on the porch and admire the garden. Most older folks I have encountered seem to end up doing this, so I just brought the clock forward a bit. Funny, you get these judges, doctors, quantity surveyors and the like, and after commanding huge salaries and doing highly skilled and stressful work, want nothing more than to prune the roses and get tiddly. 

Trouble with this keyboard. The auto spelling is destroying my writing and it keeps jumping back up into the text and deleting my masterpiece.

I recall my last boss in UK, Mike Sellens, who would stroll around eating fancy pastries and making comments about the weather and his garden

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